[問題] 回場規則
※ [本文轉錄自 basketballTW 看板]
作者: jasonkeen (前十字韌帶重建中) 看板: basketballTW
標題: Re: [問題] 回場規則
時間: Tue Jul 3 21:34:20 2007
※ 引述《jasonkeen (前十字韌帶重建中)》之銘言:
: 第二節伊朗後衛
: 在中場線停球後兩腳跨在前後場,腳都沒有離開地面
: 裁判吹哨回場
: 第三節李學林回場
: 運球至中線,一腳跨過中線,球未過中線,運球狀態,收球
: 裁判吹哨回場
: 請問回場判定規則有改嗎?跟我原本的認知有點差距耶。
Art. 30 Ball returned to the backcourt
30.1 Definition
30.1.1 The ball goes into a team's backcourt when:
It touches the backcourt. It touches a player or an official who
has part of his body in contact with the backcourt.
30.1.2 The ball has been illegally returned to the backcourt when a player
of the team in control of the live ball is:
The last to touch the ball in his frontcourt, after which that
player or a teammate is the first to touch the ball in the
The last to touch the ball in his backcourt, after which the
ball touches the frontcourt and then is first touched by that
player or team-mate in the backcourt.
This restriction applies to all situations in a team's frontcourt, including
Redick, 你在杜克傳統的20球連續三分球練習中最糟糕的紀錄是多少?
節錄自 conan《少年耶,安啦!系列之三》 J.J.Redick
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
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※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
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