[分享] 馬林魚恐再次因為不花錢被球員工會申訴

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原文連結:https://reurl.cc/rE8RZ4 作者:Ken Rosenthal 內文提到以下幾個面向: 一、馬林魚的體質和經營團隊問題不小 1.去年休賽季只簽下 Cal Quantrill 這張大聯盟合約(1yr/3.5M) The Marlins signed only major-league free agent during the offseason, right-hander Cal Quantrill for one year, 3.5M. 2.開季的陣中明星只剩拿下2022年國聯賽揚獎的新魚王 Sandy Alcantara ,但不意外的 話季中會被交易,因為他薪資高達17.3M (AAV 11.2M) Rather than add the necessary salaries, the Marlins are far more likely to trade Alcantara, who at $17.3 million is by far their highest-paid player. Their payroll will drop even lower if they move Alcantara, whose $11.2 million average annual value is the relevant figure in luxury-tax calculations. 3.總是用投資基礎建設來搪塞有達到CBA規定,但忽略2024年剛吞下百敗的事實 The CBA requires clubs to use revenue-sharing dollars "in an effort to improve (their) performance on the field." The Marlins seem prepared to use an argument often advanced by teams with low payrolls: "We are spending. On infrastructure! On technology! On staffing!" The Marlins, coming off a 100-loss season and the voluntary departure of 2023 NL Manager of the Year Skip Schumaker, likely will wait a while longer. 4.把隊上包含 Luis Arraez, Jazz Chisholm Jr., Tanner Scott, Jake Burger 等明星 或潛力球員交易掉,但換來的是農場排名在《The Athletic》中第18、 《Baseball America》中第21的中後段名次 Bendix, since taking over in November 2023, has made more than 25 trades. Many involved decent names — Luis Arraez, A.J. Puk and Jazz Chisholm Jr.; Tanner Scott, Jake Burger and Jesús Luzardo. Yet, the Marlins' farm system ranks only 18th, according to The Athletic's Keith Law. Baseball America rates it 21st. 5.且過去十年在自由市場的操作頻頻失敗,包括陳偉殷和 Avisaíl García 的高薪合約 或 Jean Segura, Johnny Cueto, Tim Anderson 的短期合約都沒有帶來預期的效果 Spending money isn't always the answer. The Marlins over the past decade repeatedly have been burned in free agency, from big deals for Wei-Yin Chen and Avisaíl García to smaller ones for Jean Segura, Johnny Cueto and Tim Anderson. 6.以上導致目前的40人名單中,只有 Sandy Alcantara, Cal Quantrill, Jesús Sánchez, Anthony Bender 這四名球員有超過三年的大聯盟資歷 Only four players on the Marlins' 40-man roster have more than three years of major-league service: Alcantara, Quantrill, outfielder Jesús Sánchez and reliever Anthony Bender. - 二、跟其他同樣仰賴分潤的球隊相比,還要擺爛的多 1. 2018年工會就曾經對馬林魚、運動家、海盜和光芒提出共享收益相關的申訴,2019年 也提出過類似申訴,而這些申訴有些被撤回,但針對馬林魚的部分時至今日有效 The union in 2018 brought a revenue-sharing grievance against the Marlins, A's, Pittsburgh Pirates and Tampa Bay Rays, and another in 2019 against the Marlins, Pirates and Rays. One of the complaints was dropped, according to people briefed on the process. The two against Miami remain active. 2.去年同樣被警告的運動家,在休賽季透過簽自由球員和延長合約將團隊薪資提高了40M The A's needed to add tens of millions to their luxury-tax payroll or risk a grievance from the Major League Baseball Players Association. The A's, who through a series of free-agent signings and contract extensions have boosted their luxury-tax payroll since December by almost $40 million. - 三、CBA 的標準與球員工會可能的應對 1. CBA 要求球隊的payroll必須至少達到其地方收入分潤金額的1.5倍,而馬林魚今年 預計從中獲得超過 70M (計算出低標為 105M) A teams' final luxury-tax payroll must be 1 1/2 times the amount it receives from local revenue sharing, or it stands a better chance of losing a grievance, according to the CBA. The A's and Marlins are expected to be among the highest revenue-sharing recipients this year at roughly $70 million if not more. The magic luxury-tax payroll figure for both clubs and others receiving similar of revenue sharing, then, would appear to be around $105M. 2.然而根據統計,馬林魚離這版 CBA 所要求的最低標準 AAV 還低 20M According to Fangraphs' figures, the Marlins appear to be operating about $20 million below the level the Collective Bargaining Agreement will require by the end of the season. 3.一般來說,這類的申訴會在下一版 CBA 談判的時候解決,所以馬林魚覺得還能再拖2年 Such matters often are settled during collective bargaining. The current agreement is nearly two years away from expiring. Having yet to face punishment, perhaps Marlins officials believe the danger in flouting the rules is not as great as it would appear. 4.球員工會最早必須等到賽季結束並確定各隊的payrolls後,才能正式提出申訴,因此 馬林魚最少還有八個月的緩衝期 The union cannot bring a grievance until after end-of-season luxury-tax payrolls are determined, so the Marlins are at least eight months away from the issue becoming a prominent concern. - 最後的結語 It's a blight on the sport. An awfully cynical way to run a team. 這樣的經營方式,對棒球來說無疑是一大污點。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1742512782.A.502.html

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03/21 07:34, 1周前 , 7F
剛睡醒 按到噓又多打了一個在= =
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03/21 08:07, 1周前 , 10F
不花錢要被靠北 道奇花一堆也要被靠北
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03/21 08:27, 6天前 , 12F
不同的人靠北啊, 工會又沒靠北道奇,歡迎還來不及
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03/21 09:18, 6天前 , 18F
Jeter都走幾年了 還是被半逼走的
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不是說好給你錢好好擺爛? 現在擺爛球員不爽 打太好老闆
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03/21 13:42, 6天前 , 24F
不爽 尺度要拿捏正確lol
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