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看板Chelsea作者 (德羅球球球球球)時間2天前 (2024/07/01 18:46), 編輯推噓3(300)
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Chelsea can confirm Academy graduate Lewis Hall has completed a permanent transfer to Newcastle United following his season-long loan at St. James’ Park. Having joined our Academy as an Under-8 with undoubted potential, Lewis departs as a Premier League player and England Under-21 after 12 years developing through the Chelsea system. Everyone at the club is extremely proud of Lewis’ achievements – and there are no shortage of landmark moments. In the summer of 2021, Lewis signed his first scholarship with the Blues. The following season, he established himself as a regular with our under-18s and Under-21s and first-team recognition followed. Lewis was named as a substitute in the Carabao Cup quarter-final win over Brentford in December 2021 and made his full debut against Chesterfield in the FA Cup two weeks later. In the process, Lewis became the youngest player to start an FA Cup tie for the Blues and he claimed an assist in the 5-1 victory. Lewis ended the season by lifting the Premier League Cup with our Under-18s and was named Academy Player of the Year, an accolade achieved by many of our graduates who have gone on to highly successful careers. The following campaign saw Lewis establish himself in the first-team squad. He made his Premier League debut away at Newcastle and started high-profile away matches against Liverpool, Manchester City and Manchester United. Last summer, Lewis was capped for the first time at England Under-21 level. He then joined Newcastle on a season-long loan in August 2023. The 19-year-old made 22 first-team appearances for the Magpies – and scored twice – and will now continue his career on Tyneside. We wish Lewis the best of luck in his next chapter and look forward to seeing him again soon. https://www.chelseafc.com/en/news/article/hall-completes-permanent-newcastle-transfer -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Chelsea/M.1719830774.A.E4B.html

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文章代碼(AID): #1cWeZsvB (Chelsea)