[閒聊] Jarno Trulli也來測NASCAR

看板FORMULA1 (F1 賽車)作者 (絕望的號角,黑暗的時刻!)時間15年前 (2009/10/12 22:12), 編輯推噓5(504)
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F1 veterans Jarno Trulli and Mika Salo to test Waltrip Toyota NASCAR in Florida F1 veterans Jarno Trulli and Mika Salo to test Waltrip Toyota NASCAR in Florida F1老將Jarno Trulli及Mika Salo在佛羅里達測試NASCAR http://www.autoblog.com/2009/10/12/f1-veterans-jarno-trulli-and -mika-salo-to-test-waltrip-toyota-na/ 短網址 http://tinyurl.com/ylmxsze from Autoblog Up until a few years ago, seeing a driver switch from one motorsport discipline to another was practically unheard of. A Formula One driver might compete at Le Mans, sure, but with few exceptions, that was about the extent of it. Now we've got drivers interested in switching between F1, rallying and even motorbikes in a big game of musical chairs. Once unfathomable, however, the biggest trend is a growing cadre of F1 drivers migrating to NASCAR. 以前車手轉換其他摩托運動通常都是默默無聞的,但現在卻是個大新聞 Following similar moves by Juan Pablo Montoya, Jacques Villeneuve and Scott Speed, to name just a few, and rumors of Nelsinho Piquet's intended move, comes news that Toyota's Jarno Trulli (pictured above) is scheduled to test drive a stock car next month at USA International Speedway in Lakeland, Florida. After attending a Sprint Cup race last year in Michigan, and reportedly several more to observe Montoya's progress, Trulli asked his employers at Toyota to arrange a test session for him, so they set him up with the Michael Waltrip Racing team – which races under the Toyota banner – for a two-day test in November. 跟隨Montoya、JV及Scott Speed的腳步;Jarno Trulli已經排定下個月測試stock car 的行程,地點將在佛羅里達的USA International Speedway 在出席去年在密西根的Sprint Cup及觀察Montoya的發展後,Trulli向他的雇主Toyota 請求安排一個NASCAR測試給他,在11月的某兩天,Trulli將會在Michael Waltrip Racing車隊作測試 Joining Trulli at the test session will reportedly be one Mika Salo, the Finnish driver who competed in F1 from 1994 to 2002. Over his career, Salo raced for Lotus, Tyrrell, Arrows, BAR, Sauber and Toyota, but his best results were a pair of podiums scored when filling in for an injured Michael Schumacher at Ferrari in 1999. Recently, he's been racing for Risi Competizione in the Le Mans Series, and took the GT2 class win at Le Mans last year, but now he's looking to switch to oval tracks. 另一個也要作測試的是Mika Salo,一位1994~2002年的F1車手,待過很多車隊, 最好成績是兩個第二名,這是1999年替受傷的大舒代班所跑出的成績 目前他人在Le Mans賽事,並在去年拿到GT2級距的勝利 For his part, Trulli insists the session is just for fun. But Toyota is not expected to renew his contract for next season, and he'll will be looking for another ride in F1. If he doesn't find it, he may find NASCAR a compelling option. 雖然Trulli說今年的賽事很好,不過Toyota不想跟他簽明年的新合約,所以他在找有沒 有其他車隊要他,如果真的走路了,那他可能將NASCAR列為一個選擇 ---- NASCAR漸漸成為離開F1的車手一個選擇了.... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: metalfinally 來自: (10/12 22:13)

10/12 22:13, , 1F
黑旗胖可能快要有伴了!!! 黑旗胖有沒有感動??
10/12 22:13, 1F
※ 編輯: metalfinally 來自: (10/12 22:17)

10/12 22:20, , 2F
10/12 22:20, 2F

10/12 22:23, , 3F
10/12 22:23, 3F

10/12 22:30, , 4F
10/12 22:30, 4F

10/12 22:41, , 5F
另外可以參考17972篇。Michael Waltrip用的是豐田Camry喲
10/12 22:41, 5F

10/12 22:44, , 6F
10/12 22:44, 6F

10/13 00:49, , 7F
去 NASCAR 當個終極路隊長吧
10/13 00:49, 7F

10/13 10:15, , 8F
10/13 10:15, 8F

10/13 10:16, , 9F
其實去NASCAR的梗 CF 10年前就用過......
10/13 10:16, 9F
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