[新聞] 費德勒說明選手生涯還有多長

看板Federer作者 (sherman)時間7年前 (2017/07/17 12:14), 7年前編輯推噓20(2002)
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http://goo.gl/3GLUKx Roger Federer shed light on remaining time on tour By Arash Markazi, ESPN senior writer LONDON -- Soon after Roger Federer won his eighth Wimbledon title and 19th Grand Slam championship, both men's tennis records, he shed light on how much longer he plans to compete on the professional circuit. 倫敦訊--就在羅傑費德勒贏得他的第八個溫布頓金杯和第十九個大滿貫冠軍 (二者均為男子網壇記錄)之後不久,他談到了他還計畫在男子職業網壇競 技多久。 "It's a dream to play here, really, and I hope this wasn't my last match," Federer said after the trophy presentation. "I hope I can come back next year and try to defend the title." 「能在這裡比賽真的如夢一般,而我也希望這不會是我的最後一場比賽。」 費德勒在頒獎典禮後說。「我希望明年可以回來,然後試著衛冕頭銜。」 This, of course, isn't the first time Federer has been asked about his remaining time on tour. During the trophy presentation after winning the Australian Open in January, he said, "I hope to see you next year. If not, this was a wonderful run here and I can't be more happy to have won tonight." 這當然不會是費德勒第一次被問到他還會繼續打多久。在一月的澳網頒獎典 禮後,他說「我希望明年還能看到大家。如果不行的話,這是非常夢幻的旅 程,我真的對於贏得冠軍歡喜到有剩。」 So, while he's a level of uncertainty that these could be his final matches, he is also hoping to be back next year. So, which is it for Federer, who will turn 36 next month? 所以,雖然他對於這些是否會成為他的最後比賽帶著些許不確定,他也希望 明年能夠回來。那到底對即將於下個月滿36歲的費德勒來說,都幾? "We never know what happens," Federer said. "Honestly, ever since I had the year I had last year, I do think probably like a year ahead of time with my schedule, fitness schedule, tournaments I would like to play. So, I totally see myself playing here this time next year. 「人生無常啊各位,」費德勒說。「真心話,經過了去年那種狀況,我的確 往前計畫著一年在排賽程、健身計畫、以及我想打的賽事。所以我真的想要 明年再回來打。」 "But because it's far away, because of what happened last year, I just like to take the opportunity to thank the people in the very moment, and make them understand, yes, I hope that I'm back. There's never a guarantee, especially not at 35, 36. But the goal is definitely to be here again next year to try and defend." 「但因為一年是如此久之後,也正因為去年發生的事情,我只想藉這個機會 在這個當下感謝大家,並且讓大家了解,是的,我希望我能夠回來。但那並 不是一個保證,尤其是在35、36歲的年紀。無論如何我的目標的確是明年能 回到這裡並試著衛冕。」 As good as Federer has looked in winning multiple Grand Slams in the same year for the first time since 2009, it's easy to forget how bad 2016 was when he was limited to just seven tournaments after he underwent arthroscopic knee surgery. He didn't qualify for the ATP Finals or finish in the top six for the first time since 2001. Federer's streak of 15 straight years with at least one title was snapped. 大家看著費德勒從2009年以來首次能在同一年度贏下數個大滿貫頭銜,很容 易忘記2016年是多麼淒慘,彼時他在經歷膝蓋手術之後,只能參加七個賽事。 從2001年以來,他首次沒有資格參加年終賽、或者首次無法維持世界前六的 排名。費德勒連續15年獲得至少一個冠軍的記錄也嘎然而止。 "I wasn't sure if I was ever going to be here again in another final after last year," Federer said. "I've had some tough ones here over the years, losing to Novak [Djokovic] in '14 and '15, but I always believed that I could come back and do it again." 「從去年以後,我不確定我能否回到這裡、打到另一個決賽。」費德勒說。 「在這裡我有過幾個非常苦澀的記憶,像是在14和15年輸給諾瓦克,但我總 相信我能夠回到這裡、再幹一次大的。」 If Federer closes out the season by winning the US Open for the first time since 2008 and snares a staggering 20th Grand Slam title, some might wonder what is left for him to achieve in a record-setting career. 如果費德勒能夠贏得2008年後的首個美網冠軍、達成嚇人的20個大滿貫頭銜 之後完結這個賽季,有些人大概會想說,啊都給你玩就好了啊、記錄都你的 你還繼續打球幹嘛? "What keeps me going? I don't know, I love to play," Federer said. "I have a wonderful team. My wife's totally fine with me still playing; she's my No. 1 supporter. She's amazing. 「我幹嘛繼續打?哇馬唔災,哇丟尬意帕tennis啊,」費生如是說。「我有 個夢幻隊哩。我太太完全支持我繼續打下去,她是我的頭號支持者,超完美 的捏。」 "Yeah, I love playing the big stages still. I don't mind the practice. I don't mind the travel. Because I'm playing a little less, I actually get more time in return. I feel like I'm working part time these days almost, which is a great feeling." 「真心不騙,我依然喜歡打大比賽。我一點也不介意練習、也不介意旅行。 因為現在我打的比賽比較少,事實上我獲得了更多的時間。感覺好像我現在 幾乎是個打工仔,感覺奇蒙子易。」 -- 如果說我為什麼怕別人舒服費爸,就是因為經過了13和16年,知道風雲變色 就在一瞬間。不看輕任何一個對手、不把任何事情當成理所當然,就是因為 沒人知道下一秒會發生什麼事情。 今天Cilic帶傷,贏的時候我心裡沒有太大的激動。賽前我其實覺得就算輸了 經過今年澳網,真的不忮不求了。網球比賽還是有懸念一點對於整體精采度 和球迷熱情好一點。 話說回來,打工仔還贏兩個大滿貫....你這老頭是打工達人嗎? 先前有人分析說金融海嘯讓很多人決定不進入職業網壇或讓小孩繼續網球, 或許真的是後繼沒看到大物新人的原因之一。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Federer/M.1500264852.A.F00.html ※ 編輯: shermanmt (, 07/17/2017 12:15:04

07/17 12:28, , 1F
a great feeling不是翻成気持ち悪い吧@@?!
07/17 12:28, 1F

07/17 12:29, , 2F
07/17 12:29, 2F
感謝更正 XDDD ※ 編輯: shermanmt (, 07/17/2017 12:31:09

07/17 12:40, , 3F
XDDD 推翻譯
07/17 12:40, 3F

07/17 12:52, , 4F
請Mirka繼續加油!!! (咦
07/17 12:52, 4F

07/17 14:21, , 5F
07/17 14:21, 5F

07/17 14:32, , 6F
謝利翻譯分享 ^_^ 犀利哥帶傷的確也讓我在最後感到有些遺
07/17 14:32, 6F

07/17 14:32, , 7F
憾 希望他早日恢復
07/17 14:32, 7F

07/17 14:32, , 8F
07/17 14:32, 8F

07/17 14:53, , 9F
翻譯太正點有喜感了 超讚!!!
07/17 14:53, 9F

07/17 14:58, , 10F
07/17 14:58, 10F

07/17 15:15, , 11F
喜歡這樣的翻譯風格 哈哈哈
07/17 15:15, 11F

07/17 15:22, , 12F
07/17 15:22, 12F

07/17 15:41, , 13F
07/17 15:41, 13F

07/17 15:42, , 14F
07/17 15:42, 14F

07/17 15:51, , 15F
07/17 15:51, 15F

07/17 16:32, , 16F
感謝翻譯XDDD Mirka真的是賢內助~Rogi好眼光XD
07/17 16:32, 16F

07/17 19:41, , 17F
07/17 19:41, 17F

07/17 22:27, , 18F
07/17 22:27, 18F

07/18 06:24, , 19F
07/18 06:24, 19F

07/18 07:58, , 20F
07/18 07:58, 20F

07/18 14:47, , 21F
07/18 14:47, 21F

07/20 23:08, , 22F
07/20 23:08, 22F
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