[轉會] Federico Chiesa is Bianconero!

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(補上週的舊聞) 官網: https://www.juventus.com/en/news/articles/federico-chiesa-is-bianconero Federico Chiesa is Bianconero! 05 October 2020 Talent, speed, class and youth. Federico Chiesa is a new Juventus player, signing a contract until 2022. 才華洋溢、風馳電掣、能力出眾、青年才俊的Federico Chiesa是新加入Juventus的 球員,簽署了2022年到期的合約。 (註: 英文官網寫得不是很精確,應該是租借至2022年) Here is the official press release: 以下是官方新聞稿: AGREEMENT WITH FIORENTINA FOR THE ACQUISITION OF THE PLAYER FEDERICO CHIESA Juventus Football Club S.p.A. announces that an agreement with ACF Fiorentina for the temporary acquisition, until 30 June 2022, of the registration rights of the player Federico Chiesa has been finalized for a consideration of € 10 million, of which € 3 million for sporting season 2020/2021 and € 7 million for sporting season 2021/2022. Juventus宣布與Fiorentina就球員Federico Chiesa至2022年06月30日的租借轉會以 歐元10M的租借費用達成協議,其中歐元3M於2020/2021賽季支付,歐元7M於 2021/2022年支付。 The agreement further entails: 協議還包括以下條款: The obligation for Juventus to definitely acquire the player’s registrations rights, subject to the achievement of certain given sporting objectives by the end of the season 2021/2022; 若在2021/2022賽季結束前達成特定競技目標,Juventus有義務完全轉會買斷此 位球員。 The right for Juventus to definitively acquire the player’s registration rights in case these given objectives are not achieved. 若未達成前述目標,Juventus仍有權完全轉會買斷此位球員。 In both cases, the agreed consideration for the definitive acquisition is € 40 million, payable in three years, which might be increased up to a maximum of € 10 milion upon achievement of further performance objectives over the duration of the employment contract with the player. 此二種情形的協議買斷費用為總額歐元40M分三年支付,而若球員效力期間達成 特定目標,此費用可再增加最多歐元10M。 (以上為官方新聞稿) Born in Genoa on the 25th October 1997 and son of former Italian striker, Enrico Chiesa, Federico took his first steps in football for U.S. Settignanese - a team from Coverciano, where he was coached by former Juventus player, Kurt Hamrin. Federico Chiesa在1997年10月25日出生於熱那亞,他的父親是退役的義大利前鋒 Enrico Chiesa。小Chiesa的足球生涯開始於Coverciano球隊U.S. Settignanese, 而當時他的教練是前Juventus球員Kurt Hamrin。 A move to Fiorentina then followed at the age of 10, however Chiesa would soon often be between the two Tuscan cities, applying his club trade in Florence, whilst returning to Coverciano for international duty. However, before receiving the call of the Azzurri, Chiesa honed his skills in the Tuscan capital, growing day by day and taking on challenge after challenge, first in the youth team before moving onto the first team. In what could be considered an early omen, Chiesa made his Fiorentina debut on 20th August 2016 against his now-current team Juventus, on the opening day of the 2016-17 Serie A season, in what was a 2-1 for the Bianconeri. In a very short time he became a vital component of the team, collecting 137 appearances in Serie A, more than any other Viola player in that period. Eventually, he earned his place as a regular squad member of the Italian national team, after receiving his first call-up in March 2018, having reached 19 caps to date. 隨後他於10歲時加入Fiorentina,還經常因入選青年國家隊而往返佛羅倫斯與國家 隊訓練基地所在的Coverciano這兩座托斯卡尼城市。在被義大利成年國家隊正式徵 招之前,小Chiesa都在托斯卡尼首府砥礪磨練逐漸成長,由青年隊晉升一軍。也許 是將來的預兆,小Chiesa首次於Fiorentina一軍上陣,就是在2016-17賽季開幕戰, 對上他如今加入的球隊Juventus,斑馬軍團以2-1勝出。很快地他就成為球隊的生力 軍,累積137次義甲聯賽出場,這個數字是同期的紫百合球員之冠。接著他在2018年 三月首次被義大利國家隊徵招,逐漸成為藍衫軍陣容的常客,迄今已19次代表義大 利國家隊出戰。 (註: 10/11日客場對波蘭的比賽小Chiesa擔任先發右邊鋒,所以已經是20次了。) Boasting lightning speed and often simply unstoppable for his opponents, Chiesa has impressed since his first few appearances for his ability in one-on-one situations, so much so, that since the 2016/17 season, with 553 dribbles, he is among the best in the top-flight. Last season, Chiesa registered seven assists and scored 11 goals, with his overall 18 participations in goals ranking higher than any other teammate. Furthermore, Federico is the youngest among active players in Serie A with at least 120 appearances, a sign of his ability to be counted upon. 有著閃電般速度難以阻擋的小Chiesa打從首次亮相就以他的一對一能力讓人們印象 深刻,從2016/17開始的553次盤帶過人是頂級聯賽最佳(註)。上賽季小Chiesa有 7次助攻並進11球,也就是總共18次參與進球比他所有隊友都更多。甚者,小Chiesa 是現役義甲聯賽累積至少120次出賽的球員當中最年輕的一位,足以彰顯其值得信賴 的能力。 Now, Chiesa will move onto the third big city of his career, that of Turin and more importantly the team of Juventus that it is home to, ready to write new pages in history together, running, as he does so on the pitch, towards new goals with our shirt on his back! 如今小Chiesa來到他足球生涯的第三座重要城市,以杜林為家,準備穿著我們的球 衣在球場上奔向嶄新目標,與Juventus一同書寫歷史新章。 Welcome Federico! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Juventus/M.1602514297.A.B42.html
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