[Dragusin] Radu Dragusin續約至2025

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(補上週的消息) 官網: https://www.juventus.com/en/news/articles/dragusin-renews-his-contract Dragusin renews his contract! 09 April 2021 It’s an adventure that began in the summer of 2018. Radu Dragusin, born in 2002, was only 16 when Juve included him in the team. After one season, he immediately made the leap from Under 17 to Coach Zauli's Primavera. 這是從2018年夏天加入Juventus開始的生涯,出生於2002年的Radu Dragusin當時才 16歲。而一個賽季之後他就從U17晉升至主帥Zauli職掌的Primavera青年隊。 Then came the definitive leap to the world of professionals – the Under 23 team – where he came into his own, before making the biggest step of all in his career: his debut in the First Team. Today, Radu Dragusin put his signature on a future that will be painted in black and white, after renewing his contract until 30 June 2025. 接著他又再晉升至Juventus U23,正式開始其職業球員生涯,隨後是Juventus一軍 首演。今日,Dragusin簽署了延續效力斑馬軍團至2025年06月30日的合約。 Power, reliability and a great personality are just three of the characteristics that have allowed Radu Dragusin to grow exponentially in recent seasons. Since his arrival at Juventus, in the 2018/2019 season, his path has been a continuous leap in category. From Under 17 to landing in the First Team, passing through the Primavera and Under 23 in just over two years. His debut in the First Team, in the Champions League against Dynamo Kiev, at the age of 18, gives an idea of how much Juventus believes in him. 力量、穩健與極佳的個性只是使Dragusin快速成長的的特點舉隅。自從他2018/2019 賽季加入Juventus以來的兩年多期間從U17開始歷經Primavera青年隊以及Juventus U23到歐冠對Dynamo Kiev的一軍首演,其躍昇之快足見Juventus對他的信任。 As such, Dragusin's journey continues alongside Juve. Congratulations, Radu! See you on the pitch! 因此,Dragusin將繼續與Juventus一同的旅程,恭喜Dragusin,球場上見! -- 差點忘了提到重點:這是Dragusin在Juventus的連續第三個賽季,也就是說他即將 擁有Juventus本隊青訓資格。雖然下個賽季留隊還是外放磨練還很難說,總之希望 他趕快成長鍛鍊出可以留在一軍的實力,不然每個賽季Juventus都因為青訓資格而 被迫縮減球員名額,間接甚至直接使球隊在面對傷病、禁賽乃至疫情時左支右絀... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Juventus/M.1618685791.A.B0A.html ※ 編輯: dimhdp10 ( 臺灣), 04/18/2021 03:04:55
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