[新聞] Barragon轉會Deportivo

看板LFP作者 (航海中的青年)時間18年前 (2006/08/05 13:17), 編輯推噓1(101)
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Depor complete Barragan move By Lewis Rutledge - Created on 4 Aug 2006 Deportivo La Coruna have confirmed the signing of Antonio Barragan on a five-year contract from Liverpool. Deportivo己經證實簽下了Liverpool小將Barragan,為期五年 The Spanish teenager joined The Reds from Sevilla last term but failed to break into the first team, making just one appearance. 西班牙年輕人上賽季從Sevilla加盟紅軍但苦無上場機會,至今只出場過一次 After weeks of speculation he has finally secured a return to his homeland, for a deal confirmed on the official Depor website to be worth €1 million (£700,0 00). 經過一個星期的談判後他終於獲得了回國的機會,Deportivo己在官網證實該筆交易, 轉會費為€1M Liverpool will be pleased with the agreement though, after reserving the right to buy back Barragan for €700,000 (£475,000) after the second or third year. Liverpool對於這筆交易非常滿意,而且他們還擁有€700,000的第二及第三年優先購 買權 A key member of the Spanish squad who recently triumphed at the European Under-19 Championship, Barragan has been tipped for a bright future. 作為剛獲得U-19冠軍成員的主力球員,Barragan擁有一片美好的未來 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

08/05 22:38, , 1F
08/05 22:38, 1F

08/07 08:59, , 2F
08/07 08:59, 2F
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