[新聞] 馬競想簽Guti

看板LFP作者 (航海中的青年)時間18年前 (2006/08/12 07:13), 編輯推噓2(201)
留言3則, 3人參與, 最新討論串1/1
Atletico In Guti Talks Atletico Madrid are reportedly in talks to sign Spanish international Guti from city rivals 馬競據傳想從同城死敵皇馬身上簽下Guti Atletico looked at the player last summer but he eventually chose to remain at the Bernabeu. 去年夏天馬競就在注意這位選手但Guti最終還是選擇留在貝納烏 Under new coach Fabio Capello, Guti’s first-team chances may be limited, especially if the club signs Jose Antonio Reyes and Mahamadou Diarra. They have already netted Juventus midfielder Emerson. 在卡佩羅的到來,Guti的先發機會將大大減少,尤其是在簽下Reyes和Diarra之後.在 此之前皇馬己網羅了尤文悍將Emerson Atletico coach Javier Aguirre is after one more midfield player and has also been linked with Portugal international Maniche. Aquirre還需要一位中場選手而他己與葡萄牙國腳Maniche連繫 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

08/12 13:10, , 1F
馬競應該是確定挖到金礦或油礦了 鑑定完畢!
08/12 13:10, 1F

08/12 22:37, , 2F
08/12 22:37, 2F

08/12 22:39, , 3F
敢情是找到阿布二世來投資了嗎= =?
08/12 22:39, 3F
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