[外電] 條子拒絕鑽石集團轉播續約、要自己搞轉播

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https://reurl.cc/jypezD https://reurl.cc/jypezD The Texas Rangers are developing their own direct-to-distributor broadcast model independent of MLB, including an accompanying streaming app, that will end thei r relationship with Diamond Sports Group after Sunday and potentially leave Ball y Sports Southwest teetering as a viable business, sources told SBJ. 條子目前正在籌劃要自己搞轉播 在今年賽季結束,他們和鑽石體育集團的轉播約就結束了 Sources said Diamond offered the Rangers a competitive rights fee to remain with Bally Sports Southwest but the team rejected it. Those sources said the team ha s since begun developing its own network that is expected to receive commitments from Charter and DirecTV -- to name two distributers -- that will guarantee a s table channel position throughout the 2025 baseball season and beyond. 根據情報指出,鑽石體育集團有開一份不錯的轉播金續約給條子 但條子拒絕 The yet-to-be named network will then be available in roughly four-hour windows on gamedays, which would include a pre-game show, the game telecast and then a p ost-game show. Once a game ends, the channel would go dark. Sources described it as “a pseudo RSN, but not really an RSN. It’s a direct to distributor model that will look a lot like what MLB has done for the San Diego Padres. But it's going to be owned by and run by the Rangers directly.’’ 電視台名稱尚未決定,但跟一般RSN不太一樣 就只有播條子賽事而已 SOX, BULLS AND BLACKHAWKS TO LAUNCH CHICAGO SPORTS NETWORK https://reurl.cc/ReDoxx 話說明年要自己搞RSN的還有白襪 白襪老闆找了NHL芝加哥黑鷹來 和自己旗下的白襪、公牛 成立芝加哥體育網Chicago Sports Network (CHSN) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1727455244.A.C09.html ※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 09/28/2024 00:41:41

09/28 01:16, 4小時前 , 1F
09/28 01:16, 1F
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