Fw: [情報] 大聯盟球員今年要重新量身高(ABS)

看板MLB (美國職棒/大聯盟)作者 (無無)時間6小時前 (2025/01/31 11:33), 編輯推噓8(803)
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※ [本文轉錄自 Baseball 看板 #1dd4GoB3 ] 作者: zxc906383 (無無) 看板: Baseball 標題: [情報] 大聯盟球員今年要重新量身高(ABS) 時間: Fri Jan 31 11:32:00 2025 因為今年大聯盟春訓要測試電子好球帶 https://reurl.cc/mR2NLl This week, in a presentation made available to players, the league revealed new details of the system and how it works. All players in major-league camp have to have their height measured by mid-Febru ary so the zone will work properly, and MLB has brought on a third-party company to try to ensure players don’t game the system. 所以所有參加大聯盟春訓的球員 都要在二月中以前重新量身高 並且會找第三方公司確認,確保不會有人偷吃步 “Two methods will be used to ensure accurate heights are collected,” MLB wrote in the presentation, which was obtained by The Athletic. 將採用兩種方法來確保所收集到的身高數據準確無誤 “A team of independent strength and conditioning personnel will perform manual measurements using standard protocols and equipment. 一組獨立的體能與訓練人員將使用標準流程與設備進行人工測量 Representatives of the Southwest Research Institute will use biomechanical analy sis to confirm the manual measurements and safeguard against potential manipulat ion. 西南研究所的代表將運用生物力學分析來確認人工測量結果,並防範可能的數據操控 MLB and the umpires worked out a five-year collective bargaining agreement in De cember that allowed the league the right to implement ABS, according to a person briefed on the negotiation who was not authorized to speak publicly. 大聯盟在去年12月和裁判工會達成新一份五年的勞資協議 協議中允許大聯盟能使用電子好球帶 https://i.imgur.com/ttRYnOn.png
大聯盟研究各好壞球狀況、裁判好球帶大小 https://i.imgur.com/bxalZj6.png
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1738294322.A.2C3.html ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ※ 轉錄者: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 01/31/2025 11:32:59

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量身高幹嘛 掃描身形比較有意義吧
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文章代碼(AID): #1dd4HiBQ (MLB)