[數據] 2007 wimbledon 2nd Round

看板Mauresmo作者 (彼岸)時間17年前 (2007/06/30 03:56), 編輯推噓0(000)
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這場MO也是輕鬆打 但是ㄧ發進球率還是不高阿..........剛過五成而已耶 雖然發了7個ace但那8個DF是怎樣 =_=+ Amelie Mauresmo FRA (4) def. Yvonne Meusburger AUT 6-1 6-2 Meusburger (AUT) Mauresmo (FRA) 1st Serve % 40 of 48 = 83 % 26 of 48 = 54 % Aces 0 7 Double Faults 2 8 Unforced Errors 10 23 Winning % on 1st Serve 14 of 40 = 35 % 20 of 26 = 77 % Winning % on 2nd Serve 6 of 8 = 75 % 12 of 22 = 55 % Winners (Including Service) 7 34 Receiving Points Won 16 of 48 = 33 % 28 of 48 = 58 % Break Point Conversions 1 of 2 = 50 % 5 of 8 = 63 % Net Approaches 1 of 5 = 20 % 26 of 33 = 79 % Total Points Won 36 60 Fastest Serve 77 MPH 94 MPH -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
文章代碼(AID): #16XMFs2c (Mauresmo)
文章代碼(AID): #16XMFs2c (Mauresmo)