[花邊] 湖人選皇子 記者:職業運動史上最糟的決定

看板NBA (美國籃球)作者 (usmarine2008)時間2天前 (2024/07/03 20:31), 編輯推噓131(16938186)
留言393則, 256人參與, 3小時前最新討論串1/1
https://x.com/FoxSportsRadio/status/1808172530869445076 https://i.imgur.com/QnCFvq5.png
Rob parker是知名黑人記者和主播 影片逐字稿 https://streamable.com/g2nxc7 I think this is the worst decision that's ever happened in professional sports. And I'm dead serious when I say that. It changes what the essence of the game has always been, which is about competition. This is what we've always talked about. And the reason why you have an NFL where you have essentially 99% of the owners are white and yet the league is 70% black. Meritocracy is what allowed this to be the case. They didn't go out and just fill their teams with people who look like them because they own the team and said, I don't care. I'm going to do what I want to do and no one can tell me because I own the team It was about the best people went out there, played the game, and the people who deserve to get jobs got jobs. 這是我看過職業運動史上最糟糕的決定,我說這話是認真的。它改變了比賽的本質,而比 賽的本質一直都是關於競爭。這是我們一直討論的話題。為何NFL幾乎99%的老闆都是白人 但聯盟中有70% 的球員是黑人呢?因為「用人唯才」,老闆們並沒有因為自己是老闆 隨便把隊伍塞滿與自己相似的人說,他們不會說「我不在乎,我想怎麼做就怎麼做, 因為我是老闆沒人能管我」。重點是最優秀的人出場比賽,能力夠的的人就得到工作。 I heard a lot of people throw around nepotism and there's plenty of nepotism and I've been critical of one that threw it around. Yeah, plenty and I've thrown out nepotism. Chris, it's wrong. We've seen it, especially in the front office, but it ain't the same as what we've seen here as far as on the field. Someone would have to show me on the field where some guy got his son a spot on a team or some owner put his nephew on out. Just take the last spot on the roster. It doesn't matter. I want you to be on the team because I own the team and that's the part I think when LeBron looks at his legacy that he'll be leaving this sport in a worse place than when he got here. And what I mean is he's opened up a Pandora's box now to where I don't know how you tell people not to do what he just did. His kid by all of the scouts, not Rob Parker as a scout, all the scouts, smaller guard. He didn't have a great year in college. All this thing. They might have made a team, might have been able to be on a team as a non drafted player and worked his way through and all that. Good F. 我聽到很多人談論裙帶關係,者確實存在,我也曾批評那些利用裙帶關係的人。是的, 裙帶關係錯的,我們常看到,特別是在球隊管理層,但這與我們在球場上看到的不一樣 如果有人能向我證明某球員因為他的兒子或某老闆把他的侄子放在隊伍中,即使是 最後的名額也沒關係,我希望你加入球隊是因為我擁有這支球隊,而不是因為其他原因 當LeBron看他的傳承時,會意識到他讓這項運動變得比他剛加入時更糟糕了。我指的是, 他現在打開了潘多拉盒子,讓人們不知道以後該如何阻止類似的事情發生。 他的兒子,根據所有球探(不是我)的評估,小後衛,大學表現平平。所有這些跡象顯示 他原本有可能落選後,再加入一支球隊,然後努力往上爬升之類的 But this was like, no, he's coming to the Lakers. Get out of the way. Don't draft them. This is all about LeBron making this happen. The whole process feels bad. Doesn't feel good. I feel bad for Bronte from the standpoint of where people will look at him where if this was on his own merit, Chris, and and I'm saying on his own merit and anybody drafted him and he worked his way through or whatever work through it was, I think he would have had a better situation or a better chance without having people wear this on him. That the only reason he's there is his dad. And people aren't going to say it. A lot of people aren't going to say it publicly because LeBron still has power and has a big name and a lot of guys. 但這就像,不,他要去湖人。讓開路,別選他。這一切都是關於 LeBron讓這件事發生。 整個過程讓人感覺糟糕,一點都不好。我替 Bronny感到難過,因為人們會如何看待他, 如果這取決於他自己的能力,我是說如果他靠自己的能力被選中,然後他努力往上爬,或 經歷任何磨練,我都認為他的處境會更好,機會也更大,而不是讓大家認為被選中的原因 是他爸在湖人。大家不會公開的講出來,因為 LeBron仍有影響力、名氣很大 But I talked to a lot of former players who just to me said that this doesn't feel right on the way that this was handled. All the conversation about it. Everybody knew. I told you this months ago that he was going to the Lakers. There was no doubt in my mind at all. 我跟很多前球員聊過,他們對我說,這種處理方式感覺不對。所有關於這件事的談話 大家都心知肚明。幾個月前我告訴過你,他會去湖人隊,我一點都不懷疑。 備註 https://i.imgur.com/eRHjhIe.jpg
記者小心一點.... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1720009912.A.77E.html

07/03 20:32, 2天前 , 1F
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07/03 20:32, 2天前 , 4F
白人老闆 黑人員工 這算一種奴?
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07/03 20:33, 2天前 , 8F
真勇敢 88
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07/03 20:33, 2天前 , 15F
哪裡糟糕?體測第四 防守又好
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07/03 20:34, 2天前 , 21F
勇迷記者 記在小本本裡了
07/03 20:34, 21F

07/03 20:34, 2天前 , 22F
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07/03 20:34, 2天前 , 23F
努力品德 懂不懂啊
07/03 20:34, 23F

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07/03 20:35, 2天前 , 27F
中肯 可是方丈為人很小心眼的
07/03 20:35, 27F

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07/03 20:36, 2天前 , 29F
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07/03 20:36, 2天前 , 30F
要被追殺到天涯海角嚕 自己保重
07/03 20:36, 30F

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07/03 20:36, 2天前 , 33F
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07/03 20:36, 2天前 , 34F
史上最高討論度的55順位 有這流量 賺翻了吧 = =
07/03 20:36, 34F

07/03 20:37, 2天前 , 35F
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07/03 20:37, 2天前 , 37F
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07/03 20:37, 2天前 , 38F
連狀元探花榜眼都沒有這流量 自己檢討吧
07/03 20:37, 38F

07/03 20:37, 2天前 , 39F
07/03 20:37, 39F
還有 314 則推文
07/04 02:56, 2天前 , 354F
二輪不重要 但選個沒能力的咖還要一起失智說不是靠
07/04 02:56, 354F

07/04 02:56, 2天前 , 355F
07/04 02:56, 355F

07/04 04:00, 2天前 , 356F
07/04 04:00, 356F

07/04 04:03, 2天前 , 357F
07/04 04:03, 357F

07/04 04:34, 2天前 , 358F
沒關係 到時候現場對他的冷嘲熱諷一定超精彩
07/04 04:34, 358F

07/04 06:36, 2天前 , 359F
07/04 06:36, 359F

07/04 07:23, 2天前 , 360F
07/04 07:23, 360F

07/04 07:50, 2天前 , 361F
說最糟有點過頭 水貨一輪多的是
07/04 07:50, 361F

07/04 08:01, 1天前 , 362F
07/04 08:01, 362F

07/04 08:26, 1天前 , 363F
假如用#17選 那當然很糟糕 但用#55選 是能糟糕到哪
07/04 08:26, 363F

07/04 08:27, 1天前 , 364F
去啦 光流量就賺飽了
07/04 08:27, 364F

07/04 08:48, 1天前 , 365F
他不是放話其他隊選就要去歐洲? 還要護航喔
07/04 08:48, 365F

07/04 08:49, 1天前 , 366F
說白的 所有隊都是給lbj面子啦 不然為啥青賽不選
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07/04 09:09, 1天前 , 367F
如果#5 去選 被洗臉就算了 #55 去選 也要衝一波?
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07/04 09:51, 1天前 , 368F
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07/04 11:03, 1天前 , 379F
Next +1
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07/04 12:35, 1天前 , 382F
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07/04 12:35, 1天前 , 383F
拿 nfl吹用人唯才也太搞笑了吧 nfl如果能用末段選
07/04 12:35, 383F

07/04 12:36, 1天前 , 384F
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07/04 12:37, 1天前 , 385F
只不過今天這情況根本沒辦法複製 老爸打到兒子進入
07/04 12:37, 385F

07/04 12:37, 1天前 , 386F
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07/04 16:50, 1天前 , 387F
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07/04 20:03, 1天前 , 388F
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07/04 21:01, 1天前 , 391F
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07/05 16:33, 15小時前 , 392F
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07/06 04:45, 3小時前 , 393F
07/06 04:45, 393F
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