[花邊] 快艇的秘密武器—The Wall

看板NBA (美國籃球)作者 (TrunksHOPE)時間2天前 (2025/01/03 02:02), 編輯推噓39(41224)
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https://x.com/clutchpoints/status/1874868291728011734?s=46 https://i.imgur.com/SXwodhS.jpeg
The Los Angeles Clippers have a secret weapon no other NBA team has. And it's helping them win games. The Wall at the Intuit Dome consists of 51 uninterrupted rows of Clippers supe rfans and was meant to resemble a college basketball student section. Through 17 home games, The Wall seems to be working wonders. Take a look at th e chaos it's causing, per the team's Game Notes: Opponent FT% against The Wall: 72.3% (would rank last in NBA if this were a team) Opponent 3PT% against The Wall: 33.3% (would rank 27th) On November 22, the Kings scored 29 points in the entire 1st half shooting against The Wall. It was the lowest-scoring half this season at the time. Clippers opponents are shooting 73% at the free throw line at Intuit Dome - the 2nd-lowest FT% in a road arena this season. And then there's this: the road team always gets to choose which basket to sho ot on in the 1st half/2nd half. Most of the time, teams want to shoot in front of their own bench in the 1st h alf and play defense in front of their bench in the 2nd half. But at Intuit Dome, you now have The Wall to consider - especially for late ga me clutch free throws. Remember the Clippers' first home game this year? Kevin Durant (88.4% career F T%) missed both free throws shooting at The Wall in the 4th quarter. In the Clippers' 16 home games since then, their opponent has chosen to shoot against The Wall in the 2nd half just 5 times. It's a small sample size, but it seems like early this season, The Wall is doi ng exactly what Steve Ballmer envisioned. And it's wreaking havoc on the Clippers' opponents. ——— 洛杉磯快艇隊擁有一個其他NBA球隊都沒有的秘密武器,這正在幫助他們贏得比賽。 Intuit Dome的「The Wall」由51排連續不間斷的快艇死忠球迷組成,旨在模仿大學籃球 的學生觀眾區。 在主場進行了17場比賽後,「The Wall」似乎發揮了神奇的作用。以下是根據球隊賽事筆 記所列的數據,顯示出它引發的混亂: - **對手在「The Wall」面前的罰球命中率:72.3%**(如果這是一支球隊,將排名聯盟 倒數第一)。 - **對手在「The Wall」面前的三分球命中率:33.3%**(將排名聯盟第27位)。 - 11月22日,國王隊在上半場面對「The Wall」時只得到29分,這是當時本賽季最低的半 場得分紀錄。 - 快艇的對手在Intuit Dome的罰球命中率為73%,是本賽季客場第二低的罰球命中率。 除此之外,還有這一點:客場球隊始終可以選擇在上半場或下半場攻擊哪個籃框。 通常,球隊希望上半場在自己教練席前的籃框投籃,並在下半場在教練席前防守。 但在Intuit Dome,你必須考慮到「The Wall」的影響,特別是在比賽最後關頭的關鍵罰 球時刻。 還記得快艇本賽季的第一場主場比賽嗎?Kevin Durant (職業生涯罰球命中率88.4%)在 第四節面對著「The Wall」罰球時,兩次都沒有命中。 在快艇此後的16場主場比賽中,對手選擇在下半場面對「The Wall」投籃的次數僅有5次 。 儘管樣本數不多,但這個賽季早期的數據似乎表明,「The Wall」正如Steve Ballmer所 設想的那樣發揮了作用,並對快艇的對手造成了巨大干擾。 ——— 不得不說在電視機前看起來的畫面真的很驚人 更別說站上罰球線的對手了 開季第一場KD連兩罰不進的畫面令人印象深刻 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1735840959.A.3A2.html

01/03 02:04, 2天前 , 1F
江 欸不是
01/03 02:04, 1F

01/03 02:06, 2天前 , 2F
01/03 02:06, 2F

01/03 02:06, 2天前 , 3F
01/03 02:06, 3F

01/03 02:13, 2天前 , 4F
01/03 02:13, 4F

01/03 02:14, 2天前 , 5F
We don't need no education
01/03 02:14, 5F

01/03 02:15, 2天前 , 6F
We don't need no thought control
01/03 02:15, 6F

01/03 02:40, 2天前 , 7F
01/03 02:40, 7F

01/03 03:15, 2天前 , 8F
John Wall: 有人需要Wall嗎
01/03 03:15, 8F

01/03 03:33, 2天前 , 9F
01/03 03:33, 9F

01/03 03:59, 2天前 , 10F
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01/03 05:03, 2天前 , 14F
01/03 05:03, 14F

01/03 06:12, 2天前 , 15F
01/03 06:12, 15F

01/03 06:14, 2天前 , 16F
Game of thrones的The Wall
01/03 06:14, 16F

01/03 06:16, 2天前 , 17F
Ballmer也是坐在the wall那區嗎?記得他喜歡坐在籃
01/03 06:16, 17F

01/03 06:16, 2天前 , 18F
01/03 06:16, 18F

01/03 06:18, 2天前 , 19F
恩啊 他很常一起跳
01/03 06:18, 19F

01/03 06:54, 2天前 , 20F
All in all you're just another brick in the wall
01/03 06:54, 20F

01/03 06:54, 2天前 , 21F
01/03 06:54, 21F

01/03 06:57, 2天前 , 22F
01/03 06:57, 22F

01/03 07:16, 2天前 , 23F
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01/03 07:16, 2天前 , 24F
01/03 07:16, 24F

01/03 07:16, 2天前 , 25F
The wall 不是兩邊都有喔
01/03 07:16, 25F

01/03 07:19, 2天前 , 26F
01/03 07:19, 26F

01/03 07:36, 2天前 , 27F
za wa
01/03 07:36, 27F

01/03 07:54, 2天前 , 28F
01/03 07:54, 28F

01/03 07:58, 2天前 , 29F
01/03 07:58, 29F

01/03 08:13, 2天前 , 30F
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01/03 08:13, 2天前 , 31F
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01/03 08:40, 2天前 , 35F
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01/03 08:41, 2天前 , 36F
亂版仔進桶囉?好爽 低水準王迷能桶多久就多久
01/03 08:41, 36F

01/03 08:48, 2天前 , 37F
川普的替身 扎窩魯
01/03 08:48, 37F

01/03 08:51, 2天前 , 38F
01/03 08:51, 38F

01/03 09:07, 2天前 , 39F
江沃:我也是沃 要不要考慮一下我
01/03 09:07, 39F

01/03 09:20, 2天前 , 40F
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01/03 09:26, 2天前 , 41F
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01/03 09:31, 2天前 , 43F
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01/03 09:50, 2天前 , 44F
以前還去the wall表演
01/03 09:50, 44F

01/03 10:00, 2天前 , 45F
01/03 10:00, 45F

01/03 10:00, 2天前 , 46F
01/03 10:00, 46F

01/03 10:02, 2天前 , 47F
這不算偽科學吧 主場優勢一直都有統計數據 明明很科
01/03 10:02, 47F

01/03 10:02, 2天前 , 48F
01/03 10:02, 48F

01/03 10:02, 2天前 , 49F
01/03 10:02, 49F

01/03 10:02, 2天前 , 50F
01/03 10:02, 50F

01/03 10:05, 2天前 , 51F
01/03 10:05, 51F

01/03 10:06, 2天前 , 52F
01/03 10:06, 52F

01/03 10:24, 2天前 , 53F
差點看成the world
01/03 10:24, 53F

01/03 10:48, 1天前 , 54F
01/03 10:48, 54F

01/03 11:13, 1天前 , 55F
我想說 江~沃~
01/03 11:13, 55F

01/03 11:14, 1天前 , 56F
01/03 11:14, 56F

01/03 11:18, 1天前 , 57F
another brick in the wall
01/03 11:18, 57F

01/03 11:19, 1天前 , 58F
01/03 11:19, 58F

01/03 11:20, 1天前 , 59F
以前在the wall有很多很棒的回憶 yo la tengo, plus
01/03 11:20, 59F

01/03 11:21, 1天前 , 60F
minus, russian red
01/03 11:21, 60F

01/03 11:22, 1天前 , 61F
01/03 11:22, 61F

01/03 11:25, 1天前 , 62F
01/03 11:25, 62F

01/03 12:10, 1天前 , 63F
01/03 12:10, 63F

01/03 12:49, 1天前 , 64F
01/03 12:49, 64F

01/03 13:24, 1天前 , 65F
Pink Floyd
01/03 13:24, 65F

01/03 13:38, 1天前 , 66F
01/03 13:38, 66F

01/03 13:39, 1天前 , 67F
01/03 13:39, 67F
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