[外絮] 八村壘談Lebron努力幫助Bronny適應NBA

看板NBA (美國籃球)作者 (洞77)時間1月前 (2025/02/02 12:10), 編輯推噓-9(647326)
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Rui Hachimura Opens Up About Bronny James Situation 來源:https://bit.ly/3WIhgNy Rui Hachimura reveals just how much LeBron has been doing behind the scenes to h elp his son adjust to life in the NBA. Rui Hachimura 透露了 LeBron 在背後做了多少努力,幫助他的兒子適應 NBA 生活。 After an ugly loss to a depleted Philadelphia 76ers team, the Los Angeles Lakers had a chance to bounce back against the Washington Wizards. The team handled th eir business, cruising to a 134-96 blowout win, and while the game itself didn’ t offer much drama, it was another important night for Bronny James. 在慘敗給人手不足的 Philadelphia 76ers 之後,Los Angeles Lakers 接著迎戰 Washingt on Wizards,迎來了反彈的機會。球隊順利完成任務,以 134-96 大勝。儘管比賽本身沒有 太多懸念,但這一晚對 Bronny James 來說依然意義重大。 For the second straight game, Bronny saw extended minutes, a rare opportunity si nce Opening Night. Against Philadelphia, he had the impossible task of guarding Tyrese Maxey, who was scoring at will and torching every defender in his path. B ronny struggled, as expected—but so does just about every first-year player who gets stuck on an assignment like that. 這已經是 Bronny 連續第二場獲得較長的上場時間,自開幕戰以來,他鮮少有這樣的機會。 在對陣 Philadelphia 時,他被指派防守 Tyrese Maxey——這幾乎是不可能的任務,因為 Maxey 予取予求,讓所有防守者都束手無策。Bronny 表現掙扎,這在預料之中——畢竟, 幾乎所有新秀在面對這樣的挑戰時都會遇到困難。 On Thursday against Washington, Bronny had another chance to make an impact in g arbage time, and this time, he got his moment. The 19-year-old drove into the la ne, absorbed contact, and finished a tough free-throw, sending the Lakers bench into a frenzy. 週四對陣 Washington 時,Bronny 再次在垃圾時間獲得發揮機會,而這次,他抓住了屬於 自己的時刻。這位 19 歲的年輕人突破禁區,承受對抗後完成了一次艱難的and 1,瞬間點 燃了 Lakers 的板凳席。 Rui Hachimura, sitting courtside, immediately turned to LeBron James and embrace d him, recognizing how much the moment meant. After the game, Hachimura opened u p about just how much LeBron has been doing behind the scenes to help his son ad just to the NBA. 坐在場邊的 Rui Hachimura 立刻轉向 LeBron James,與他擁抱,因為他明白這一刻對 LeB ron 意味著什麼。賽後,Hachimura 談到了 LeBron 在背後為 Bronny 所做的一切,幫助他 適應 NBA。 "You guys have no idea how much LeBron cares about Bronny... Of course, it’s hi s son, but he cares so much. I’ve been working out with him for two years, thre e years, whatever, in the summer and when Bronny was struggling with his physica l, I was with him." 「你們根本不知道 LeBron 有多在乎 Bronny……當然,那是他的兒子,但他真的非常關心 。我這幾年夏天一直和他一起訓練,當 Bronny 身體狀況不佳時,我也在他身邊。」 Hachimura has seen it all firsthand. From offseason workouts to Bronny’s medica l scare last year, he’s watched how deeply invested LeBron is in his son’s dev elopment. Hachimura 目睹了一切,從休賽期的訓練到 Bronny 去年的健康問題,他都見證了 LeBron 對兒子發展的投入程度。 "I was actually with him and just being around, how much Bron was trying to take care of him and how much he cares about him," he continued. "I knew he wanted t his so bad. Every time he gets in, he always talks to him. Just do you, do you, be aggressive, all that. So I knew he wanted that so bad." 「當時我就在他身邊,我親眼看到 LeBron 是怎麼照顧他的,他有多麼關心他。」 他繼續 說道,「我知道 LeBron 非常希望 Bronny 能夠成功。每次 Bronny 上場,LeBron 都會和 他說話,告訴他做自己、大膽進攻等等。我知道他真的很想要這一刻。」 https://i.imgur.com/YYFJLop.jpeg
Even during games, LeBron is constantly coaching, advising, and encouraging Bron ny from the sidelines, urging him to stay aggressive and trust his instincts. Hi s reaction after Bronny’s free-throw said it all. 即便在比賽中,LeBron 也不斷從場邊進行指導、建議和鼓勵,敦促 Bronny 保持侵略性並 相信自己的直覺。而當 Bronny 命中那記罰球時,LeBron 的反應說明了一切。 "Since he scored, he was trying to, I think, hold it in a little," Hachimura sai d, smiling. "So that’s why I was like, 'Come on, bro.' But yeah, he’s my big b rother, so of course I was happy about it. It was a great moment, for sure." 「當 Bronny 得分後,我覺得 LeBron 其實在試圖克制自己的情緒,」 Hachimura 笑著說 ,「所以我才會對他說,‘來吧,兄弟。’不過他是我大哥,所以我當然也為他感到高興。 這確實是一個美好的時刻。」 For any rookie, adjusting to the NBA is a challenge. But doing it while playing for the Lakers, under the brightest spotlight in the league, with the weight of his last name attached to every move he makes? That’s an absurd set of circumst ances for Bronny. Yet, through it all, he’s handling it as well as anyone could realistically expect, staying locked in and focused on basketball. 對於任何新秀來說,適應 NBA 都是一項挑戰。但對 Bronny 而言,他不僅要適應 NBA,還 要在 Lakers 這樣的焦點球隊打球,承受全聯盟最強烈的關注,並且每一步都必須與父親的 偉大成就相比較,這對他來說是極其嚴苛的環境。然而,儘管壓力巨大,他仍然保持專注, 努力打好籃球。 At the end of the day, the noise around him won’t stop, but as long as he has t he full support of his teammates and coaches, he has a real chance to develop at his own pace. Whether he becomes a long-term rotation piece or not, for him to find his footing in the NBA, the key for Bronny will always be blocking out the distractions and focusing on the work. 最終,外界的雜音不會停止,但只要他能獲得隊友和教練團的全力支持,他就有機會按照自 己的節奏發展。不論他是否能成為球隊的長期輪換球員,對 Bronny 而言,關鍵始終是屏蔽 外界干擾,專注於努力提升自己。 https://i.imgur.com/fSjo8m5.jpeg
- https://i.imgur.com/eRWTIuT.jpeg
姆斯這一刻的心情,八村應該都看在眼裡吧! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1738469419.A.C95.html

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02/02 12:11, 1月前 , 10F
到底在幹嘛 今天也po太慢了吧 可以檢討一下嗎
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經典轉移 一條龍
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02/02 12:11, 1月前 , 18F
朗文大師是不是吃醋了 今天觀眾這樣吹邦尼煎
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02/02 12:11, 1月前 , 20F
77今天慢了啦 加油點
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02/02 12:12, 1月前 , 27F
確實很努力 大家都看得出來 問題就是實力不到
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02/02 12:12, 1月前 , 30F
怒噓 今天太慢了 職業倦怠了是不是?
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02/02 12:12, 1月前 , 31F
檢討一下 下次記得準時懂不懂
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02/02 12:17, 1月前 , 39F
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還有 84 則推文
02/02 13:42, 1月前 , 124F
懂了 原來真相竟是如此
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02/02 13:46, 1月前 , 129F
你也可以跟布朗尼一起打球了 笑死
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02/02 13:49, 1月前 , 131F
幹你原來是本人嗎 去湖人了
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02/02 13:52, 1月前 , 132F
笑死 神串留名
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02/02 13:53, 1月前 , 133F
這次我推你 難怪77一直關心朗尼 根本先知 快笑死
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02/02 13:55, 1月前 , 135F
你去湖人了 恭喜
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感人 直接轉隊
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02/02 14:21, 1月前 , 146F
你好好發廢文 沒叫你過來欸
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先知 77加油撐住 每日開心果
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哈哈哈哈哈哈號養那麼久 乖乖去當小弟嘍
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02/02 14:52, 1月前 , 157F
可以正大光明開噴了 嘻嘻
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哈哈 還敢酸隊上老大嗎
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