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Lakers' Bronny James has best NBA performance as he continues to try to prove he belongs 來源:https://bit.ly/4iqjt96 The Los Angeles Lakers have managed to tread water without LeBron James. Despite Thursday's 118-89 loss to the Milwaukee Bucks, they are still 3-3 since the fou r-time MVP injured his groin against the Boston Celtics. Fortunately, even witho ut the legendary forward, the Lakers aren't completely bereft of players named L eBron James. 洛杉磯湖人隊在缺少LeBron James的情況下依然保持競爭力。儘管週四以118-89輸給公鹿, 但自從他們的四屆MVP在對波士頓塞爾提克的比賽中受傷以來,依然保持著3勝3敗的戰績。 幸運的是,即便沒有這位傳奇前鋒,湖人隊並不是真正缺乏名為LeBron James的球員。 After all, they also have his son, Bronny James, who got 30 minutes of playing t ime on Thursday and managed to make the most of them. In those 30 minutes, he sc ored 17 points on 7 of 10 shooting. While he tied with Dalton Knecht for the tea m lead in scoring, his biggest highlight, like so many of his father's, came on a pass. 畢竟,他們還有LeBron的兒子Bronny James,週四他獲得了30分鐘的上場時間,並充分利用 了這些時間。在這30分鐘內,他以10投7中的準度得到17分。雖然他和Dalton Knecht並列全 隊得分王,但他最亮眼的時刻,卻是像他父親一樣,來自一記助攻。 The elder James is known for his hit-ahead passes in transition. Bronny had one of his own, setting up teammate Markieff Morris for an easy layup in the second quarter. LeBron James以快速反擊中的前場傳球著名,而Bronny也有一記類似的傳球,助攻隊友Mark ieff Morris輕鬆上籃得分,這發生在第二節。 https://x.com/bleacherreport/status/1902927203928858936?s=46 The younger James hasn't been able to carve out significant playing time even wi th this recent rash of injuries for the Lakers. Prior to Thursday, he had never played more than 15 minute and 43 seconds in an NBA game, nor had he reached dou ble digits in scoring. 即便湖人隊近期傷病情況嚴重,Bronny仍然無法獲得大量上場時間。在週四之前,他在NBA 的上場時間從未超過15分鐘43秒,也從未達到雙位數得分。 But Thursday represented a perfect storm for him in his quest to prove he belong s in the NBA. The Lakers were missing not only his father, but all of their othe r starters except Jaxson Hayes. That created plenty of backcourt minutes, and Ja mes played well enough within those minutes not to cede them to other reserves. The result was his biggest step forward as a professional. Well, at least at the NBA level. 但週四對他來說是一次完美的機會,讓他有機會證明自己有資格留在NBA。湖人隊不僅缺少L eBron,其他首發球員也只有Jaxson Hayes在場。這為後衛線提供了大量上場時間,而Bronn y在這些時間內表現得足夠出色,沒有讓其他替補球員取而代之。最終,這成為了他作為職 業球員的一大進步。嗯,至少在NBA層級來說。 https://x.com/nba/status/1902925477754572859?s=46 James has thrived in the G-League this season, scoring over 20 points per game i n nine appearances. He still has a ways to go before he can share the court with his father consistently. He is small for a defensive-minded guard, coming in be low 6-2, and his jump shot is still a work in progress. 本賽季,Bronny在G聯盟表現出色,九場比賽中場均得分超過20分。他仍有一段路要走,才 能與父親在場上並肩作戰。他身高不到6尺2寸,對於一名防守型後衛來說身材偏小,而且他 的跳投仍在進步中。 But James was once considered a possible first-round pick, and Thursday was a gl impse at why. Slowly but surely, he's improving. That won't get him into the pla yoff rotation for the Lakers, but it's a promising sign of what could come. 但Bronny曾被認為是可能的首輪選秀球員,週四的比賽讓大家看到了為何他曾如此被看好。 雖然進步緩慢,但確實在進步。這不會讓他立刻進入湖人隊的季後賽輪換陣容,但卻對未來 卻是一個充滿希望的信號。 - Bronny這場的好表現,應該有嚇到大家了吧 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1742543325.A.ED9.html

03/21 15:49, 11小時前 , 1F
社長都已經發文了你才來 難怪被FIRE
03/21 15:49, 1F

03/21 15:49, 11小時前 , 2F
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03/21 15:52, 11小時前 , 5F
未來聯盟門面 幾篇文都不過分
03/21 15:52, 5F

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03/21 15:54, 11小時前 , 11F
有用心翻譯 補個推
03/21 15:54, 11F

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03/21 15:59, 10小時前 , 15F
想必比賽贏了吧? 這比吹捧普爾更好笑...
03/21 15:59, 15F

03/21 15:59, 10小時前 , 16F
應該入選前三隊可拿5y 224m xd
03/21 15:59, 16F

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03/21 16:01, 10小時前 , 19F
還得是你 朗報小編
03/21 16:01, 19F

03/21 16:01, 10小時前 , 20F
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03/21 16:04, 10小時前 , 21F
輸球還能洗版吹捧 不愧是就是煮
03/21 16:04, 21F

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03/21 16:07, 10小時前 , 24F
-36 -36 -36
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03/21 16:08, 10小時前 , 25F
斑馬安心養病 門面有我大布朗尼扛著呢
03/21 16:08, 25F

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03/21 16:28, 10小時前 , 29F
公鹿: 我不是贏球嗎? 版面呢?
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03/21 17:44, 9小時前 , 36F
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03/21 18:04, 8小時前 , 37F
ID 本來不是另一個嗎
03/21 18:04, 37F

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03/21 21:29, 5小時前 , 39F
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03/21 21:39, 5小時前 , 40F
整天噓別人po 現在換自己貼是怎樣
03/21 21:39, 40F

03/21 21:48, 5小時前 , 41F
ID錯誤 朗文只有一個人能貼
03/21 21:48, 41F

03/21 22:37, 4小時前 , 42F
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03/21 23:21, 3小時前 , 43F
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