[外電] Max Fried加盟記者會 (節錄翻譯)

看板NY-Yankees作者 (vigilante666)時間1月前 (2024/12/19 12:08), 1月前編輯推噓21(2106)
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原文:https://reurl.cc/XZqjj0 New Yank Fried's priorities? World Series ... and food for his dog Apollo https://i.imgur.com/HGdQbKU.jpeg
The three words lingered in Max Fried’s mind, days after he had been escorted on a tour of the home clubhouse at Yankee Stadium, representing the next step in the Yankees’ courtship of the touted left-hander. He recounted the sequen ce of those large letters, printed for all passersby to consume: “Prepare. Co mpete. Win.” 當阿炸參觀完洋基球場之後,他的感想只有三個詞:準備、競爭、贏球。(贏球、贏球、 還是他X的贏球?) Considering his options in the cluttered arena of free agency, that simple man tra seemed to provide clarity. As he slipped on a pinstriped No. 54 jersey for the first time, Fried said he was ready to embrace the weight of responsibili ty and expectations that uniform signifies, confirming that the Bronx is exact ly where he wants to be. 在眾多的追求者當中,當阿炸心中浮現出這樣的感想之後,加盟洋基這個決定立刻在他腦 海中變得清晰了起來。記者會上,披上他的54號條紋衣後,他也表明他已經準備好迎接外 界對於他的期許以及承擔相對應的責任。並且也再次重申了他很想為洋基投球。 “When I get out there, I’m going to leave everything out there and compete t o the best of my abilities,” Fried said. “The one thing that we’re out here to do is to win. I couldn’t be more excited to be part of the Yankees and pa rt of this organization.” 阿炸說:「一旦我走上投手丘,我就一定會全力以赴。我們來這裡只為了一件事:贏球。 我非常開心也非常期待能夠成為洋基的一份子。」 Fried, 30, was formally introduced on Wednesday in a Yankee Stadium news confe rence, eight days after agreeing to an eight-year, $218 million contract that represents the largest deal ever issued to a left-handed pitcher, and the four th largest for any pitcher. 洋基在昨天幫今年剛滿30的阿炸舉行了加盟記者會,在雙方簽署了一份8y/218M的合約之 後。這份合約也是左投手有史以來的最大張合約,並且是所有投手中第四大張的合約。 Yankees general manager Brian Cashman described Fried as a “warrior on the mo und” and a “genuine, down-to-earth human being” outside the lines -- asked what he might do with his newfound riches, Fried smiled and replied, “The fir st thought that popped into my mind was getting my dog a bunch of dog food.” 現金人把阿炸形容成是「投手丘上的戰士」,同時他也覺得阿炸平常是一個待人真誠,非 常接地氣很親切的人。當阿炸在記者會上被問到,他會拿他剛簽約獲得的這筆錢去做什麼 時,阿炸笑著回答:「我第一個想到的是幫我的狗狗買一堆狗糧。」 Yes, little Apollo Fried (a three-year old mutt who was not intentionally name d after the character in the "Rocky" movies, but let’s roll with it) should p lan on eating well for quite some time. Fried, meanwhile, aims to continue doi ng what he has become accustomed to in Atlanta – pitching in the postseason e very year. 阿炸家的狗狗Apollo今年剛滿三歲,看來他將會有吃不完的狗糧了。而阿炸本人則希望未 來在紐約他可以像他在亞特蘭大的時候一樣,每年都在季後賽站上投手丘。 “Winning is a big priority for me,” said Fried, who won a World Series with the Braves in 2021. “Every single year the Yankees come to Spring Training, t he number one goal is to win a World Series, to get to the playoffs. It’s not to do anything besides hold up the trophy at the end of the year. 「贏球對我來說真的非常重要。」阿炸如是說道。阿炸在2021年的時候和勇士隊一起奪得 了世界大賽冠軍。「每一年從春訓開始,洋基的頭號目標都是要進季後賽,要贏得世界大 賽冠軍。除此之外沒有別的目標了。」 “Knowing I was going to make a potentially long commitment, I wanted to be in a place that I knew I was going to be able to win, year in and year out.” 「在知道我自己想要獲得一份長約之後,我希望自己可以加入一隻年復一年都可以保有競 爭力,可以衝擊世界大賽冠軍的球隊。」 The Yankees envision Fried as a formidable No. 2 behind ace Gerrit Cole, with pitching coach Matt Blake stating on Wednesday that he believes the club’s an alytical data may be able to refine Fried’s seven-pitch arsenal even further. 阿炸被洋基視作為他們的2號先發,排在洋基雷打不動的王牌寇哥之後。投手教練Matt Bl ake也表示,目前球團的分析系統可以幫助阿炸更有效的使用他那擁有其中球路的武器庫 。 “There’s a level of improvability going forward, just how the arsenal can be crafted and pulled apart,” said Blake, who added that he expects Fried to th row 175 to 180 innings this coming season. “There’s some room to evolve with us.” 「阿炸絕對還有更進一步的空間。主要取決於如何去使用以及調配他的7種球種。」同時M att Blake也說,他預期阿炸在新賽季可以貢獻175-180局左右的局數。 Yankees manager Aaron Boone recalled seeing Fried’s name slotted atop the clu b’s wish list in the team’s Winter Meetings suite at the Hilton Anatole in D allas, making him an instant target once Juan Soto decided to accept the Mets ’ offer. 布總回憶說,他還記得在冬季會議上,發現阿炸居然在球隊的願望清單上名列前茅。當So to決定前往梅子的時候,阿炸想當然就變成了球隊的頭號網羅目標。 The Yanks’ interest was bolstered in part by a successful 90-minute Zoom meet ing earlier in the offseason with Fried; Cashman said that he “loved his answ ers” in what was described as an “easily flowing, genuine, authentic” chat between the hurler and club executives. 在冬季會議期間,洋基管理層和阿炸用zoom的視訊會議聊了大約90分鐘。現金人說他非常 滿意Fried如此真誠且直接的對答如流。 “When the Yankees say that they’re interested in you, you perk up and you li sten,” Fried said. 阿炸說:「當聽到洋基對你有興趣,你自然會感到興奮並且聽聽他們想對妳說些什麼。」 Though 2024 marked Fried’s seventh consecutive season with a stint on the inj ured list (this time, for left forearm neuritis), he pitched to an 11-10 recor d and 3.25 ERA in 29 starts, permitting 146 hits and 57 walks over 174 1/3 inn ings, with 166 strikeouts. 儘管2024賽季也是阿炸連續第7個賽季有前往傷兵名單的紀錄(左手臂神經發炎),但他 依然在29場先發中繳出了11勝10敗,3.25 ERA,在174.1局的投球中只被敲了146支安打, 送出166次三振以及57次保送。 He tied for the MLB lead with two complete games and one shutout, ranking seco nd in ground-ball percentage (59%, first in NL) and opponents’ slugging perce ntage (.315, first in NL). Boone acknowledged there is “inherent risk” in an y long-term deal, but the Yanks will bet on Fried’s preparation and training. 他有著並列聯盟最多的2次完投以及1次完封勝。在全大聯盟投手中滾地球比例排第二(國 聯第一)。同時被長打率在聯盟中也是排第二(國聯第一)。布總明白只要是長約,不可 避免的都會有一定的風險存在,但洋基願意在阿炸身上賭一把。 “What I like about him is, he’s been able to add and change his arsenal, or allow his arsenal to evolve over the years,” Boone said. “I think that’s go ing to be something that really serves him well in the long term.” 「我特別喜歡阿炸在這幾年的投球當中,願意在他原有的球種當中,加入新的不同球種, 或是改變原有的球路。我認為長遠來看這對他的生涯來說絕對是一大助力。」布總評價道 。 Boone recounted a 2020 start that Fried made against the Yankees in Atlanta, w hen the Bombers were handcuffed to a run on four hits in a 2-1 loss. In Boone ’s recollection, batter after batter returned to the dugout, muttering about how, “He’s just got a lot of ways to beat you.” 布總也回憶,在2020年他們對上阿炸的時候,阿炸只被擊出4支安打失掉1分,並最終帶領 勇士隊以2-1擊敗洋基。布總還記得每個打者走回休息區的時候都在互相murmur:「阿炸 怎麼可以有這麼多解決你的辦法...?」 “You see him in there and he’s kind of soft-spoken, articulate and reserved, but this is a guy that is tenacious between the lines,” Boone said. 「場下的他或許是一個平易近人,待人親切的小伙子。但只要站上投手丘,他就是個不會 輕易屈服,頑強戰鬥的選手。」 That’s exactly what the Yankees hope to inflict upon the rest of the American League; just in their own division, Fried has compiled a 2.23 ERA across 10 s tarts and 62 2/3 innings against the Blue Jays, Orioles, Rays and Red Sox, fas hioning a 7-2 record. 而這也是洋基希望在接下來的比賽中看見的,特別是在美東這個長久以來的一級戰區。Fr ied生涯面對美東其他球隊(洋基除外),在總共10次的先發,62.2局的投球當中繳出了7 勝2敗的好成績。 “I’m excited about being able to put the pinstripes on in Yankee Stadium, fo r the Yankees,” Fried said. “It’s one of the most storied, winning franchis es in sports. I want to be able to do my part in adding to that.” 「我對於披上條紋衣在洋基球場投球,代表洋基隊投球感到非常興奮。這是一支歷史悠久 ,且長年保有競爭力的球隊。我想要在這些基礎上盡我自己的一臂之力,成為這支球隊的 一部分。」阿炸總結時說道。 —————————————————— 看來阿炸在人和方面真的做的還蠻成功的。 希望他也可以為洋基休息區帶來更良好的氣氛。 他的狗狗上輩子想必是做了不少好事(? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NY-Yankees/M.1734581287.A.F7A.html ※ 編輯: vigilante666 ( 臺灣), 12/19/2024 12:11:28

12/19 12:10, 1月前 , 1F
他這型態可以丟很久 控球還在的話
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※ 編輯: vigilante666 ( 臺灣), 12/19/2024 12:12:44 ※ 編輯: vigilante666 ( 臺灣), 12/19/2024 12:13:29 ※ 編輯: vigilante666 ( 臺灣), 12/19/2024 12:13:56 ※ 編輯: vigilante666 ( 臺灣), 12/19/2024 12:14:15 ※ 編輯: vigilante666 ( 臺灣), 12/19/2024 12:14:58

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12/19 12:42, 1月前 , 9F
比起Fried 我印象更深的還是Devin Williams
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air bender 只會來打工一年嗎?
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希望別受傷 有機會成為新一代的老派
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這太帥了吧 變隊上第一帥?
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文章代碼(AID): #1dOvmdzw (NY-Yankees)
文章代碼(AID): #1dOvmdzw (NY-Yankees)