
看板PACERS (印第安那 溜馬)作者 (Faith)時間19年前 (2006/01/01 01:58), 編輯推噓3(300)
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ptt溜馬版上的各位球迷們,新年快樂囉~~ 希望走出逆勢的那天,就在不遠的前方。 Where will Artest wind up? Deliberate Pacers in no rush to deal 亞泰斯特何去何從? 溜馬持謹慎態度,不急著成交。 By Mike Wells mike.wells@indystar.com When and who? 何時,換誰? Those are the two most intriguing questions surrounding the Indiana Pacers. 這是圍繞在溜馬隊上下最引人注目的兩個問題。 When will they trade forward Ron Artest, and who will they get in return to help their struggling team? 何時會交易 Ron Artest,還有,誰會轉隊幫助這個陷在泥沼中的球隊? Pacers CEO Donnie Walsh and president Larry Bird are fielding phone calls daily but said they'll continue to take their time to figure out the right move. 溜馬CEO Donnie Walsh 與總裁 Larry Bird 天天都有電話要回覆, 但是,他們表示會繼續保持審慎的態度,找出最正確的交易。 "Close? I don't know," Bird said Thursday. "There's so many offers out there and so many things going on. We are trying to narrow it down to what's best for our team and which way to go. It's not like it's a two-team trade; there's like 14 teams. Bird 週四說到:「成交?我可不知道。有太多可能性,有太多事情在發生 我們試著抽絲剝繭找出最適合我們的選擇,找出一個方向。這不是兩隊在談 這是14支球隊在交涉。」 "Some of it's B.S., some of it's for real. I don't think we ever felt we had to get something done in a week, or two weeks or three weeks. We'll see what happens. It could get done tomorrow, but it could get done two or three weeks from now." 他繼續說到:「有些提議是屁(Bull Shit=B.S.),有些是真心誠意的。 我不認為我們想要在一個禮拜內搞定,或是兩到三個禮拜。我們會看看 情勢發展。可能明天就成交,也可能是兩三週後成交。」 While there are countless rumors being discussed on radio stations and Internet Web sites, the Pacers aren't sure which way they'll go. Since it's unlikely they can get a player of Artest's caliber in return, Bird said they're looking at all scenarios, including draft picks, multi-team deals and players in the final year of a contract to help salary cap purposes. The Pacers may include another player in a deal. 即使網路、電台充斥著數不清的謠言,溜馬隊還不確定到底要怎麼做。既然 不太可能交易到一個 Artest 等級的球員, Bird 說他們把考慮的範圍擴大, 把選秀權、多隊交易、換回合約到期球員幫助球隊紓解薪資總和壓力等等選項 都考慮進來。溜馬也可能把另一位球員加進交易當中。 Denver, the Los Angeles Lakers, Minnesota and Golden State continue to be mentioned in the chase for Artest. The Pacers prefer to send Artest, who remains on the inactive list, to a Western Conference team. 金塊、湖人、灰狼以及勇士隊不斷出現在交易傳聞當中。溜馬傾向把 Artest 交易到西區,他目前仍被放在不啟用名單上。 "It depends on what players are offered," Bird said about which direction the Pacers would like to go. "The owners have a say in this, too. They want to do the right thing. If we get a good offer, we'll probably take the player. If we don't get good offer, we'll probably take the (draft) choice and do more scouting this winter and prepare for the draft. I think we'll get a good player out of this." Bird 有提起溜馬可能走的方向:「這關係到對方提出的球員名單。球隊 老闆也可以影響最後的決定。他們希望做出正確的決定。如果我們有個 好的對象可以換回來,我們就換。如果沒有好的對象,我們可能就會拿 選秀權,然後好好的開始蒐集情報,看看有哪些潛力新秀值得投資。我想 想我們會找到一位好球員的。」 The Pacers' other players know there's a possibility they could be involved in a trade scenario also. Austin Croshere and Anthony  Johnson have been mentioned in potential trade deals. 溜馬隊其他的球員知道他們有可能被加到交易名單中。Austin Croshere 與 Anthony Johnson 的名字都在交易傳言中出現過。 "Guys are wondering who we're going to get; they're wondering are they going to be here," forward Jermaine O'Neal said. "We may have to put somebody in the trade to make the trade work. It's a lot of things that come into play. Jermaine O'Neal 說:「我們都在猜會換到誰,有些人也在猜自己會不會 留下來。要把交易談成,可能需要把其他球員加進來。有太多因素會影響 交易。」 "We are pros. You have to approach this as a pro because that's the nature of the business. There are few (people) that get the opportunity that (retired Pacers guard) Reggie (Miller) did and spend the entire career with one team. If a team feels they get something better for you, they will get something better for you. If not, you have to keep playing." O'Neal 繼續說到:「我們是職業球員。你必須用職業球員的心態來 看這整件事情,因為這就是一門生意。很少有球員像 Reggie 一樣能 夠在一支球隊渡過他的NBA生涯。如果球隊看上比你好的人選,球 隊會把你交易出去。如果沒有,你就可以繼續留下來效命。」 Star reporter Mark Montieth contributed to this report. 本報記者 Mark Montieth 也替本篇報導提供建議。 Call Star reporter Mike Wells at (317) 444-6053. 聯絡本篇報導撰寫者請撥 (317) 444-6053 找 Mike Wells Copyright 2005 IndyStar.com. All rights reserved 本文著作權屬 2005 IndyStar.com. 所有。 Love Pacers 2006 ! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

01/01 02:54, , 1F
謝謝翻譯 :)
01/01 02:54, 1F

01/01 04:36, , 2F
謝翻譯 :)
01/01 04:36, 2F

01/02 21:18, , 3F
01/02 21:18, 3F
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