[新聞] Royals sign El-Abour, outfielder with autism

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Royals sign El-Abour, outfielder with autism 25-year-old former collegian, independent-league player to join extended spring training When 25-year-old outfielder Tarik El-Abour got the news from his mother, Nadia, that the Royals were going to sign him to a Minor League deal, he could barely contain himself. "Nadia told me he just started walking from wall to wall," Royals special advisor Reggie Sanders said. "He kept saying he can't believe this is happening. He kept saying, 'All I ever wanted was to play baseball.'" See, El-Abour became what is believed to be the first player with autism to sign a Minor League contract last week. El-Abour, a right-handed-hitting outfielder, presently is playing in extended spring training with many other hopeful young Royals. El-Abour was diagnosed with autism when he was 3 years old. He didn't speak until he was 6. But his love of baseball at an early age persuaded Nadia to focus on his abilities, not disabilities, Sanders said. According to the website autismspeaks.org, autism refers to a range of conditions characterized by challenges with social skills, repetitive behaviors, speech and nonverbal communication. It also is characterized by unique strengths. "The repetitiveness of autism and the repetitiveness of baseball kind of go hand in hand," Sanders said. "It's great to be able to marry those two." Sanders is well-informed on the subject. His 40-year-old brother Demetrious is autistic, and a few years back, Sanders founded RSFCares, which works to provide a comprehensive network of support for children and families living with autism. Two years ago, a high school mentor for El-Abour brought his story to Sanders' attention. Sanders became fascinated with El-Abour. El-Abour graduated from San Marino High School, played baseball briefly at Pasadena City College, then received a scholarship to play baseball at Concordia (Calif.) University. But he was cut before the season began. A determined El-Abour transferred to Pacifica College, played a year there, and when the school merged with Bristol University, he played his season year there and earned a degree in Business Administration. After graduation, El-Abour, a 5-foot-11, 170-pounder, signed with the independent Empire League and played for the Sullivan Explorers in southern New York. He hit .323 and won rookie of the year honors. Last year, he hit .240 for the Plattsburgh Red Birds. Sanders approached the Royals about letting El-Abour take batting practice prior to a game with the Angels last season. The Royals were all in. And when Sanders saw how easily El-Abour fit in with the Major League players personally, as well as with his bat, he decided he eventually would take things to the next level. That next level came in February when he convinced general manager Dayton Moore and his staff to consider offering El-Abour a contract. The Royals' organization has a history of inclusion, having rescued the career of Jim Eisenreich, who had Tourette's Syndrome as well as Asperger Syndrome (a form of autism). The Royals made the offer to El-Abour. Sanders couldn't be more proud of the Royals or El-Abour. "After his first game, Tarik called me in extended spring training," Sanders said, "and he said, 'I'm in the right place.'" [ETtoday] 皇家簽約自閉症球員 大聯盟體系歷史第一人 記者潘泓鈺/綜合報導 皇家14日以小聯盟合約簽約現年25歲的艾波瓦(Tarik El-Abour),他成為歷史第一 位進入大聯盟體系的自閉症球員。過去兩年艾波瓦都在獨立聯盟打球,2016年打擊率 高達.323,獲得新人王殊榮,而他所效力的2隊都拿下冠軍。 艾波瓦的棒球之路非常崎嶇,或許多少受到自閉症影響。大學為4個不同的學校效力, 畢業後大聯盟選秀會落選,只好到紐約區的獨立聯盟EPBL打球,加盟蘇利文探險家隊 (Sullivan Exporers)。 首年艾波瓦以.323的打擊率拿下新人王,並協助探險家拿下聯盟總冠軍,去年轉隊普 拉茨堡紅鳥隊(Plattsburgh Redbirds),雖然打擊率下降到.240,仍幫助球隊奪冠 ,待過兩支球隊都拿下冠軍。 「我認為這對於球隊或是艾波瓦都是很棒的機會,」皇家助理總管皮克洛(J.J. Picollo )說道,「我們給予他很好的藍圖,我們有出色的教練團、優秀的環境,更可以讓他 一路打到下個春天。」 「艾波瓦展現了對棒球的熱情以及良好的職業道德,我們相信他會成功,我們現在要 給他個機會兌現天賦,並且展現球團的多元性、包容性,不管是對艾波瓦還是皇家, 這都是件好事。」 艾波瓦能夠成為歷史上第一位被診斷出自閉症打進大聯盟體系球員,很大原因要歸功 於皇家的顧問,在2007年從皇家退役的明星外野手桑德斯(Reggie Sanders)。他在 2012年成立了桑德斯基金會,幫助自閉症患者找工作、學習一技之長,他也是艾波瓦 能夠創造歷史的推手之一。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Royals/M.1523713426.A.294.html

04/15 01:22, 6年前 , 1F
04/15 01:22, 1F
※ 編輯: Ronen (, 04/15/2018 11:42:24
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