[新聞] 指控俄羅斯球員嘲笑戰爭 20歲女將:他們以此為樂

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指控俄羅斯球員嘲笑戰爭 20歲女將:他們以此為樂 2022/03/05 09:11 烏克蘭出生的莉斯指控俄羅斯選手嘲笑烏克蘭戰爭。(圖片取自網路) 〔體育中心/綜合報導〕俄羅斯入侵烏克蘭的舉動讓體壇群起抵制俄羅斯球員,烏克蘭出 生的網球選手莉斯(Eva Lys)指控,有許多俄羅斯球員在取笑這場戰爭。 20歲的莉斯在烏克蘭出生,父親也是烏克蘭人,他在1歲就移居德國,目前是德國籍選手 。莉斯在接受《Eurosport》訪問時談到自己於哈薩克參加比賽時遇到的經歷:「許多俄 羅斯選手不尊重那些受到烏克蘭戰爭影響的人,他們嘲笑這件事且以此為樂。有些球員則 穿上代表俄羅斯顏色的球衣。」 此外,莉斯也表示自己在身著烏克蘭顏色球衣,來聲援自己出生的國家時,並沒有感受到 被觀眾支持:「大家對我的服裝沒有言語上的反應,但你可以感受到他們的表情,整個氣 氛非常凝重。」 不過莉斯並沒有要求俄羅斯選手被排除在賽事之外,他認為職業網球選手不像國家隊一樣 能體現一個國家。「我認為禁止俄羅斯國旗是正確的,但要讓那些職業網球選手上場打球 。」 世界排名仍在300名外的莉斯,去年贏得德國錦標賽的冠軍,此次參加位在哈薩克舉辦的W 25阿斯塔納國際錦標賽,於16強不敵賽會第6種子,捷克選手Anastasia Zakharova。 https://sports.ltn.com.tw/amp/news/breakingnews/3849270 Eva Lys: Many Russian players laugh and make fun of the Ukraine war Lys competed at an ITF event in Kazakhstan this week. Author: Dzevad Mesic | 2022-03-05 09:40 | German tennis player Eva Lys made a shocking claim as she says some Russian pl ayers laughed about the Ukraine war and made fun of it at an ITF event in Kaza khstan. Lys, a German player of Ukrainian descent, competed at an ITF event in Nur Sultan, Kazakhstan, this week. Lys kept in touch with her relatives from Ukraine and described to Eurosport D eutcshland how the people of Ukraine are "living a terrible nightmare." "I wan t to get one thing straight: it's awful and I'm not going to sugarcoat it. It's terrible. For example, I have a picture of a friend of my mother's sleepi ng in the subway with her little daughter. When we talk on the phone, the bomb s can be heard through the phone. Humans are helpless in the face of attacks, but they are incredibly brave. My grandmother and grandfather have now left Ukraine and arrived in Poland aft er a three-day journey. The other men from the family stayed in Kyiv to help," Lys told Eurosport Deutschland. Lys: Some Russian players make fun of what is happening in Ukraine "Many Russian players who are here show disrespect to those affected by the Uk raine war. They laugh about it, make fun of it, some demonstratively put on tracksuits in the Russian national colors. It is all the more important that we spread wide ly what is really happening there," Lys claimed. Also, Lys praised the governi ng bodies of tennis for stepping up and sanctioning the tennis federations of Russia and Belarus. "First of all, I think it's very good that the tennis associations ITF, WTA an d ATP acted quickly - and rightly so. Tennis pros don't embody a country in th e same way that national teams do. So I think it's right to ban Russian teams to send a crystal clear message. And I think it's good that flags or the reference to Russia are removed in ten nis, but the individual professionals are allowed to play," Lys added. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Tennis/M.1646489490.A.45F.html

03/05 23:28, 2年前 , 1F
03/05 23:28, 1F

03/06 00:45, 2年前 , 2F
俄羅斯媒體教育洗腦很嚴重 烏克蘭是俄羅斯的一部分
03/06 00:45, 2F

03/06 00:47, 2年前 , 3F
烏克蘭是俄的鄉下 烏克蘭土地是當初蘇聯割錯的
03/06 00:47, 3F

03/06 00:48, 2年前 , 4F
反正入侵烏克蘭是他們活該 挖哩勒...
03/06 00:48, 4F

03/06 00:51, 2年前 , 5F
還好資訊戰 西方第一時間就封鎖俄羅斯媒體發聲
03/06 00:51, 5F

03/06 00:52, 2年前 , 6F
否則像敘利亞克里米亞時 俄羅斯狂送假訊息洗腦
03/06 00:52, 6F

03/06 00:53, 2年前 , 7F
雖然西方資訊也不能輕信 但俄這次入侵 完全沒先準備
03/06 00:53, 7F

03/06 00:54, 2年前 , 8F
假旗行動也沒有做足 一開始就直取基輔 也是蠻笨的
03/06 00:54, 8F

03/06 00:56, 2年前 , 9F
對俄有利應該是佔領烏東跟黑海沿岸 再來談東西分治
03/06 00:56, 9F

03/06 09:37, 2年前 , 10F
正常 想一下中國如果打過來也是一樣 大概就是殺光台
03/06 09:37, 10F

03/06 09:37, 2年前 , 11F
胞子 台獨活該去死 台灣是中國神聖不可分割的 一樣
03/06 09:37, 11F

03/06 10:03, 2年前 , 12F
二樓的 對岸也是這樣 一模一樣!
03/06 10:03, 12F

03/06 14:37, 2年前 , 13F
獨裁國家不就這樣 就洗腦自己人民啊 北韓不是更誇張
03/06 14:37, 13F

03/06 14:37, 2年前 , 14F
03/06 14:37, 14F

03/06 15:03, 2年前 , 15F
03/06 15:03, 15F

03/06 23:40, 2年前 , 16F
03/06 23:40, 16F
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