[情報] 眾球星對Iga Swiatek連勝看法

看板Tennis (網球)作者 (sthho)時間2年前 (2022/04/29 16:21), 2年前編輯推噓11(1109)
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https://reurl.cc/WrXx7L Ons Jabeur "She inspires us, to be honest," World No.10 Ons Jabeur told reporters at Media Day in Madrid. "We want it or not, she's an inspiration to a lot of players, and me included. 「老實說,她激勵了我們!」 「不管願不願意,她激勵了很多球員,包括我在內。」 "I hope I can achieve that level because I don't know what she's doing right now, but what she's doing is right. To be able not to lose a match is the goal for every player and I hope she can continue that way. 「我希望我能達到那個境界,因為我不知道她現在能贏到哪裡,但她現在打的很好。 能夠不輸一場比賽是每個球員的目標,我希望她能繼續贏下去。」 "But not against me," the Tunisian added with a laugh. 「但不是跟我打的時候。」 大坂直美 "I think it’s really awesome what she’s doing," Osaka said. "I wish I would be able to win four tournaments in a row. 「我覺得她真的打得很棒,我希望我也能夠連續贏得四個冠軍。」 "I think to me she just looks really concentrated, which is really cool at such a young age. I think she has a goal, maybe we all don’t know about that goal, but it really looks like she has a purpose. It’s really cool to see her playing that well and I really want to play her on clay just to see what happens." 「我覺得她看起來真的很專注,這麼年輕真的很酷。我認為她有一個目標,也許我們都不 知道那個目標,但看起來她真的有一個目標。 看到她打得這麼好真的很酷,我真的很想 在紅土上和她比賽,看看會怎麼樣。」 Maria Sakkari "I've been telling you guys that she has been doing the right things," Sakkari said. "You don't win four tournaments in a row if you don't deserve it. It's exciting. She's obviously feeling confident. 「我一直在告訴你們,她打得越來越好,你不可能隨隨便便就連續贏得四場比賽。 這很令人興奮。很顯然的,她現在充滿自信。」 "But I see myself up there and I see that I can be one of the players that can make her feel that it's tough when we play each other. She has actually said it a lot of times, how we have a great rivalry. It's great for our sport because she's a young player, she has a different personality, in a good way, of course. It's exciting for our game now that Ash is not here." 「但我看我自己站在場上時,我發現我可以成為讓她感到相當棘手的對手之一。 她實際上已經說過很多次了,我們彼此間的對抗打出了很棒的比賽。 這對我們的運動來說很棒,因為她是一名年輕球員,她有不同好的特質。 尤其現在Ash(Barty)不在,這對我們的比賽來真的令人興奮的。」 Jabeur回應Sakkari的看法 "It didn't happen just over a day," Jabeur said. "Even though Barty was No.1 and she took off her name, it was completely deserved for Iga to be there and she showed it, winning all the tournaments. 「這不是僅一天就發生的,儘管巴蒂曾經是世界第一但她已經移除了自己的排名, Iga成為球后是完全是實至名歸的,她證明了這一點,贏得了所有的比賽。」 "I hope she feels well. I know playing a lot of matches is not easy. We saw how Barty she played a lot of matches last year and how she got injured at the French Open. So it's a very smart move for her maybe to take care of her body." 「我希望她能保持健康。我知道打很多場比賽並不容易。 我們看到巴蒂去年打了很多場比賽,以及她在法網是如何受傷的。 所以這對她來說可能是一個非常聰明的選擇並照顧好她的身體。」 Paula Badosa "Mentally she's different," Badosa said. "The way she plays, she has special hands. She has magic. From the middle, she opens the court very easily. She moves amazing. 「她的心理素質是與眾不同的,她的打球方式,她有特別的正拍。她有魔法。 從中場,她很容易打開局面。她的移動速度驚人。」 "She has everything to be World No.1. She totally deserves it. And I'm even more happy, because she's a humble person and she's very normal." 「她具備成為世界第一的一切條件。這是她完全贏得的。 而且我更高興的是,她是一個謙虛的人,她很正常。」 Swiatek's down-to-earth temperament was a common refrain amongst the player set. 關於Iga的謙虛個性 Maria Sakkari "Obviously, you can tell she's a very, very nice girl," Sakkari said. "She's a very good person. You can tell from her eyes and from her and from her aura and everything. "She has something, not a superpower, but something special. She's like Eleven in Stranger Things. She has something." 「很顯然,你可以看出她是一個非常非常好的女孩,她是一個非常好的人。 你可以從她的眼睛,從她的氣質,從她的氣場和一切中看出。」 「她有一些東西,不是超能力,而是一些特別的東西。她就像《怪奇物語》中的Eleven。 她有一些東西。」 Ons Jabeur Said Jabeur: "Iga is always nice. She didn't change. I like her, I like her team a lot. "And she's a very humble person. And honestly, I respect humble people a lot because I hate when people change because of a ranking, you know?" 「伊加一直都很nice。她沒有改變。我喜歡她,我非常喜歡她的團隊。」 「而且她是一個非常謙虛的人。 老實說,我非常尊重謙虛的人,因為我討厭人們因為排名更高而改變,你知道嗎?」 Iga Swiatek "I feel like they're kind of watching me a little bit more," Swiatek told reporters after withdrawing from Madrid. "I don't know if that's a positive thing or not, but there are many players who congratulated me and who I could see that they feel sympathy. It was pretty nice talking to some of them. 「我覺得他們更注意我了,我不知道這是否是一件正面的事情, 但有很多球員向我表示祝賀,我可以感覺到他們很關心我。 與他們中的一些人交談非常愉快。」 "It surprised me because I didn't know if people are going to be, I don't know, jealous or if they're going to imagine they're being in my position. But honestly, I really appreciate how they are all treating me, so it's pretty nice." 「這讓我感到驚訝,因為我不知道人們是否會,我不知道,嫉妒, 或者他們是否會想像他們處於我的位置。 但老實說,我真的很感激他們都是對我好,挺好的。」 備註: 不太會翻譯這種比較口語化的內容 如果有誤 請盡管提出 謝謝! -- 心目中的ACGN --- TOP1: A: 凪のあすから (P.A. Works) C: To LOVEる -とらぶる- ダークネス (矢吹健太朗) G: バイオハザード (CAPCOM) N: アクセル・ワールド (川原礫) 同場加映 同人MOD: 姜維傳 (Ratchet) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Tennis/M.1651220507.A.247.html ※ 編輯: sthho ( 臺灣), 04/29/2022 16:22:33

04/29 16:34, 2年前 , 1F
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04/29 22:47, 2年前 , 13F
我盡力翻了 如有建議歡迎提出 感謝
04/29 22:47, 13F

04/30 03:50, 2年前 , 14F
Badosa的normal的意思是很平凡的人 像鄰家女孩這樣
04/30 03:50, 14F

04/30 04:29, 2年前 , 15F
她這麼年輕就能保持專注 這對我來說真的很酷
04/30 04:29, 15F

04/30 04:29, 2年前 , 16F
04/30 04:29, 16F

04/30 09:28, 2年前 , 17F
這邊cool應該翻厲害 屌 之類的吧我覺得
04/30 09:28, 17F

04/30 09:29, 2年前 , 18F
我覺得在這麼年輕的時候就能看起來很專注 超屌的~
04/30 09:29, 18F

04/30 13:27, 2年前 , 19F
04/30 13:27, 19F

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