[情報] Wander Franco 停職到6/1

看板Baseball (棒球)作者 (polanco)時間1月前 (2024/03/29 07:03), 1月前編輯推噓7(707)
留言14則, 12人參與, 1月前最新討論串1/1
News: Tampa Bay Rays shortstop Wander Franco has been placed on administrative l eave through June 1 per an agreement between MLB and the MLBPA, a source tells E SPN. Franco's status could change before then depending on proceedings in the cr iminal case in the Dominican Republic. https://twitter.com/JeffPassan/status/1773358064164290741 Wander Franco被行政停職到米國時間6/1 ,這是聯盟跟工會一起做出的決定 他的狀態可能會在停職結束前改變,取決於多明尼加的調查 --- Wander Franco spent the final six weeks of last season on paid administrative le ave, and with the allegations of a sexual relationship with a 14-year-old still legally unresolved, the league and union agreed to two more months of admin leav e. First with the news: @TBTimes_Rays. https://twitter.com/JeffPassan/status/1773358808556806172 Franco在去年球季的最後六週都帶薪停職,因為被指控與未成年少女發生關係的案件仍未解 決,所以聯盟跟工會同意再休兩個月 應該是回不來了 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1711666983.A.3FE.html

03/29 07:06, 1月前 , 1F
03/29 07:06, 1F

03/29 07:08, 1月前 , 2F
03/29 07:08, 2F

03/29 07:16, 1月前 , 3F
03/29 07:16, 3F

03/29 07:16, 1月前 , 4F
03/29 07:16, 4F
※ 編輯: polanco ( 臺灣), 03/29/2024 07:17:18

03/29 07:23, 1月前 , 5F
IWIN了 不對 IWIN不管這個的
03/29 07:23, 5F

03/29 07:33, 1月前 , 6F
03/29 07:33, 6F

03/29 07:37, 1月前 , 7F
03/29 07:37, 7F

03/29 08:07, 1月前 , 8F
03/29 08:07, 8F

03/29 11:29, 1月前 , 9F
又不是性侵 合意就算是未成年禁賽會判刑一定年就好
03/29 11:29, 9F

03/29 11:29, 1月前 , 10F
了 為啥要追殺成這樣
03/29 11:29, 10F

03/29 11:48, 1月前 , 11F
希望是反串 不然你這樣想真的很危險餒
03/29 11:48, 11F

03/29 12:17, 1月前 , 12F
03/29 12:17, 12F

03/29 12:17, 1月前 , 13F
03/29 12:17, 13F

03/29 13:23, 1月前 , 14F
03/29 13:23, 14F
文章代碼(AID): #1c1VSdF- (Baseball)
文章代碼(AID): #1c1VSdF- (Baseball)