[情報] 乳摸:白襪打算賣Garrett Crochet

看板Baseball (棒球)作者 (polanco)時間1天前 (2024/07/01 08:21), 1天前編輯推噓34(34026)
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參考下面這篇推特整理Bob Nightengale報導的乳摸 白襪跟Garrett Crochet談判延長合約觸礁,所以打算在今年夏天賣掉他,聯盟有一半的球 隊打電話 躲人有報價但是被打槍,白襪想要年輕又有影響力的新秀 Mason Miller應該會留在運動家,不過Miguel Andujar、Brent Rooker、Austin Adams、Sc ott Alexander、Lucas Erceg跟T.J. McFarland都會上架 Bo Bichette跟小V葛不會被交易,不過藍鳥打算賣菊池雄星、Danny Jansen、Yimi Garcia 、Justin Turner和Kevin Kiermaier 馬林魚Tanner Scott會是市場上最熱門的後援投手 白襪打算留住Luis Robert但嘗試賣掉Andrew Benintendi Here are the latest trade rumors from @BNightengale: White Sox and LHP Garrett Crochet extension talks have stalled, so they plan to move him this summer. Half the league have already called about him. He has 2+ more seasons of team control left. The Dodgers proposed an offer for Crochet, but it was rejected. White Sox wa nt young, highly impactful prospects in trade. Mason Miller is expected to stay in Oakland, but OFs Miguel Andujar and Bren t Rooker, plus RPs Austin Adams, Scott Alexander, Lucas Erceg and T.J. McFarland are on the trading block. Bo Bichette and Vlad Jr. aren't being moved, but Blue Jays are shopping SP Y usei Kikuchi, C Danny Jansen, RP Yimi Garcia, DH Justin Turner and OF Kevin Kier maier. LHP Tanner Scott will be the most sought after RP in the trade market. He ha s a 1.50 ERA, 1.14 WHIP, and 3.68 FIP in 35 appearances. White Sox plan to hold onto Luis Robert but are trying to move OF Andrew Ben intendi. https://x.com/DodgersTailgate/status/1807432938784715225 Bob Nightengale報導原文:https://bit.ly/45PA40M 交易乳摸的部分在正文的後面 還有一則非關交易的是:你可以肯定ESPN跟大聯盟官方在未來兩周會用力遊說大谷打全壘打 大賽 – You can be sure that ESPN and baseball officials will be heavily lobbying Sho hei Ohtani to participate in the Home Run Derby these next two weeks with Aaron Judge bowing out. Ohtani’s presence would be a massive ratings difference maker. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1719793293.A.CF9.html

07/01 08:25, 1天前 , 1F
07/01 08:25, 1F

07/01 08:27, 1天前 , 2F
07/01 08:27, 2F
※ 編輯: polanco ( 臺灣), 07/01/2024 08:27:56

07/01 08:28, 1天前 , 3F
07/01 08:28, 3F

07/01 08:30, 1天前 , 4F
今年賣家偏少 白襪肯定趁機薛一筆
07/01 08:30, 4F

07/01 08:33, 1天前 , 5F
07/01 08:33, 5F

07/01 08:34, 1天前 , 6F
07/01 08:34, 6F
※ 編輯: polanco ( 臺灣), 07/01/2024 08:41:50

07/01 08:47, 1天前 , 7F
Benintendi連單換吉田都不行吧 有夠慘
07/01 08:47, 7F

07/01 08:49, 1天前 , 8F
07/01 08:49, 8F

07/01 08:50, 1天前 , 9F
先叫法官打啊 全壘打王誒
07/01 08:50, 9F

07/01 08:51, 1天前 , 10F
07/01 08:51, 10F

07/01 08:53, 1天前 , 11F
07/01 08:53, 11F

07/01 08:56, 1天前 , 12F
看看Cease 賣到剩白菜價 白襪你就繼續裝逼吧
07/01 08:56, 12F

07/01 08:57, 1天前 , 13F
07/01 08:57, 13F

07/01 08:58, 1天前 , 14F
07/01 08:58, 14F

07/01 08:59, 1天前 , 15F
07/01 08:59, 15F

07/01 08:59, 1天前 , 16F
07/01 08:59, 16F

07/01 09:01, 1天前 , 17F
07/01 09:01, 17F

07/01 09:02, 1天前 , 18F
07/01 09:02, 18F

07/01 09:07, 1天前 , 19F
07/01 09:07, 19F

07/01 09:09, 1天前 , 20F
07/01 09:09, 20F

07/01 09:19, 1天前 , 21F
拜託 他到現在沒有一年先發完整球季過 只有今年表
07/01 09:19, 21F

07/01 09:19, 1天前 , 22F
現異常優異 這樣就能隨便喊?真以為別家GM是白癡喔
07/01 09:19, 22F

07/01 09:19, 1天前 , 23F
07/01 09:19, 23F

07/01 09:19, 1天前 , 24F
今年BB9從9.2變成1.9 真的很神奇
07/01 09:19, 24F

07/01 09:21, 1天前 , 25F
07/01 09:21, 25F

07/01 09:25, 1天前 , 26F
沒什麼過去實績 應該是很難超大包 有1.5百大就差不多了
07/01 09:25, 26F

07/01 09:34, 1天前 , 27F
白襪又來漫天喊價 然後小街成交了
07/01 09:34, 27F

07/01 09:36, 1天前 , 28F
第一年轉先發 目前100局140K 這想像空間很大
07/01 09:36, 28F

07/01 09:37, 1天前 , 29F
07/01 09:37, 29F

07/01 09:37, 1天前 , 30F
07/01 09:37, 30F

07/01 09:47, 1天前 , 31F
07/01 09:47, 31F

07/01 09:58, 1天前 , 32F
Crochet 不是還年輕嘛?怎有些人這麼不看好?
07/01 09:58, 32F

07/01 10:22, 1天前 , 33F
笑死zehow 在幹嘛 今年表現叫異常優異哦 他stuff就擺在
07/01 10:22, 33F

07/01 10:22, 1天前 , 34F
那邊 又不是什麼軟投靠賽仔
07/01 10:22, 34F

07/01 10:22, 1天前 , 35F
07/01 10:22, 35F

07/01 10:22, 1天前 , 36F
07/01 10:22, 36F

07/01 10:24, 1天前 , 37F
Crochet今年春訓新練一顆卡特 讓他完全不怕右打 這幾場
07/01 10:24, 37F

07/01 10:24, 1天前 , 38F
先發完全以直球跟卡特兩顆就夠殺爆對面了 同樣也很有水
07/01 10:24, 38F

07/01 10:24, 1天前 , 39F
準的滑球跟變速甚至被封印 就知道他現在那兩顆主戰有多
07/01 10:24, 39F

07/01 10:24, 1天前 , 40F
07/01 10:24, 40F

07/01 10:26, 1天前 , 41F
07/01 10:26, 41F

07/01 10:26, 1天前 , 42F
我是覺得你根本不知道他本來就是大物了 第一年上來後援
07/01 10:26, 42F

07/01 10:26, 1天前 , 43F
07/01 10:26, 43F

07/01 10:29, 1天前 , 44F
保送的話 去年開完TJ 開完TJ那季找不到控球其實很常見
07/01 10:29, 44F

07/01 10:45, 1天前 , 45F
如果看一下他過去的言論就知道有這樣發言不意外 XD
07/01 10:45, 45F

07/01 10:47, 1天前 , 46F
Crochet的實力絕對是真貨 白襪也當然有本錢喊很高
07/01 10:47, 46F

07/01 10:47, 1天前 , 47F
07/01 10:47, 47F

07/01 10:47, 1天前 , 48F
07/01 10:47, 48F

07/01 10:48, 1天前 , 49F
之前生涯任一季的局數 而且傷病史又相當豐富
07/01 10:48, 49F

07/01 10:48, 1天前 , 50F
07/01 10:48, 50F

07/01 10:49, 1天前 , 51F
但即使是這樣 就算今年盤來他當王牌RP
07/01 10:49, 51F

07/01 10:49, 1天前 , 52F
明年開始再繼續讓他建立輪值強度 價值都還是很高
07/01 10:49, 52F

07/01 11:32, 1天前 , 53F
07/01 11:32, 53F

07/01 13:47, 1天前 , 54F
07/01 13:47, 54F

07/01 13:59, 1天前 , 55F
07/01 13:59, 55F

07/01 13:59, 1天前 , 56F
07/01 13:59, 56F

07/01 14:02, 1天前 , 57F
如果是道奇那種穩季後賽的球隊買的話 直接關機等9月多再
07/01 14:02, 57F

07/01 14:02, 1天前 , 58F
07/01 14:02, 58F

07/01 14:30, 1天前 , 59F
07/01 14:30, 59F

07/01 17:50, 1天前 , 60F
crochet賣了吧 白襪好難勝投
07/01 17:50, 60F
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文章代碼(AID): #1cWVQDpv (Baseball)