[分享] 捷克棒協公佈布拉格棒球週售票情況

看板Baseball (棒球)作者 (無無)時間2天前 (2024/07/05 12:03), 編輯推噓7(700)
留言7則, 7人參與, 2天前最新討論串1/1
https://x.com/baseballczech/status/1808866140363633034 You’re out of your minds! Just yesterday you bought hundreds of tickets and on the first day we are really down to the last pieces until we sell out. Are we go ing to make it to the end?! https://i.imgur.com/DeDTlF3.jpeg
捷克棒協公佈了布拉格棒球週目前售票情況 Day1 97% Day2 85% Day3 完售 Day4 85% We inflate the capacity for all the people who want to attend, so after the tick ets for both stand A and B are sold out, the last batch of two hundred standing tickets will go on sale. Unfortunately we can't fit any more into Eagles Park. D efinitely don't hesitate to buy now! 座位區賣完後,會加開站位票 看了一下票價 https://i.imgur.com/gK464Cg.jpeg
A區:390捷克克朗(544台幣) B區:290捷克克朗(405台幣) 外野:190捷克克朗(265台幣) 冠亞軍 A區:490捷克克朗(684台幣) B區:390捷克克朗(544台幣) 外野:190捷克克朗(265台幣) https://i.imgur.com/DGHkhj9.jpeg
7/6 14:30 德國 vs 日本 19:00 捷克 vs 台灣 7/7 14:30 日本 vs 台灣 19:30 捷克 vs 德國 當地電視轉播場CT Sport 7/8 14:30 台灣 vs 德國 19:30 日本 vs 捷克 當地電視轉播場CT Sport 7/9 14:30 銅牌戰 19:00 金牌戰 — 順便分享下歐洲U-12戰況 捷克剛以4-5輸給衛冕冠軍德國 https://i.imgur.com/E7UdfU1.jpeg
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1720152237.A.2E7.html

07/05 12:22, 2天前 , 1F
07/05 12:22, 1F

07/05 12:37, 2天前 , 2F
比到12碼只輸一球 辛苦了
07/05 12:37, 2F

07/05 12:48, 2天前 , 3F
07/05 12:48, 3F

07/05 13:03, 2天前 , 4F
對 類似哈連盃港口盃這種練兵邀請賽
07/05 13:03, 4F

07/05 13:12, 2天前 , 5F
07/05 13:12, 5F

07/05 15:38, 2天前 , 6F
07/05 15:38, 6F

07/05 17:41, 2天前 , 7F
07/05 17:41, 7F
文章代碼(AID): #1cXt2jBd (Baseball)
文章代碼(AID): #1cXt2jBd (Baseball)