[情報] 大谷和球員卡公司Topps簽下一張長約

看板Baseball (棒球)作者 (無無)時間4周前 (2024/08/29 20:30), 4周前編輯推噓20(20015)
留言35則, 22人參與, 3周前最新討論串1/1
https://reurl.cc/GpKX5x Los Angeles Dodgers star and two-time MVP Shohei Ohtani has signed an exclusive long-term global trading card deal with Topps, a division of Fanatics Collectibl es, it was announced Thursday. 大谷翔平和球員卡公司Topps簽下一張獨家球員卡合約 Ohtani has signed other deals with Fanatics -- including an exclusive autograph, collectibles and memorabilia deal in 2021, but it didn't include sports cards. 大谷和Topps母公司Fanatics也有簽其他合約 像是在2021年簽下簽名、收藏品和紀念品合約 While financial details weren't disclosed, Leiner said that the deal is similar to the one Fanatics inked with Los Angeles Lakers star LeBron James in January o f this year and "longer than many of the other deals you see us doing." 這張新約雖然沒有揭露$$條件 但Fanatics表示和他們今年一月和湖人隊LeBron James簽的合約內容相似 合約長度也比以往的約更長 $$$$$$$$$$ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1724934602.A.B5B.html ※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 08/29/2024 20:30:15

08/29 20:31, 4周前 , 1F
恭喜 topps又有漲價的理由囉
08/29 20:31, 1F

08/29 20:33, 4周前 , 2F
所以道奇給大谷的合約要100%延後支付也行啊 賺翻了
08/29 20:33, 2F

08/29 20:38, 4周前 , 3F
08/29 20:38, 3F

08/29 20:38, 4周前 , 4F
等Panini 沒NBA授權就掰了吧
08/29 20:38, 4F

08/29 20:41, 4周前 , 5F
08/29 20:41, 5F

08/29 20:44, 4周前 , 6F
08/29 20:44, 6F

08/29 20:45, 4周前 , 7F
Topps卡片好廉價 要特卡才有價值 都要買很多才有機會
08/29 20:45, 7F

08/29 20:48, 4周前 , 8F
08/29 20:48, 8F

08/29 20:55, 4周前 , 9F
棒球的rc卡 版權都是topps的哦 大谷也不例外 給大家看
08/29 20:55, 9F

08/29 20:55, 4周前 , 10F
一下大谷的rc卡價格 都還沒結標 預計價格至少是目前的1
08/29 20:55, 10F

08/29 20:55, 4周前 , 11F
.5倍~球員卡變化多端超好玩哦 歡迎一起玩!
08/29 20:55, 11F

08/29 20:55, 4周前 , 12F
08/29 20:55, 12F

08/29 20:55, 4周前 , 13F

08/29 20:56, 4周前 , 14F

08/29 20:56, 4周前 , 15F

08/29 21:00, 4周前 , 16F
08/29 21:00, 16F

08/29 21:01, 4周前 , 17F
不靠年薪也能過很爽 甚至不知道年薪去哪了
08/29 21:01, 17F

08/29 21:10, 4周前 , 18F
97%延後支付的餘裕 根本用不上 延後又何妨
08/29 21:10, 18F

08/29 21:13, 4周前 , 19F
跟LeBron簽給Upper Deck一樣嗎 獨家簽名
08/29 21:13, 19F

08/29 21:29, 4周前 , 20F
難怪被偷錢都不知道 完全不痛不癢
08/29 21:29, 20F

08/29 21:29, 4周前 , 21F
08/29 21:29, 21F

08/29 21:44, 4周前 , 22F
08/29 21:44, 22F

08/29 21:58, 4周前 , 23F
如果我這麼賺 又這麼忙 我還真不會注意到翻譯偷錢
08/29 21:58, 23F

08/29 22:08, 4周前 , 24F
業外收入就快要超過球員薪資了 延遲也沒差
08/29 22:08, 24F

08/29 22:12, 4周前 , 25F
大谷業外100M 超過薪資很多了
08/29 22:12, 25F

08/29 23:25, 4周前 , 26F
08/29 23:25, 26F

08/29 23:50, 4周前 , 27F
08/29 23:50, 27F

08/29 23:50, 4周前 , 28F

08/30 03:15, 4周前 , 29F
08/30 03:15, 29F

08/30 03:17, 4周前 , 30F
SAME大 請問這張哪來的?一平看起來沒什麼價有沒有背面
08/30 03:17, 30F

08/30 03:17, 4周前 , 31F
08/30 03:17, 31F

08/30 08:26, 3周前 , 32F

08/30 08:26, 3周前 , 33F
08/30 08:26, 33F

08/30 08:27, 3周前 , 34F
08/30 08:27, 34F

08/30 08:28, 3周前 , 35F
08/30 08:28, 35F
文章代碼(AID): #1cq6dAjR (Baseball)
文章代碼(AID): #1cq6dAjR (Baseball)