[分享] Smoltz談國聯MVP競爭

看板Baseball (棒球)作者 (polanco)時間1周前 (2024/09/06 15:48), 1周前編輯推噓5(509)
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來源:https://bit.ly/3XbQInj FOX記者與John Smoltz本週討論的其中一項議題 Kavner: With Ohtani fast approaching a historic 50/50 campaign, do you think Fra ncisco Lindor still has a chance to pass him for NL MVP with a big September? Smoltz: That's where that conversation comes in: if Lindor helps the Mets get to the postseason when nobody thought they had a chance, especially with their sta rt. I felt like he was going to do this at some point, maybe in the last year an d a half. It's been a tough transition for him, but I think now with the year he 's having, Mets fans are finally relieved to see he can be the guy that they tho ught they got when they signed him to that megadeal. So, he's definitely going to get a lot of votes, but it's going to be hard to pa ss Ohtani based on what he's doing. I know he's a DH, and there's going to be a lot of conversation around that, but he's doing things that no DH has ever done before. So, I think this is going to be exciting down the stretch, but it would take a historic September for Francisco Lindor, or anybody for that matter, to c atch Ohtani. 討論的前提還是Lindor帶領大都會打進季後賽 Smoltz認為Lindor能辦到的話肯定會拿到很多票,但基於大谷本季的表現,Lindor很難超越 他。 他知道大谷是DH,所以很多討論/質疑都是由此開始,不過大谷辦到過去從未有其他DH達成 的事。所以Smoltz的想法是競爭會變得激烈,但Lindor或其他挑戰者需要在9月打出歷史級 的表現才有可能追上大谷。 另外還有一題是問他覺得MVP投票該不該考量球隊因素 How much do you think a player's value to his respective team — like in the cas e of Lindor for the Mets and Witt for the Royals — should be a factor when peop le are considering these MVP votes? Smoltz: I think it's a tiebreaker. I've heard arguments on both sides, and I get it. You take Ohtani off the Dodgers, they're still going to be really good, rig ht? You take Lindor off the Mets, I don't know if they're going to be in the pla yoffs. You can make that argument for certain teams, like with the Atlanta Brave s and Marcell Ozuna. They're hanging on by a thread, but they wouldn't even be c lose if it weren't for Ozuna. So, I think it's part of the conversation and the narrative that can be for you, but could never really be against you because you 're being punished for playing on a really good team. 就Smoltz聽過也明白這種爭論:道奇少了大谷還是好球隊,但大都會少了Lindor(或他舉例 的勇士與Ozuna)不見得還能爭季後賽。所以他覺得這可以在討論中拿來當加分項,但不應 該用來扣分,不然很像在懲罰優秀球隊的球員。 I think the MVP has been stretched in so many ways. The definition of the MVP aw ard has been, you could probably get six different definitions of it, but it rea lly should represent the best year a player has had in that league, regardless o f the team they play on. I would navigate that toward a tiebreaker. If it's clos e and the Braves or the Mets were to happen to get in because of those individua ls, then I would say that you could vote for that as a tiebreaker. 他的想法大致上在說MVP有很多不同的定義,但這個獎項代表的應該是整個聯盟最好的球員 ,不管在哪一隊。球隊因素只有在很接近的情況下才能拿來當決勝點。 大概是這樣 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1725608882.A.029.html

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※ 編輯: polanco ( 臺灣), 09/06/2024 16:20:07 ※ 編輯: polanco ( 臺灣), 09/06/2024 16:21:08

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