[情報] 國民: 小笠原慎之介將會擔任SP

看板Baseball (棒球)作者 (無無)時間2周前 (2025/01/26 11:28), 2周前編輯推噓17(18112)
留言31則, 25人參與, 2周前最新討論串1/1
https://x.com/andrewcgolden/status/1883212970421092856 Mike Rizzo just wrapped up a Zoom call about Shinnosuke Ogasawara. The team sign ed him w/the intention of being a starting pitchers in the big leagues, but will have to compete for it this spring. Rizzo did mentioned they could option him to AAA if he doesn't make the rotation . 國民總管Mike Rizzo表示他們簽下小笠原慎之介 是把他當成先發投手 到時春訓會去競爭輪值位置 但如果沒成功進輪值的話,有可能會把他下放去3A https://x.com/andrewcgolden/status/1883212973445206108 Rizzo also said the Nationals hadn't laid the groundwork in Japan to build relat ionships over the years with Japanese players. But he said they scouted Ogasawara the last few seasons and had a relationship w ith the agent. Liked his pitch mix and his durability. 他們觀察小笠原好幾年了 喜歡他的球種和耐久度 https://x.com/markzuckerman/status/1883211676901941411 As far as why Nats have never signed an Asian player before, Rizzo cited the dif ficulty in establishing long-term relationships with players/agents there. Said they've scouted Ogasawara for many years and have a good relationship with his a gency (WME Baseball). 比較難和亞洲球員、經紀建立一個長期關係 但他和小笠原的經紀公司WME關係蠻好的 https://x.com/markzuckerman/status/1883212876825125308 The key contact with WME Baseball just so happens to be Bryan Minniti, who was R izzo's assistant GM with the Nats from 2010-14. 因為WME的對口Bryan Minniti 在2010-2014是擔任Rizzo的助理GM https://x.com/talknats/status/1883260744676061305 Shinnosuke Ogasawara 小笠原 慎之介 spoke Spanish with Dave Martinez in their din ner last night. 和總教練Dave Martinez吃晚餐講西班牙文XD Nationals, LHP Shinnosuke Ogasawara agree to 2-year, $3.5M deal WASHINGTON -- Left-hander Shinnosuke Ogasawara and the Washington Nationals agre ed Friday to a $3.5 million, two-year contract. Ogasawara gets a $1.5 million salary this season and $2 million in 2026. The 27-year-old was made available to Major League Baseball teams by the Central League's Chunichi Dragons on Dec. 10 had had until Friday to agree to a contrac t. Washington will pay the Dragons a $700,000 release fee. 合約內容(2Y/3.5M) 2025 $1.5M 2026 $2M 付給中日龍700K入札金 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=OZT9r7yCv64&pp=ygUS5bCP56yg5Y6f5oWO5LmL5LuL 最近跑去Driveline練球 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=LEQxzl64_wg&pp=ygUUU2hpbm5vc3VrZSBPZ2FzYXdhcmE%3D — 亞洲選手旅外入札金排行 2012達比修有 $51,700,000 火腿→遊騎兵 2007松坂大輔 $51,111,111 西武→紅襪 2024山本由伸 $50,625,000 歐牛→道奇 ——————————————————————————————-——$30,000,000 2007井川慶 $26,000,194 阪神→洋基 2013柳賢振 $25,377,737 韓華→道奇 2014田中将大 $20,000,000 樂天→洋基 2018大谷翔平 $20,000,000 火腿→天使 2016前田健太 $20,000,000 廣島→道奇 ——————————————————————————————-——$20,000,000 2024李政厚 $18,825,000 英雄→巨人 2023吉田正尚 $15,375,000 歐牛→紅襪 2022鈴木誠也 $14,600,000 廣島→小熊 2001鈴木一朗 $13,125,000 歐力士→水手 2016朴炳鎬 $12,850,000 英雄→雙城 2002石井一久 $11,260,000 養樂多→道奇 ——————————————————————————————-——$10,000,000 2024今永昇太 $9,825,000 橫濱→小熊 2019菊池雄星 $8,100,000 西武→水手 2011西岡剛 $5,329,000 羅德→雙城 2021金河成 $5,250,000 英雄→教士 2015姜正浩 $5,002,015 英雄→海盜 ——————————————————————————————-——$5,000,000 2007岩村明憲 $4,500,000 養樂多→魔鬼魚 2012青木宣親 $2,500,000 養樂多→釀酒人 2025金慧成 $2,500,000 英雄→道奇 2020筒香嘉智 $2,400,000 橫濱→光芒 2019王柏融 $2,000,000 桃猿→火腿 ——————————————————————————————-——$2,000,000 2025佐佐木朗希 $1,625,000 羅德→道奇 2020金廣鉉 $1,600,000 SK飛龍→紅雀 2021有原航平 $1,240,000 火腿→遊騎兵 2020山口俊 $1,200,000 巨人→藍鳥 ——————————————————————————————-——$1,000,000 2025古林睿煬 $1,000,000 統一→火腿 2024高佑錫 $900,000 LG→教士 2006森慎二 $750,000 西武→魔鬼魚 2025小笠原 $700,000 中日→國民 2018牧田和久 $500,000 西武→教士 2004大塚晶文 $300,000 中日→教士 2024上澤直之 $6,250 火腿→光芒 2009崔香男 $101 樂天→紅雀(小聯盟合約) https://i.imgur.com/l8kBso9.jpeg
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1737862091.A.3F8.html

01/26 11:29, 2周前 , 1F
01/26 11:29, 1F

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01/26 11:42, 2周前 , 7F
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01/26 11:44, 2周前 , 8F
如果像大谷第一年春訓的成績 就是下去
01/26 11:44, 8F

01/26 11:44, 2周前 , 9F
這支在日職很好用 不過感覺個性跟中日不合
01/26 11:44, 9F

01/26 11:48, 2周前 , 10F
01/26 11:48, 10F

01/26 11:48, 2周前 , 11F
01/26 11:48, 11F

01/26 11:52, 2周前 , 12F
這隻去年在日職低於平均欸 要確定
01/26 11:52, 12F
※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 01/26/2025 11:53:54 ※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 01/26/2025 11:54:17

01/26 11:54, 2周前 , 13F
01/26 11:54, 13F

01/26 11:55, 2周前 , 14F
他這成績 可能連福袋都稱不上 買樂透吧?XD
01/26 11:55, 14F

01/26 11:55, 2周前 , 15F
高回來LG吧 劉泳燦去躺了
01/26 11:55, 15F

01/26 12:09, 2周前 , 16F
01/26 12:09, 16F

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01/26 12:43, 17F

01/26 12:43, 2周前 , 18F
01/26 12:43, 18F

01/26 12:44, 2周前 , 19F
優點也只有耐操 不可能放rp啦
01/26 12:44, 19F

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01/26 12:44, 20F

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01/26 13:51, 24F

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01/26 15:54, 25F

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01/26 15:56, 26F

01/26 16:13, 2周前 , 27F
01/26 16:13, 27F
※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 01/26/2025 16:28:20

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01/27 01:42, 30F

01/27 02:42, 2周前 , 31F
01/27 02:42, 31F
文章代碼(AID): #1dbQlBFu (Baseball)
文章代碼(AID): #1dbQlBFu (Baseball)