[分享] 金河成通過體檢,正式和光芒簽約(背號7)

看板Baseball (棒球)作者 (無無)時間2天前 (2025/02/04 23:28), 編輯推噓6(602)
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https://x.com/rayspr/status/1886579329481523341 The Tampa Bay Rays have signed free agent INF Ha-Seong Kim to a two-year contrac t. To make room on the 40-man roster, LHP Brandon Eisert has been designated for assignment. 金河成通過體檢,正式和光芒簽下兩年保障2900萬美金的合約 第一年結束可逃脫 為了清出格子,27歲左投Brandon Eisert遭DFA https://i.imgur.com/oa9TObh.jpeg
https://x.com/numbersmlb/status/1886609067197468831 INF Ha-Seong Kim will wear number 7. INF José Caballero switches from number 7 to number 77. First wearer in team history. #Rays 背號一樣是7號 原本穿7號的José Caballero 改穿77號 也是隊史第一位穿77號的 https://i.imgur.com/Ve7mQP0.jpeg
https://reurl.cc/RLoGmn Kim, 29, and Boras said the Rays matched up well in several ways. The offer was appealing, as Kim gets $13 million this season, with a chance for up to $2 million more in plate-appearance incentives, and a $16 million salary i n 2026. But he also can opt out of the second year and reenter free agency, whic h could be beneficial if he comes back this season and plays well. A half-dozen other teams were reported to be interested in him. “It was a really good offer that I couldn’t really turn down,” Kim said. 光芒合約條件很吸引人 The opportunity was enticing, too. Specifically, that the Rays are a contending team that could offer playing time at shortstop, with Kim slated to step in when healthy for Taylor Walls and Jose Caballero, who are expected to share time ear ly in the season. 同時也能給他繼續站游擊防區的機會 復出前會先由Taylor Walls、Jose Caballero頂替 https://reurl.cc/Nbod95 Kim said it was important for him to find an opportunity that allowed him to pla y shortstop, his natural position. He called it a “comfortable” spot for him a nd somewhere he can “show my truly best performance as a baseball player.” 能繼續站游擊對金來說很重要 Neander said their assessments of Kim, based on both in-person scouting and eval uation from afar, were validated by the response they received when word surface d about their agreement. He heard from current and former players, including fra nchise icon Evan Longoria, praising Kim’s energetic style of play and popularit y among his former teammates. 光芒棒球事務部門總裁Erik Neander表示 他們對金河成的評估,無論是透過實際現場球探報告還是遠端分析 都在消息傳出後得到了驗證 當球隊與金河成達成協議的消息曝光時 Neander收到了來自現役與退役球員的反饋 其中包括龍哥Evan Longoria 他們紛紛稱讚金河成充滿活力的比賽風格 以及他在前隊友間的高人氣 “For those that have watched him in San Diego the last few years, you've seen a n incredibly talented player that has helped that ballclub win in a variety of w ays, something that we pride ourselves on here in Tampa Bay,” Neander said. 「過去幾年有關注他在聖地牙哥表現的人,應該都看到了他是一名極具天賦的球員,並且以 多種方式幫助球隊贏球,而這正是我們在坦帕灣所引以為傲的特質。」 — 金河成和光芒的兩年約細節 ‘25 13M ‘26 16M(球員選擇權) 今年有最高2M的激勵獎金 條件: 從326打席開始,每多打一個打席可以領1萬美金 最多領到第525個打席 https://i.imgur.com/JYGwSmn.jpeg
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02/04 23:41, 2天前 , 1F
02/04 23:41, 1F

02/04 23:48, 2天前 , 2F
02/04 23:48, 2F

02/04 23:49, 2天前 , 3F
02/04 23:49, 3F

02/04 23:53, 1天前 , 4F
直接變光芒一哥了 好強
02/04 23:53, 4F

02/04 23:59, 1天前 , 5F
02/04 23:59, 5F

02/05 00:01, 1天前 , 6F
讚 今年要健健康康啊
02/05 00:01, 6F

02/05 00:33, 1天前 , 7F
02/05 00:33, 7F

02/05 11:07, 1天前 , 8F
這算大約欸 光芒給到16M
02/05 11:07, 8F
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文章代碼(AID): #1deZ8ufH (Baseball)