[情報] Blake Snell會投道奇主場開幕戰

看板Baseball (棒球)作者 (polanco)時間7小時前 (2025/03/10 07:57), 編輯推噓6(714)
留言12則, 8人參與, 5小時前最新討論串1/1
Dave Roberts said he wasn't allowed to say it outright, but intimated that Blake Snell will get the Dodger Stadium opener on March 27. Snell's next outing will be one of the Tokyo exhibitions. https://x.com/FabianArdaya/status/1898874391251042437 Roberts說他不能直接講出來,不過暗示Snell會是3/27道奇主場開幕戰的先發投手 Snell下一次出賽預定是在東京的熱身賽 --- 蘿蔔也稱讚金慧成今天的表現,但還在討論他能不能跟道奇一起去東京 球團還在衡量讓他從小聯盟開季以及讓他留在亞利桑那調揮棒的好處 Dave Roberts praised Hyeseong Kim's ABs today, but said conversations are still ongoing on if he'll go with the Dodgers to Tokyo. Team's still weighing whether he'll start the year in the minors, along with the benefits of him staying in AZ to continue to work on swing changes. https://x.com/FabianArdaya/status/1898877229784055852 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1741564655.A.9F8.html

03/10 08:11, 7小時前 , 1F
03/10 08:11, 1F

03/10 08:15, 7小時前 , 2F
03/10 08:15, 2F

03/10 08:16, 7小時前 , 3F
03/10 08:16, 3F

03/10 08:16, 7小時前 , 4F
03/10 08:16, 4F

03/10 08:23, 7小時前 , 5F
03/10 08:23, 5F

03/10 08:32, 7小時前 , 6F
#1dleGnEt (Baseball) 給三樓朗希債主看的
03/10 08:32, 6F

03/10 08:37, 7小時前 , 7F
03/10 08:37, 7F

03/10 09:31, 6小時前 , 8F
叛徒 Blake Snell sucks!!
03/10 09:31, 8F

03/10 09:34, 6小時前 , 9F
03/10 09:34, 9F

03/10 10:07, 5小時前 , 10F
03/10 10:07, 10F

03/10 10:42, 5小時前 , 11F
當然要帶去 調揮棒慢慢再調 讓金上去守備一下 大家都
03/10 10:42, 11F

03/10 10:42, 5小時前 , 12F
引開心 畢竟是在亞洲的比賽
03/10 10:42, 12F
文章代碼(AID): #1dpYhldu (Baseball)
文章代碼(AID): #1dpYhldu (Baseball)