[情報] Fangraphs 鄭宗哲 陳柏毓海盜農場排名

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Fangraphs 2025海盜農場Top 38 https://i.imgur.com/8wCDlGO.png
25. Tsung-Che Cheng, SS Signed: July 2nd Period, 2019 from Taiwan (PIT) Age 23.7 Height 5′ 7〃 Weight 154 Bat / Thr L / R FV 40 Tool Grades (Present/Future) Hit 45/50 Raw Power 40/40 Game Power 30/40 Run 60/50 Fielding 50/50 Throw 50 Cheng is a scrappy little infielder who has become much stronger than I expected he would even just a year or so ago. Is he suddenly going to hit for meaningful power? Probably not, but his added strength has enabled him to handle average-o r-better big league velocity better than before, and he’s no longer just a slas h-and-dash style hitter at risk of getting the bat knocked out of his hands. Che ng lacks prototypical shortstop arm strength, but he’s acrobatic, creative, pla ys with big effort, and finds a way to make most plays. He is coming off a BABIP -depressed .225/.329/.347 line at Altoona and Indy, and should be able to play a sixth infielder role on a big league roster. 簡單翻: 鄭宗哲是一個比我過去一年多以來預期實力更強的小內野手。他可能不會突然有有意義性的 長打能力,但他增加的力量使他能夠比以前更好地應對大聯盟平均以上的投球速度,而且他 不再只是那種容易被投手擊敗的打擊風格。鄭宗哲缺乏典型的游擊手臂力,但他非常靈活、 富有創造力、並且非常努力,也能夠找到方法以盡可能完成最大量的防守。他正在擺脫在2A 和3A打出較低的BABIP低潮-.225/.329/.347,應該能夠勝任大聯盟名單中6號內野手的角色 。 30. Po-Yu Chen, SP Signed: July 2nd Period, 2019 from Taiwan (PIT) Age 23.5 Height 6′ 2〃 Weight 198 Bat / Thr R / R FV 35+ Tool Grades (Present/Future) Fastball 30/30 Curveball 50/50 Splitter 55/60 Command 50/60 Sits/Tops 91-93 / 95 Chen was the 22nd-ranked player on the 2019 International Player section of The Board and was generally seen as the best signable high school prospect in Taiwan . After pitching well at the U-18 World Championships and at a Nike showcase in Asia, he signed for about $1.25 million, which is pretty sizable for a late-mark et signee. Chen began his career with 26 consecutive walk-free innings in the 20 21 Florida Complex League, and then had nearly identical rate stats in the 2022 and 2023 seasons, with a 24.5% strikeout rate and 8.5% walk rate. He threw a car eer-high 134 innings in 2024 at Altoona, but his strikeout rate regressed. Chen ’s velocity was also down a tad (in the 90-91 mph range), but it was back up ag ain to start 2025 as Chen pitched for Taiwan in WBC qualifier action. He was up to 95 there and working with his usual well-commanded splitter and old school mi d-70s curveball. He still looks like a fifth or sixth starter who’ll play a val uable spot starter role upon his debut and could potentially grow into a no. 4/5 starter if his command ascends to a special level. 簡單翻: 陳柏毓是2019年The Board排行22的國際簽約球員,並且普遍被視為是臺灣最好的可簽約高 中新秀。在U18和亞洲Nike showcase後,他以125萬美元簽約,對於一位晚市場簽約的球員 來說,這是一個相當可觀的數字。陳柏毓在2021年Florida Complex League以連續26局無保 送的成績開啟了他的職業生涯,隨後在2022年和2023賽季有著幾乎相同的三振率(24.5%) 和保送率(8.5%)。陳柏毓在2024年於2A投出生涯新高的134局,但三振率有所下降,球速 也有下降(約90-91mph之間)。不過2025在臺灣參加WBCQ時,球速回復到95mph,並且展現 以精準控球的快速指叉球和老牌的70年代曲球。陳柏毓目前仍然看起來像是一位5號或6號先 發,預計他將在首次登場時擔任一個有價值的臨時先發角色。如果他的控球能達到特殊的水 準,就有可能成為4號或5號先發。 Fangraphs 海盜農場TOP 38全文 https://blogs.fangraphs.com/pittsburgh-pirates-top-38-prospects/ ※ 授權方式: 創用 CC 姓名標示-非商業性 4.0 國際 授權條款授權 -- Sent from my iPhone 13 Pro PiTT // PHJCI -- #15 林子偉 Tzu-Wei Lin 海嘯天威 Tzunami https://bit.ly/3Dc0X4Q https://i.imgur.com/klD23ff.jpeg
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1741977303.A.FB7.html

03/15 02:40, 5小時前 , 1F
黃底灰字看不清楚 再調整一下
03/15 02:40, 1F
已調~ ※ 編輯: WanYC ( 臺灣), 03/15/2025 02:41:39

03/15 02:47, 4小時前 , 2F
03/15 02:47, 2F

03/15 02:47, 4小時前 , 3F
03/15 02:47, 3F
※ 編輯: WanYC ( 臺灣), 03/15/2025 02:49:20

03/15 02:49, 4小時前 , 4F
03/15 02:49, 4F

03/15 02:52, 4小時前 , 5F
近期還是SS出賽比較多(去年在2A-3A也是SS為主偶爾2B) 不過
03/15 02:52, 5F

03/15 02:52, 4小時前 , 6F
海盜目前沒有非動不可的內野中線 尤其目前的主戰游擊還是
03/15 02:52, 6F

03/15 02:52, 4小時前 , 7F
IKF哈哈哈 還是會有機會可以多試試
03/15 02:52, 7F
※ 編輯: WanYC ( 臺灣), 03/15/2025 02:53:52

03/15 02:59, 4小時前 , 8F
陳柏毓快速球評價才30分也太低吧= =
03/15 02:59, 8F

03/15 03:00, 4小時前 , 9F
之前看他投球覺得直球威力不錯啊 被評這麼低?
03/15 03:00, 9F

03/15 04:08, 3小時前 , 10F
有說去年先發只有90mile 這個球速在現在大聯盟很難
03/15 04:08, 10F

03/15 04:08, 3小時前 , 11F
生存 看他今年能不能把均速拉起來吧
03/15 04:08, 11F

03/15 04:10, 3小時前 , 12F
03/15 04:10, 12F

03/15 04:59, 2小時前 , 13F
跑速60/50 是之後會變慢的意思嗎
03/15 04:59, 13F

03/15 06:22, 1小時前 , 14F
03/15 06:22, 14F
文章代碼(AID): #1dr7RN-t (Baseball)
文章代碼(AID): #1dr7RN-t (Baseball)