[分享] 川粉向梅子求償兩百萬鎂

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https://trib.al/MQXRwQ8 This Trump supporter is playing hardball with the New York Mets. Aura Moody wants $2 million in damages from the team and Citi Field, claiming sh e was barred from entering the stadium last month until she took off her “Make America Great Again” hat, according to a Sept. 6 Brooklyn Federal Court lawsuit . 一位帶著Make America Great Again帽子的川粉 要進梅子主場看球時被球場員工擋下 對此她決定對球隊發起訴訟,求償200萬美金 Moody, a social worker and mother of two, said she and her friend were wearing M AGA hats when they arrived at Citi Fild on Aug. 14 for a Mets-Oakland A’s game . They were with eight other members of the Queens Village Republican Club. They had just made it past security when a Citi Field staffer told them they wer e not allowed inside with their Trump gear on, she said. Moody said she tried to invoke her First Amendment rights multiple times but was told by the staffer that the MAGA cap was “too political” and she needed to t ake it off. 8/14前往花旗球常,答案被工作人員告知帽子太政治性 不能帶入場 Moody “attempted to de-escalate the situation” and asked if she could put her MAGA hat in her bag, but was told, “No because you can put the hat back on when you get to your seat. You have to take the MAGA hat out of the Stadium,” accor ding to court papers. 也不能放在包包內,因為不知道何時又會拿出來戴 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/BaseballXXXX/M.1727015957.A.E62.html ※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 09/22/2024 22:39:31
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文章代碼(AID): #1cy2mLvY (BaseballXXXX)