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看板CLHu作者 (小狗狗)時間14年前 (2010/06/24 09:50), 編輯推噓11(1105)
留言16則, 12人參與, 最新討論串1/1
By Ken Gurnick / MLB.com 06/23/10 8:18 PM ET ANAHEIM -- A subdued Rafael Furcal returned to the lineup Tuesday, still shaken from the Sunday death of his father, but grateful that the Dodgers allowed him to travel to the Dominican Republic for a final goodbye. Furcal's father was hospitalized a month ago after being kicked in the chest by a horse on the family farm. It was only after Furcal sent his wife to check on his father's progress 10 days ago that he learned his father probably would not survive the internal injuries to vital organs and infections that had set in. Furcal was activated off the bereavement list Wednesday and Chin-lung Hu was optioned back to Triple-A Albuquerque. 繼續加油囉, 下次再回大聯盟就不要再下去囉 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

06/24 09:51, , 1F
06/24 09:51, 1F

06/24 10:07, , 2F
06/24 10:07, 2F

06/24 10:48, , 3F
06/24 10:48, 3F

06/24 11:50, , 4F
06/24 11:50, 4F

06/24 11:55, , 5F
對照上一篇 總覺得國內新聞就是有點......
06/24 11:55, 5F

06/24 13:05, , 6F
守了三局, 也連一個守備機會都沒有
06/24 13:05, 6F

06/24 13:30, , 7F
06/24 13:30, 7F

06/24 13:30, , 8F
不過我比較希望被交易啊! 在躲人完全沒位置
06/24 13:30, 8F

06/24 13:30, , 9F
06/24 13:30, 9F

06/24 14:34, , 10F
06/24 14:34, 10F

06/24 22:56, , 11F
明年交易到PIT吧 好像之前有海盜想交易的傳聞?
06/24 22:56, 11F

06/25 13:52, , 12F
今天沒有安打有1打點1三振 = =!!!
06/25 13:52, 12F

06/26 14:56, , 13F
我想我是全鄉民中唯一一個希望小胡這幾天回小聯盟的吧 XD
06/26 14:56, 13F

06/26 22:05, , 14F
樓上買了票 @@?
06/26 22:05, 14F

06/27 00:03, , 15F
回來後第2場繼續冏中 = =!!!說好的配額呢?
06/27 00:03, 15F

08/02 18:11, , 16F
08/02 18:11, 16F
文章代碼(AID): #1C8he3ZT (CLHu)
文章代碼(AID): #1C8he3ZT (CLHu)