Auckland男網賽冠軍-Jiri Vesely

看板CZE-SVK作者時間10年前 (2015/01/17 15:12), 編輯推噓1(100)
留言1則, 1人參與, 最新討論串1/1
Singles - First Round [Q] Jiri Vesely (CZE) d Thomaz Bellucci (BRA) 63 76(4) Singles - Second Round [Q] Jiri Vesely (CZE) d [2] Ernests Gulbis (LAT) 62 36 61 Singles - Quarterfinals [Q] Jiri Vesely (CZE) d Donald Young (USA) 62 63 Singles - Semifinals [Q] Jiri Vesely (CZE) d [4] Kevin Anderson (RSA) 64 76(4) Singles - Final [Q] Jiri Vesely (CZE) d Adrian Mannarino (FRA) 63 62 Vesely從會外賽打起,一路過關斬將,過程中擊敗兩位Top 20選手,拿下生涯首冠! 同時他的ace數、一發二發得分、保發球局都是賽會第一。 It feels amazing to be part of the ATP champions,” said Vesely. “It’s not something that everyone is [able] to achieve, so I’m very grateful for that. “It’s a great start for me… I can really see that it’s possible to play with the best guys and I think that’s something very important for me for the future.” -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: ※ 文章網址:

01/19 14:04, , 1F
Vesely加油 趕快打上來!!!
01/19 14:04, 1F
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文章代碼(AID): #1KkWjctl (CZE-SVK)