[情報] 恩佐:手術很成功 傷病讓我不得不手術

看板Chelsea作者 (德羅球球球球球)時間10月前 (2024/04/27 00:20), 編輯推噓0(000)
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他在社群媒體上寫道:「我想告訴你,我的手術很成功,一切都很順利,感謝上帝。我需 要做這個手術,因為我已經忍受了大約6個月的疼痛。因此我也在不斷用注射和藥物治療 自己,盡量避免疼痛的發生。 「但幾週前,疼痛開始變得越來越劇烈,這對我影響很大,而且情況更糟,因為我在訓練 和比賽中感到不適,但我不想停止參加比賽。每當我穿著切爾西球衣踢球時,就像在阿根 廷國家隊一樣,我總是盡力而為,但我再也受不了這種疼痛了。 “謝謝球迷的信息、鼓勵。向所有人問好,我保證我歸來時會比以往任何時候都更強大。 ” Enzo Fernández statement: "I wanted to inform you that my surgery was successful, everything went well, thanks to God. I needed to have this surgery because I had been suffering from pain for about 6 months. It was something I could avoid while constantly treating myself with injections and medications. "But a few weeks ago, the pain started to become increasingly intense, with none of this having any effect, and it was worse because I was training and playing with discomfort, but I didn't want to stop participating in the matches I had. Every time I had to play wearing the Chelsea shirt, like with the National Team, I tried to give my best despite all this, but I couldn't bear it anymore. "Thank you for the messages, encouragement, and your always affectionate gestures. Greetings to all, I promise I will come back stronger than ever." https://twitter.com/AlbicelesteTalk/status/1783841457809264847 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Chelsea/M.1714148453.A.2A6.html
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