[情報] 席爾瓦:我會銘記這六場在切爾西的賽事

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https://www.chelseafc.com/en/news/article/thiago-silva-the-six-chelsea-games-i -will-always-remember Thiago Silva: The six Chelsea games I will always remember 蒂亞戈.席爾瓦:我會銘記這六場在切爾西的賽事 Thiago Silva only expected to stay a year at Chelsea after joining on a free transfer at the age of 35. That he has remained for four seasons and been a key figure throughout is testament to his quality and longevity. 蒂亞戈.席爾瓦在35歲時免費轉會到切爾西,原本只打算待一年。他能夠在切爾西效力 四個賽季並一直是關鍵人物,證明了他的實力和持久力。 The Brazilian quickly forged a strong bond with Blues supporters, who recognised the class with which Thiago behaves on and off the pitch. 這位巴西球員迅速與藍軍球迷建立了深厚的聯繫,球迷們認識到蒂亞戈在場上場下的優雅 舉止。 Victories were celebrated, trophies were lifted, and lasting memories were created. Yet on Sunday against Bournemouth at Stamford Bridge, Thiago Silva will bring the curtain down on his time at Chelsea – and his 15 years in European football. 勝利被慶祝,獎盃被舉起,持久的回憶被創造。然而,週日在斯坦福橋對陣伯恩茅斯的 比賽中,蒂亞戈.席爾瓦將結束他在切爾西的時光—以及他在歐洲足球的15年生涯。 He will be remembered as a Chelsea great and one of the best defenders of his generation – and ahead of his final outing, we sat down with Thiago to discuss six of his standout matches in blue. 他將以切爾西的偉大球員和他那一代最出色的後衛之一被人們記住。在他最後一場比賽 之前,我們與蒂亞戈坐下來討論了他身穿藍衣的六場精彩比賽。 - West Brom 3-3 Chelsea | Premier League | 26 September, 2020 - (官網自己年份搞錯寫2023是怎樣...) https://imgur.com/zuyx9sS
'My first game for Chelsea. I remember well. The opportunity to wear the shirt was a big responsibility. I felt that. But in this game, I was also given the captain's armband by [Frank] Lampard. 「我為切爾西效力的第一場比賽,我記得很清楚。能夠穿上這件球衣是一個巨大的責任, 我感受到了這一點。但在這場比賽中,我也被[弗蘭克]蘭帕德授予了隊長袖標。」 'That was the positive. Then there is the negative, I think Chelsea fans will remember. I made a big mistake; practically gave a goal away. It was not my best moment but it was important. 「那是積極的一面。然後有消極的一面,我想切爾西球迷會記得。我犯了一個大錯,幾乎 送給對手一個進球。這不是我最好的時刻,但這很重要。」 'It made me grow and helped me realise that this league, the Premier League, was different from what I had come from. It made me understand.' 「它讓我成長,幫助我意識到這個聯賽,英超,與我之前參加的聯賽是不同的。它讓我 明白了這一點。」 - Chelsea 2-1 Leicester City | Premier League | 18 May, 2021 - https://imgur.com/461605Z
'Special day. Obviously, because of the pandemic, we had been playing without supporters in the stadium. I had felt the love of the Chelsea fans through social media but to have 8,000 in Stamford Bridge was different. 「特別的一天。顯然,由於疫情的影響,我們一直在沒有球迷在場的情況下比賽。我通過 社交媒體感受到了切爾西球迷的愛,但能在斯坦福橋有8000名球迷在場是不同的。」 'The noise! I remember it felt like there were 45,000 fans in the stadium that night. I was touched by that – and it gave me a real feeling that we were getting back to normality. 「那噪音!我記得那晚感覺像是有45000名球迷在場。我被這感動了——這讓我真實地 感受到我們正在恢復正常。」 'That we also won for those supporters meant it was a good day for us.' 「我們也為那些球迷贏得了比賽,這意味著對我們來說是美好的一天。」 - Man City 0-1 Chelsea | Champions League final | 29 May, 2021 - https://imgur.com/5XP2fA6
'I smile when I see this picture. The year before, when I was with Paris, I lost the final. Then I changed clubs and in my first season achieved this dream. You think, 'How can it happen in this way?!' Only God has the answers and knows the moments. 「看到這張照片我會微笑。前一年,我在巴黎時,輸掉了決賽。然後我換了球隊,在 第一個賽季就實現了這個夢想。你會想,‘怎麼會這樣發生呢?!’只有上帝知道答案 和時機。」 'Of course, it was not the game I expected as I got injured in the first half. We all have an ego and we all want to play in these games – a Champions League final! – but my ego in relation to what my teammates and the club needed wasn't important at that moment. 「當然,這不是我期望的比賽,因為我在上半場就受傷了。我們都有自我,我們都希望 參加這些比賽—一場歐冠決賽!——但在那一刻,我的自我相對於隊友和俱樂部的需要 來說並不重要。」 'I could have continued but I wasn't 100% able to help the team. So I decided with [Thomas] Tuchel to come off and for Andreas [Christensen] to come in. He had a brilliant season so it felt right, and he did so well. 「我本可以繼續,但我無法100%幫助球隊。所以我和[托馬斯]圖赫爾商量後決定下場,讓 安德烈亞斯[克里斯坦森]上場。他那個賽季表現非常出色,所以這是正確的決定,而且他 表現得非常好。」 'It was not easy watching but I felt so happy and as if I had played the 90 minutes! What a crazy day.' 「看著比賽不是件容易的事,但我感到非常高興,就好像我踢了90分鐘一樣!真是瘋狂的 一天。」 - Tottenham 0-3 Chelsea | Premier League | 19 September, 2021 - https://imgur.com/KEKe1ix
'A brilliant performance away at our biggest rivals. Something like that isn’ t simple to do and it always means a good feeling for the players and the fans . 「在我們最大的對手主場表現出色。這樣的事情並不簡單,對球員和球迷來說總是意味著 良好的感覺。」 'We played well, the performance was convincing. We had a clean sheet and I scored our first goal. I think everything that could have gone well for us in this game happened. 「我們打得很好,表現令人信服。我們保持零封,我還打進了我們的第一個進球。我想在 這場比賽中,所有可能對我們有利的事情都發生了。」 'I think the worst thing when I think back on this game was my hair! It was something I had to do for a sponsor in Brazil – but I think it turned out to be good luck because the goal I scored was with my head! 「回想這場比賽,我覺得最糟糕的是我的髮型!那是我為了巴西的一個贊助商而做的— 但我認為這帶來了好運,因為我進球是用頭頂的!」 - Chelsea 2-1 Palmeiras | Club World Cup final | 12 February, 2022 - https://imgur.com/dvdJzh5
'As is the case for any Brazilian player, to win this title is a surreal feeling. Every club in Brazil dreams about winning this title. Every one. For me, it was the same thing even though I was playing for a European club. 「對於任何巴西球員來說,贏得這個冠軍都是一種超現實的感覺。巴西的每個俱樂部都 夢想贏得這個冠軍。每一個俱樂部都是。對我來說,即使我效力於歐洲俱樂部,這也是 同樣的感覺。」 'I know some people say that clubs in Europe at not as focused on this competition, that it is just another competition to win. So I wanted to make sure the team was motivated to win this trophy. 「我知道有些人說歐洲俱樂部對這項比賽並不那麼重視,認為這只是另一個可以贏得的 比賽。所以我想確保球隊有動力去贏得這個獎杯。」 'The final was not easy – and I remember we did the warm-up in front of the Palmeiras fans! But we made sure that we won the game and I was very proud to be named the player of the match in the final and the player of the tournament . 「決賽並不容易—我記得我們在帕爾梅拉斯球迷面前進行了熱身!但我們確保贏得了 比賽,我非常自豪能在決賽中被評為最佳球員並被評為賽事最佳球員。」 'It is one of the most important trophies of my career and the first one for Chelsea.' 「這是我職業生涯中最重要的獎杯之一,也是切爾西的第一個。」 - Milan 0-2 Chelsea | Champions League | 11 October 2022 - https://imgur.com/Pg6PgG4
'A very emotional day and a very special day for me. I spent three-and-a-half years playing for Milan and it was only ten years later that I had the chance to return. It never happened with Paris. 「對我來說,是非常感動和特別的一天。我在米蘭效力了三年半,十年後我才有機會 回來。這在巴黎從未發生過。」 'I came out onto the pitch at San Siro and all the fans were chanting my name. During the game, I could hear people around the stadium shouting my name. It was a touching experience 「我走上聖西羅球場,所有球迷都在高呼我的名字。在比賽中,我可以聽到周圍的球迷在 喊我的名字。這是一個令人感動的經歷。」 'We had a good performance that night and won the game. We kept a clean sheet too. At the end of the match, I did almost an Olympic lap to thank the Milan and Chelsea supporters. 「那晚我們表現出色,贏得了比賽。我們還保持了完封。比賽結束後,我幾乎跑了一圈來 感謝米蘭和切爾西的支持者。」 'I never got the chance to thank the fans at Milan, so that was a nice moment. As was the match at Stamford Bridge against them – we had another clean sheet! 「我從未有機會感謝米蘭的球迷,所以那是一個美好的時刻。就像在斯坦福橋對陣米蘭的 比賽一樣—我們又一次保持了完封!」 'I also remember well the game against Juventus in the Champions League. That is when I did the goal-line clearance from Morata, that has stayed in my mind. Tuchel insisted after I had plenty of space, that I could've played a pass! 「我還清楚地記得對陣尤文圖斯的歐冠比賽。那場比賽中,我在門線上解圍了莫拉塔的 射門,這一直留在我的記憶中。圖赫爾賽後堅持說我有很多空間,應該傳球!」 'But every match that I played for this club – more than 150 games – they all somehow have marked me as special.' 「但我為這個俱樂部效力的每一場比賽—超過150場—它們都在某種程度上讓我覺得 特別。」 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Chelsea/M.1716056039.A.E56.html ※ 編輯: PowderSnow ( 臺灣), 05/19/2024 02:14:20

05/19 10:53, 9月前 , 1F
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05/20 01:13, 9月前 , 3F
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05/20 07:27, 9月前 , 4F
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05/21 05:20, 9月前 , 5F
回去看了尤文那球清球, Tuchel 真的是幹話王XD
05/21 05:20, 5F
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