[情報] 萊斯特城中場 霍爾

看板Chelsea作者 (德羅球球球球球)時間3天前 (2024/06/28 13:28), 3天前編輯推噓11(11014)
留言25則, 10人參與, 20小時前最新討論串1/1
EXCL: Chelsea submit offer to Leicester City for Kiernan Dewsbury-Hall. If deal struck, long-term contract expected to be agreed with 25yo midfielder’s representatives. Declined chance to join Brighton - will move to #CFC or stay at #LCFC https://twitter.com/David_Ornstein/status/1806653854538153995 Understand swap deal between Leicester City and Brighton for Dewsbury Hall is set to collapse. Despite medical booked, the deal is currently off after Chelsea call yesterday evening. Dewsbury-Hall, waiting for Chelsea. CFC want to include players in the deal. https://twitter.com/FabrizioRomano/status/1806649797987676166 EXCL: Chelsea contact Leicester City to express interest in signing Kiernan Dewsbury-Hall. No formal bid yet but 25yo midfielder keen to join only #CFC if leaves #LCFC. Seen as a perfect fit for style of play under head coach Enzo Maresca https://twitter.com/David_Ornstein/status/1806373640080085158 Jakub Moder already completed first part of medical for Leicester City. Kiernan Dewsbury-Hall, in Brighton with medical also scheduled. Leicester City would receive compensation fee in excess of £25m. Chelsea called for KDH and deciding about possible bid to Leicester. https://twitter.com/FabrizioRomano/status/1806439894568604040 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Chelsea/M.1719552516.A.9FB.html

06/28 13:29, 3天前 , 1F
06/28 13:29, 1F

06/28 20:10, 3天前 , 2F
這個不錯 3000萬左右而已 至少是輪換以上水準
06/28 20:10, 2F

06/28 20:11, 3天前 , 3F
中場人多但能用的不多啊 不是小孩就痛痛
06/28 20:11, 3F
※ 編輯: Drogba11 ( 臺灣), 06/28/2024 20:26:04

06/28 20:27, 3天前 , 4F
球員不想去海鷗 想上車 目前在等雙方高層談判
06/28 20:27, 4F

06/28 20:31, 3天前 , 5F
3000萬買這隻 然後3000萬賣加拉嗎
06/28 20:31, 5F

06/28 22:09, 2天前 , 6F
06/28 22:09, 6F

06/28 22:35, 2天前 , 7F
恩佐 凱塞多 拉維亞這三個是被當核心 現階段不會賣的
06/28 22:35, 7F

06/28 22:38, 2天前 , 8F
他來就是換加拉位置 加拉遲早會被賣的… 剩下的應該就
06/28 22:38, 8F

06/28 22:38, 2天前 , 9F
06/28 22:38, 9F

06/29 00:06, 2天前 , 10F
秋葵要去米蘭了?中場這甚麼操作 也不給秋葵一點傷後的機
06/29 00:06, 10F

06/29 00:06, 2天前 , 11F
06/29 00:06, 11F

06/29 00:35, 2天前 , 12F
前腰 恩坤庫 泡沫 他搶不到位子..
06/29 00:35, 12F

06/29 01:20, 2天前 , 13F
秋葵沒有要賣阿 又沒買到奧利賽 泡沫肯定還是以右路為
06/29 01:20, 13F

06/29 01:20, 2天前 , 14F
06/29 01:20, 14F

06/30 21:01, 1天前 , 15F
3000萬hwg了 很好的一筆交易
06/30 21:01, 15F

06/30 21:05, 1天前 , 16F
06/30 21:05, 16F

06/30 21:23, 1天前 , 17F
價格面是很好 只是怎麼維持更衣室就要看馬光頭了
06/30 21:23, 17F

06/30 21:23, 1天前 , 18F
人有點多 大牌也多
06/30 21:23, 18F

06/30 21:25, 1天前 , 19F
06/30 21:25, 19F

06/30 21:28, 23小時前 , 20F
06/30 21:28, 20F

06/30 21:31, 23小時前 , 21F
06/30 21:31, 21F

06/30 22:39, 22小時前 , 22F
烏戈大概要出去練功了 卡薩戴不知道想不想留下來
06/30 22:39, 22F

06/30 22:44, 22小時前 , 23F
06/30 22:44, 23F

07/01 00:10, 21小時前 , 24F
4231 恩佐 蓋拉格 凱賽多 拉維亞 桑托斯 霍爾 6搶2
07/01 00:10, 24F

07/01 00:55, 20小時前 , 25F
明年有歐戰 人手肯定會比較多 而且別忘了傷兵問題
07/01 00:55, 25F
文章代碼(AID): #1cVae4dx (Chelsea)
文章代碼(AID): #1cVae4dx (Chelsea)