[外電] Johnson optimistic about Mavs' future

看板D_Nowitzki作者 (心動只有一次)時間17年前 (2007/09/21 14:50), 編輯推噓2(200)
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僅節錄有關 Dirk 之部分 Who's your backup power forward right now? 目前你的替補 PF 是誰? Brandon Bass. He's 6-8 and 250. We have a lot of confidence in where we think he can go. There will be some others who are vying for some playing time. But Brandon was brought in to be a different type of power forward from Dirk, different from what we had. Brandon Bass. 他有 6-8吋高以及 250磅重。我們對於他能夠進步到我們所認為的程度 是非常有信心的。當然還有其他人競爭一些上場時間。但是 Brandon 是與 Dirk 不同 類型的 PF,與我們所擁有的過 PF 不一樣。 It's a departure from the past, isn't it, because previous backups to Dirk Nowitzki have been more like Dirk starter kits? 這也就是揮別過去,不是嗎?因為之前 Dirk Nowitzki 的替補更像是 Dirk 的入門 配件... We don't want to go that route this year. We wanted somebody different. 我們今年不想再走老路子。我們要的是不同類型的人。 What does Dirk Nowitzki have to do this year to improve on an MVP season? Dirk Nowitzki 在其 MVP球季之後還有哪些改進空間? Dirk can get better, and there are some things that Dirk can improve in that may not be basketball-related. It may be leadership-related. Dirk can get better on and off the court. And that's why I've been stretching him. He's the reigning MVP, and if he's not willing to be stretched by his coach, then he never would have improved. So he's willing to be stretched. And his stretching may not be necessarily on the court, but it may be in the area of leadership, and we're willing to help him get better in that area. Dirk 可以更好,而且是在那些不是籃球相關的部分還可以進步。那也許是關於 領導能力方面。 Dirk 在球場內外可以做的更好。這也是為何我一直對他有很高的 要求。他是 MVP 衛冕者,而且如果他不願意被教練有所要求的話,那麼他永遠都不 會進步。所以他很樂意被操被要求。他被要求的地方或許不必要是在球場上,而是 在領導能力這一塊,我們是很願意在這一領域幫助他做的更好。 原文來自 - http://tinyurl.com/363w8a -- 你在等我嗎? 我一直都在阿! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

09/22 21:39, , 1F
09/22 21:39, 1F

09/23 12:35, , 2F
推^^ 謝謝 m 姐翻譯~
09/23 12:35, 2F
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文章代碼(AID): #16yscTML (D_Nowitzki)