[比賽] vs Houston (2009/12/19)

看板D_Nowitzki作者 (Dallas Mavericks)時間15年前 (2009/12/20 19:10), 編輯推噓1(100)
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Houston 116, Dallas 108 Field Goals Rebounds Player pos min fgm-a 3pm-a ftm-a +- off def tot ast pf st to bs ba pts D.Nowitzki F 10:15 2-4 0-0 1-2 +5 0 2 2 1 0 0 0 0 1 5 Recap: 在比賽的第2節, Dirk在接到J.J Barea的傳球,上籃時右手肘不慎直接撞上 火箭隊Carl Landry,在用左手罰完兩球後,Dirk直接進入休息室,自此就沒 回到比賽,而Carl Landry則是被撞斷數顆牙齒。 影片:http://tinyurl.com/ycaqyyv 為求謹慎,Dirk去照了X光,而呈現陰性反應。 Dirk可能會缺席下一場對騎士的比賽。Carl Landry則是要去看口腔外科醫生 了...... Dirk並不是唯一沒打完整場的人。包括教練卡帥和蛋皮都因為吞下兩個T而被 驅逐出場,但火箭隊卻只領到一支T。賽後老闆 M.Cuban表示他會向聯盟提出 抗議。 包括幾個爭議球:第4節認為JET惡意阻擋K.Lowry得分的判決,使得 K.Lowry 獲得2罰機會、第4節0.4秒時Aaron Brooks的失誤球吹判,以及A.Brooks雙手 拉住蛋皮的肩膀,阻擋其灌籃而被吹惡性犯規的吹判。 M.Cuban說:我們會提出抗議是因為很多規則都被濫用了。 "We're protesting it because we feel there were multiple misapplica -tions of the rules," http://tinyurl.com/ycnjy2o Postgame Quotes: (on game plan without Nowitzki in game) "We want to get stops and get in transition and flow as much as possible. We’ve got stuff that I thought we executed well and other stuff, not so well. We fought and put ourselves in position to make it a 5:00 game and just couldn’t win. " 我們盡可能的想要停下來並且做一些調整。我們做得還不錯, 但其他部分就 不太理想,因而輸掉這場比賽。 "They played aggressively and they played well offensively. They were up around 50 percent most of the game. They hit 3s and they were aggressive on the boards. They played well and we needed to play better. " 他們在進攻端打得非常好也非常有侵略性。大部分時間,他們的命中率都在5 成圍繞。他們投3分球,並且積極的在爭搶籃板球。他們打得很棒,而我們需 要打得更好些。 "I thought we battled to get to overtime. I didn’t think we played well. Finding a way to get to overtime over pretty steep odds is positive. But the way we played from start to finish really wasn’t what we were wanting to do. That’s disappointing. We’ve got good teams coming in here every night for a while. We’re going to have to really do it as a team to win games. " 我想我們拼進延長賽,但我們打地不夠好。 找到方法進入延長賽是事實,但 在延長賽裡我們並沒有做到我們想做的,這很令人失望。 "We’re a team so if one guy goes out, everybody else has got to step forward. We made a good effort but the bottom line, when you shoot 42 percent and give up 46 percent shooting and 30 assists and 8 3s, those numbers add up to a loss. We needed to be better. Simple as that. " 當有人不在時就會有其他人站出來,我們是這樣的一支球隊。 我們非常盡力 但仍不夠,當投籃命中率只有4成2,而對手是4成6, 8記3分球和30次助攻時 ,這些數字導致輸球,我們需要更好才行。 http://tinyurl.com/yc6l7ob -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

12/22 01:10, , 1F
不意外 裁判不愛小牛
12/22 01:10, 1F
※ 編輯: JoshHoward5 來自: (12/24 19:00)
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