[比賽] at LA Lakers (2010/01/04)

看板D_Nowitzki作者 (Dallas Mavericks)時間15年前 (2010/01/06 22:02), 編輯推噓0(000)
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Dallas 96, LA Lakers 131 Field Goals Rebounds Player pos min fgm-a 3pm-a ftm-a +- off def tot ast pf st to bs ba pts D. Nowitzki F 31:32 7-18 0-0 8-10 -32 3 5 8 1 1 0 2 0 2 22 被大屠殺...... Recap: 卡帥說:這真是令人為難的結果。我們都承認這件事, 所以沒有什麼好說的 。他們打得很棒,而我們打得很糟糕。 "Just an embarrassing effort," "We all own it so I don't know how else to put it. They played great and we played terrible." Dirk則是說:他們予取予求。 "They had whatever they wanted," 小牛命中率也是慘不忍睹,第1節是25投4中,16%!!!上半場也只有2成79,上 半場曾經一度連續13投不中......直到第2節9分53秒Barea的拋投才中斷這連 續13球不進的難堪。而直到第2節1分47秒,才由JET投進小牛的第1顆3分球。 Postgame Quotes: On tonight’s game: "Offensively we just could not get anything going tonight, combined with not getting the stops, that’s a rough combination. Some nights you don’t have it offensively, but you at least have to get some stops to stay in the game. They had whatever they wanted. Bynum was on the inside, the shooters were on, Kobe was making shots everywhere. On offense we just couldn’t do anything right. Instead of playing the game better we started forcing shots and everyone started to try and do it single-handedly instead of playing together and playing the way we always do. So we got ourselves in an even deeper hole and it was just a tough outing for us. Lose by one, lose by forty, either way it counts as one loss so I guess that is the only positive thing we can take away from tonight.” 今晚我們在進攻端一無所獲,加上無法阻止他們,這是很難堪的結合。 有些 晚上也許你進攻會失常,但你至少必須去阻擋對手, 我們讓他們予取予求。 Bynum在禁區、射手就定位、Kobe無論在何處都可以投進球。我們並沒有團結 並且照著我們總是在做的方法去打球,取而代之的是, 我們開始勉強地投籃 ,每個人開始單兵作戰。這致使我們陷入更困難的處境,對我們而言, 這只 是個不幸的比賽。不管是輸1分還是40分,這都是1場敗仗, 我想這是我們唯 一可以從這裡帶走的正面的事情。 http://tinyurl.com/yd54pjv Dirk的一些生涯里程碑: Dirk生涯得分即將突破20,000大關,但是他最近的腳步則是慢了下來。 雖然他說保護右手肘的護具並不會困擾他。然而有時似乎還是困擾著他, 自 從12月20號和Carl Landry的碰撞之後。 在那場比賽之前,Dirk平均26.9分。之後則是僅有19.7分,雖然復出的前2場 比賽投籃命中率很高,但接下來4場比賽都低於5成,62投僅24中,3成87的命 中率...... Dirk在出戰湖人一役攻下22分,生涯總得分來到19,907分, 如果他回復到之 前的狀況,並接近這個球季的平均值時, 下禮拜應該可以突破20,000分的關 卡。也許,會發生在湖人本季第1次造訪達拉斯的時候。 卡帥說不論Dirk在每場比賽做什麼,他都是最不需要教練去擔心的。 他活在 比賽裡,他在這裡不僅是因為他很棒,他更是隊上的靈魂人物, 這就是為什 麼我們都可以正常運作的原因。 "He lives the game," "He's in this game not just to be great, but to get the ring. So that's what we're all working on." -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
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文章代碼(AID): #1BH9Vr_a (D_Nowitzki)