[比賽] at San Antonio (2010/01/09)

看板D_Nowitzki作者 (Dallas Mavericks)時間15年前 (2010/01/09 21:40), 編輯推噓0(000)
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Dallas 112, San Antonio 103 Field Goals Rebounds Player pos min fgm-a 3pm-a ftm-a +- off def tot ast pf st to bs ba pts D.Nowitzki F 40:13 10-28 2-3 4-4 +6 2 3 5 2 3 0 2 3 1 26 整場下來的命中率很難看,但是有第4節這樣的演出,Who cares?XD Recap: Dirk的26分,有16分集中在最關鍵的第4節,率領小牛以 112:103在客場逆轉 馬刺。Dirk在前3節僅16投3中,但他在第4節和JET火力全開,他們倆在第4節 合得27分。 打完3節,小牛還落後10分,Dirk率領小牛打出驚人的的第4節。 Dirk用他的 後仰跳投、轉身跳投還有一些長距離的跳投幫助小牛建立了一個8分的領先。 馬刺一度把比數追到只差4分,104:100。在僅剩51秒時,Dirk用一記3分球將 他們徹底擊垮。 Tim Duncan的31分12籃板雖然勝過 Dirk,但是這位小牛的球星得到其他人的 火力支援,另有5人得分來到雙位數:JET21分、蛋皮14分、Marion和 Howard 各得12分。 JET說:我們這一群人只有一個目標,那就是總冠軍。而你唯一能做的就是贏 下像這樣的一場比賽。 "We got a bunch of guys with one goal and that's to win a championship," "You can only do that if you can win games like this. These prepare you for it." Dirk說:整晚比賽很長的時間我都不在狀況內,我只是在第4節投進一些關鍵 的球而已。 "I was off all night long," "I just made some big shots in the fourth." 馬刺教練Gregg Popovich說:嗯,Dirk是個名人堂球員, 他的表現說明了一 切。 "Well, Dirk is a Hall of Fame player, and he showed why," Dirk 在第4節共計16分,12投7中,包括2記3分球,外帶2助攻、2火鍋的全能 演出。 http://tinyurl.com/ydjpuzg Recap http://tinyurl.com/yjfbmjf Dallas Mavs http://tinyurl.com/yk3zea4 Preview Postgame Quotes: (On what turn the tide in the fourth quarter) "Well we just kept hanging in there as they played some tough defense on us. I missed a lot of shots so we have to learn how to buckle down defensively, make it tough for Duncan, and keep Ginobili out of the lane. I believe the game changer was the shot from Kidd in the corner as that shot was big for us as they were up one, he hit the shot, and we were never down from there.” 我們只是保住一線生機,當他們用強硬的防守對付我們時。 我錯失了很多球 ,所以我們必須去學習如何用防守去比賽,讓Duncan感到費勁、讓 Ginobili 在狀況外。我相信改變這場比賽的是Kidd在底線的那記3分球,那球對我們意 義重大,當他投進去時,我們不曾再落後過。 (On if he was getting better looks in the fourth quarter) "Well, they always play me tough. They play the floor and always push up on me. I had some fade-aways that I usually make along with some lay-ups where I blocked myself. I just have to stay confident for me and my team as I have to be aggressive and make these things happen.” 他們總是讓我們打得很辛苦,他們不斷地推擠我。我有一些通常會進, 而伴 隨著一些上籃的後仰跳投,而我封鎖住了我自己。當我陷入苦戰時, 我只是 對我自己和我的球隊保持有信心,並且使這些事發生。 http://tinyurl.com/yd54pjv -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: JoshHoward5 來自: (01/10 21:21)
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文章代碼(AID): #1BI8S-jM (D_Nowitzki)