[比賽] vs LA Lakers (2010/01/14)

看板D_Nowitzki作者 (Dallas Mavericks)時間15年前 (2010/01/15 13:39), 編輯推噓0(000)
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LA Lakers 100, Dallas 95 Field Goals Rebounds Player pos min fgm-a 3pm-a ftm-a +- off def tot ast pf st to bs ba pts D. Nowitzki F 43:08 11-22 1-1 7-7 -3 0 16 16 2 3 0 0 1 0 30 恭喜Dirk成為NBA史上第34位得分超過20,000分的球員!!! 聽說達到這個關卡 的球員,最後幾乎都會入選象徵最高榮譽的籃球名人堂喔!!! 不過可惜的是最後球隊沒有贏球, 不能錦上添花來祝賀他完成這個重要的里 程碑,看他賽後說的話,實在是給他有點心酸呀。 Recap: Dirk得到全場最高的30分,這讓他成為NAB歷史上第34位得分超過2,0000的球 員。第4節10分57秒時他在底線於Lamar Odom面前跳投,當球進時,他完成了 這個里程碑,全場的球迷起立為他掌聲。 他是第1個在NBA完成這個里程碑的 歐洲人,Dirk今天22投11中,並且抓下本季新高的16顆籃板, 這也是他本季 第12場double-double。 Dirk全場最關鍵的一球是在第4節僅剩42.9秒時,他在湖頂位置投進1記3分球 幫助小牛追平了比數(95:95),這是兩隊今天第10次平手。 小牛並沒有好好利用Kobe有傷在身,而又缺少Pau Gasol這兩個優勢,小牛上 半場命中率僅有3成4,而全場只有4成3的命中率......3分線外的出手也僅24 投8中,禁區得分(44-34)、板凳得分(31-21)都輸給湖人。 Dirk說:我們應該打地更有勁一點,我們應該可以打地更好。 我們有那個機 會,但我們沒有掌握住,我也不曾領先過他們, Kobe在上半場打得很糟糕, 我們應該可以取得領先的。 "We should have had a lot of energy tonight," "We should have played better." "We had our chances, but we never got enough stops, and we never jumped on them," "Kobe barely played in the first half, and we should have had a lead." http://tinyurl.com/ybto7ty Recap http://tinyurl.com/yg3t73r Dallas News Postgame Quotes: 並無關於 Dirk的談話,不過來看看總教練卡帥和隊友Marion賽後發表一些關 於Dirk的談話吧。 (Rick Carlisle on Nowitzki) "He'd rather have the win than 20,000 points. That’s where the disappointment is. You get a guy who is pure basketball heart. He'd do anything to win any ball game and he wouldn’t care how many points he scored. That’s what really makes him special along with the other things you guys have seen on a daily basis for over a decade. The shot making, the plays, the 3s. All that stuff. It's very disappointing. But it was a special moment when the crowd stood and applauded for what seemed like several minutes, and it was well deserved." 教練說:與其得到第20,000分,他寧可要比賽的勝利, 這就是讓人沮喪的地 方。你有一個對籃球保有赤子之心的人, 他為了贏得任何比賽的勝利願意去 做任何的事,而不在乎自己得了多少分。 那真的就是你在過去這十年所看到 的日常水準,很特別的是他不在乎其他東西。投籃、3分球等等所有的東西。 這真的是非常令人沮喪,但它仍是個非常特別的時刻, 當全場的人站起來並 且為他們所見證到的紀錄鼓掌、喝采,而這是應得的。 (On wanting to get the win for Dirk on the night he scored his 20,000th career point...) "Well I wanted to win for all reason. He hits the 20,000 plateau that is an amazing accomplishment for him, but you know it kinda sucks when you can't get the win when he gets the mark. At the same time it is frustrating, we just got to get it together. We got to get it together now and get it going. We haven't really hit our stride, we haven't done nothing yet. Even though we are in second place, it seems like we just coasting a little bit. We don't have that chemistry down to the fullest on both ends of the floor and we got to get that I can't wait till we get it." 一整季我都想贏,得到20,000分對他而言是個很驚人的成就, 但是你知道的 ,當你達到這個里程碑卻不能贏球是很令人討厭的。 而那也是非常沮喪的, 我們只能一起擁有它,並且繼續前進,我們不會停下腳步, 我們什麼事都還 沒完成。即使我們在西區第2,看起來我們很接近目標了,但我們在場還沒有 最好的化學作用,我們比須快找回來,而我已經等不及了。 http://tinyurl.com/yd54pjv -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
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