[比賽] vs Oklahoma City (2010/01/16)

看板D_Nowitzki作者 (Dallas Mavericks)時間15年前 (2010/01/16 23:08), 編輯推噓0(000)
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Oklahoma City 98, Dallas 99 Field Goals Rebounds Player pos min fgm-a 3pm-a ftm-a +- off def tot ast pf st to bs ba pts D.Nowitzki F 39:07 9-18 0-1 14-15 +4 1 4 5 2 2 2 4 0 0 32 Recap: Kevin Durant在這場比賽得到的數據,但是不幸的是,其中一項是失誤, 他 今晚發生了追平生涯最多的8次失誤,這也導致了雷霆以98:99敗給小牛。 小牛今天從雷霆的18次失誤中得到了22分, 其中16分集中在下半場雷霆所產 生的11次失誤。小牛克服了11分的落後,贏得了比賽的勝利, 並且中止在主 場的2連敗。小牛在主場9連勝雷霆, 而兩隊過去19次交手小牛贏了其中17場 。小牛在輸球後的下一場比賽,戰績來到11勝2敗,為全聯盟最佳( 這項數據 顯示的意義應該是在球隊是否容易連敗,小牛目前僅有2次2連敗)。 上半場雷霆在菜鳥球員James Harden的3分球後,以42:31取得11的領先, 上 半場結束前,小牛把差距縮小到7分,55:48,其中Dirk和JET包括了小牛上半 場結束前21分中的19分。 小牛最後6分鐘裡面的18分,有16分來自Dirk和JET, 兩隊共4次平手和3次互 換領先。終場前48.9秒前Dirk底線16呎的跳投讓小牛以95:93取得領先( 這球 和Dirk拿下第20,000分是同一個戰術XD), 而終場前6.9秒時Dirk於罰球線附 近在Jeff Green面前的跳投,讓小牛以99:96取得領先。接著Kevin Durant罰 進2球,而JET兩罰都未進,Russell Westbrook半場的出手未進,小牛在驚險 中贏得比賽的勝利。 為了擺脫接連在主場輸給爵士和湖人的窘況, 小牛在上下半場快結束時都打 得特別有侵略性。小牛過去5場比賽,平均失分107.6分, 對手投籃命中率高 達5成31,但是小牛今天把雷霆的命中率壓制在只有4成2(下半場3成59), 小 牛用各種方法攻擊籃框,小牛上半場發生10次失誤,但第3節1個也沒有, 小 牛今天總共站上罰球線39次,罰進33球,都是本季新高。 卡帥說:我們打得很積極並且掌管了比賽,我們的投籃命中率只有4成4, 並 不是很好,尤其是在家裡,但是我們必須用防守去找到贏球的方法, 而我們 在下半場做到了。 "We were taking charges and we were active and getting deflections all over the place," "We shot 44 percent, which is not good, especially at home, but we need to find ways to win these games with our defense and we did that in the second half." Dirk攻下全場最高的32分,JET則是21分5助攻,Kidd也有11分、11助攻和4抄 截,Kidd今天投進2記3分球,他生涯3分球總數追平第5的Glen Rice(1559)。 Kevin Durant攻下他生涯單場對小牛最高的30分(之前是22分), 並且抓下球 季新高的13分,其中3分球5投4中,罰球線上16罰14中,但是2分球僅13投2中 。他在2007年12月15號對灰狼時也產生了生涯新高的8次失誤。他誇讚Howard 和Marion在防守端給了他很大的困擾。而他對小牛單場最低得分為6分,共發 生2次。 Dirk說:我們使得他什麼都得做,他有很糟糕的命中率, 而這就是你必須對 一個好球員該做的,你必須籌備如何對付他們, 並且使他們在困難的情況下 出手,接著抓下籃板球。 "We made him work for everything," "He didn't shoot at a great percentage and that is what you have to do with great players. You have to get up on them and make them shoot the tough shots and then rebound the ball." http://tinyurl.com/y9qw9mj Postgame Quotes: (On the third quarter play…) "I thought we really stepped it up defensively you know, I think Westbrook had it going there with the jumpshot because we went under the screen and rolls a lot and then in the second half we really started to be more aggressive on him and forcing his jump shot. I think Shawn (Marion) did a great job on (Kevin) Durant all night, even thought he got, whatever 30 points. We made him work for everything. He didn’t shoot at great percentage and that is what you have to do with great players. You have to get up on them and make them shoot the tough shots and then rebound the ball. Therefore we get into our running game and we get the ball to Jason Kidd and fast break and that is when we at our best." 我想我們真的在防守端加快了腳步,你知道的。我想Westbrook會一直跳投是 因為我們選擇下沉到掩護的後面, 接著下半場我們真的對他開始變得更有侵 略性,並且壓迫他的跳投。我認為Marion整晚守Kevin Durant守得很好, 即 使他得到了30分。我們讓他什麼事都得去做,他有很糟糕的投籃命中率, 而 那是你必須對一個好球員該做的。你必須籌備如何對付他們, 並且使他們在 很困難的情況下投籃,接著抓下籃板球。因此,我們進入了我們的節奏, 我 們把球給Kidd來發動快攻,而那是我們最好的時候。 (On his mindset coming out at halftime…) "We had been struggling a little bit defensively and I think we really had a great start defensively for the first 20 games or so and then we let Utah come in our building and shoot like 50 percent and then the Lakers the other night we couldn’t get the stops that we wanted and so we wanted to do some adjustments defensively and I think in the second half they worked pretty good. Everybody on the screens was showing and we kept it up on the pick and roll, we were taking charges and we were active and getting deflections all over the place, so that is how we need to play because offensively we have been struggling too. We shot another night at 44 percent, which is not good, especially at home, but we need to find ways to win these games with our defense and we did that in the second half . To hold them to 42 percent shooting is pretty good." 我們一直都在拼防守, 而我想我們真的在前面20場左右的防守端有好的開始 ,接著我們讓爵士在我們自己家裡投籃命中率高達5成,另一個晚上我們想卻 無法阻止他們得分,所以我們想在防守端做些調整, 而我想我們在下半場做 地相當好。每個人在對方掩護和擋切戰術時都表現出該有的防守, 我們非常 積極地並且掌管了比賽,那就是我們需要這樣打的原因, 因為我們的進攻也 陷入了掙扎,我們投籃命中率只有4成4,並不是很好,尤其是在主場, 但是 我們必須用防守去找到贏球的方法,而我們在下半場做到了。 把他們的投籃 命中率壓在4成2是相當好的。 http://tinyurl.com/yd54pjv -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
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