[比賽] at Boston (2010/01/19)
Dallas 99, Boston 90
Field Goals Rebounds
Player pos min fgm-a 3pm-a ftm-a +- off def tot ast pf st to bs ba pts
D.Nowitzki F 44:10 14-22 0-0 9-12 +12 0 7 7 3 3 0 2 0 0 37
塞爾提克在上半場打完以41:50取得9分的領先優勢, 不過他們在下半場讓小
賽的說明是很簡單的:Dirk在下半場用他大量的跳投, 攻下全場37分中的22
分,Dirk使得在TD Garden的球迷不是痛苦地舉起手臂就是安靜了下來。Paul
Pierce說:對每個球隊來說,他都是比賽裡的一個問題。 我們並沒有做好守
"He's a matchup problem for anyone,"
"We're not doing a good job protecting our home court."
儘管讓Dirk在上半場得了15分,然而代替Kevin Garnett的 Rasheed Wallace
至少讓Dirk做任何事都感到困難。第3節5分16秒時,Rasheed Wallace吞下他
的第4犯並且回到板凳休息後,Dirk開始展開反擊。Glen Davis說: Rasheed
"The fourth foul with Rasheed really hurt us because Rasheed was
doing a great job playing defense on him,"
第3節在Rasheed Wallac吞下進攻犯規前, 塞爾提克還保有3分的領先優勢,
Dirk以幾乎都沒碰到籃框的準度連得9分, 幫助小牛取得7分的領先優勢進入
第4節。小牛第4節再打出一波12-0的攻勢, 這幾乎確定了塞爾提克輸球的命
卡帥說:我們要做的事就是必須保持溝通並且鼓勵, 而進球就會一直發生。
"The thing that we just have to keep talking about and preaching is,
"Shots come and go, but strong defense is something that travels and
is a winning formula."
Marion說:當你在場上把球推進時,我們打的更加開放, 並且打的更加簡單
"When you’re pushing the ball up the floor, it opens up everything
and makes it easier,"
"Dirk was great. Dirk was sharing the ball very well tonight. What
can you say? Thirty-seven points. He had a heck of a game."
小牛中止了對塞爾提克的4連敗,這是自2007年3月以來首度擊敗他們。 小牛
http://tinyurl.com/yadeey9 Recap
http://tinyurl.com/ya9mdqd Dallas News
Postgame Quotes:
(Didn’t give up on defense, importance of defense in winning the game:)
"Well, you know, we talked about our defense, or our lack of
defensive effort over the past two weeks, I think we really started
the season off well defensively and I think we had a couple of set
backs over the past couple weeks and had teams shoot high
percentages and score a lot of points against us and I think with
this team it starts defensively. We did a great job in the second
half, you know, we just gave up 40 points, forced some shots, stuck
with their shooters, and our offense finally came to us but it
always starts on the defensive end for us, and that’s what won us
the game."
過去兩個禮拜,我們都在討論防守,或是防守的缺失。 我真的認為我們開季
有不錯的防守,而我們在過去兩週有幾場的挫折, 我們讓對手有很高的投籃
命中率,而且也得了很多的分數, 我認為我們這支球隊應該從防守做起。我
們在下半場做得很好,你知道的,我們只丟掉40分,牽強的投籃、 盯住他們
的射手,我們的進攻在後面也醒了過來,但一切總是建立在防守之上, 這就
(Re: Offensive play:)
"Well I would that our offense hasn’t been great all season long,
but like I said if we get stops then we can play the kind of game
we want to play and that’s a fast paced game, get the ball to
J-Kidd on the break, get everybody on the move, get Marion on the
run, get Josh on the slice and dice, get Jet on the move and I
think that’s the way we want to play. We don’t want to grind it
out all the time you know, but for us to play a free flowing
offense, we need some stops and we finally got some stops in the
second half and we were running, we were moving the ball and it
was fun to watch."
一整季很長的時間,我們的進攻都不是很好,但是就像我說的, 如果我們可
以阻止對手得分,那我們就可以打一些我們想要的比賽, 而那就是快步調的
比賽,把球給Kidd去發動快攻,使得每個人都動起來, 讓Marion跑在路線上
,讓Howard on the slice and dice(這句我就不懂了),讓JET移動,而我想
那是我們所想要打球的方法。我們不想一直費力地去做,你知道地, 但為了
打出流暢的進攻,我們必須擋住對手,而最終我們在下半場做到了, 我們動
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