[外電] Dallas' Nowitzki not among NBA All-S …

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※ [本文轉錄自 Mavericks 看板] 作者: a031860318 (鈴矇) 看板: Mavericks 標題: [外電] Dallas' Nowitzki not among NBA All-Star Game starters 時間: Fri Jan 22 13:05:47 2010 http://tinyurl.com/y9ho8y2 PHILADELPHIA – Dirk Nowitzki understands. Really, he does. 司機真的能夠理解 And to be honest, he's not even upset a little bit about not being voted in by the fans to the NBA All-Star Game that will be at Cowboys Stadium next month. 誠實的說,他對於沒進即將在全新牛仔體育場明星賽先發名單一點也不感到沮喪 He figures he'll be there, regardless. 無論如何,他預測他將會在那裏 "I think it's an honor either way, whether you're voted in by the fans or the coaches," Nowitzki said Thursday, when the starters for the Eastern and Western conferences were announced. "It really never made a difference to me, starting or not. To be there and be part of the weekend, especially in my new hometown, is an honor." 當東西區明星賽先發公布時,司機表示:我認為不論是教練或是球迷的票使你進入明 星賽,只要出現在那便是種榮耀,先發與否,對我沒什麼差別,在那裡,尤其是在 我的新故鄉,是我的榮幸 Nowitzki finished third among West forwards in fan voting. Denver's Carmelo Anthony and San Antonio's Tim Duncan are the starters. 在西區前鋒結束投票時,Nowitzki名列第三,前兩名為甜瓜跟石佛 Kobe Bryant of the Lakers and Phoenix's Steve Nash are the guards, and the Suns' Amare Stoudemire will start at center. kobe跟飄髮哥是先發後衛,Stoudemire則是中鋒 In the East, Cleveland's LeBron James and Boston's Kevin Garnett are the forwards, Miami's Dwyane Wade and Philadelphia's Allen Iverson are the guards and Orlando's Dwight Howard will start at center. 在東區,LBJ與KG是前鋒,Wade和戰神是後衛,Dwight Howard 則是中鋒 The reserves will be selected by each conference's coaches and will be announced Jan. 28. 教練將選出替補並在1/28公布 Nowitzki is a cinch to be voted in by the coaches for his ninth All-Star appearance. He had been running second in fan balloting but was overtaken by Duncan down the stretch. He finished with 1,093,005 votes, about 67,000 behind Duncan. Nowitzki被教練票選入明星賽是一件很容易的事,在票選過程中,他曾經位居第二 ,但被Duncan後來追上,最後共拿到109萬票,大約落後石佛67000票 Nowitzki may not be the only Mavericks representative at the Feb. 14 extravaganza. 在2/14的明星賽中,Nowitzki不會為小牛隊的惟一代表 The coaches for each squad will come from the team with the best record in each conference through games of Jan. 31. Phil Jackson of the LA Lakers and Mike Brown of Cleveland are ineligible because they filled those roles last season. 兩隊的教練會由兩區戰績最好的球隊教練擔任,但Phil Jackson跟Mike Brown 上季已經擔任過,所以這季失去資格 As of Thursday, the Mavericks had the best record in the West after the Lakers, which would put Rick Carlisle and his staff in line to coach the West squad. 目前小牛的戰績為西區第二,僅落後湖人,所以小牛隊教練Rick Carlisle 以及助理將 會成為西區明星隊的教練 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

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