[比賽] at Philadelphia (2010/01/23)

看板D_Nowitzki作者 (Dallas Mavericks)時間15年前 (2010/01/23 22:22), 編輯推噓0(000)
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Dallas 81, Philadelphia 92 Field Goals Rebounds Player pos min fgm-a 3pm-a ftm-a +- off def tot ast pf st to bs ba pts D.Nowitzki F 40:14 4-13 0-1 7-8 -10 0 8 8 1 3 1 3 1 1 15 Recap: 老闆Cuban坐在板凳後面看比賽,他應該很火大,看著小牛亂鬥......小牛投 籃命中率只有3成95,81投32中...... 3分球命中率也只有2成 ,15投3中... ...其中JET5次出手全數摃龜,Kidd4投中1。小牛很明顯地,在這次客場之旅 看起來是有點累了。 卡帥說:他們的板凳是影響比賽主要的因素, 那些人展現出大於我們假設的 影響力,我們陷入了苦戰,關鍵時候我們無法把球投進去追近比數, 也無法 阻擋他們,這是很糟糕的結合。我們有打出一些小高潮, 但是卻不能持久下 去。 "Their bench was a major factor," "Those guys made a bigger impact than we had hoped to let them. And we struggled. At key times we couldn't get shots to go down, and at key times we couldn't get stops. It's a bad combination. We had small spurts but never sustained it." 小牛第3節的12分,是本季任1節的新低得分。 小牛在最重要的第4節,不曾將差距追到9分以內...... 卡帥說:我們的失誤都出現得非常不是時候,當我們投進些球時, 我們開始 無法阻擋他們。他們是支很有天賦的球隊,比起戰績, 他們今天打地還要更 好。他們有很多比數很接近、很不幸地輸球,他們好到足以擊敗你, 如果你 打地不好的話,而我們就是從頭到尾都打地很糟糕。 "Our lapses were ill-timed," "When we got a couple shots to go, we couldn't get the stops.They're a talented team. They're certainly better than their record.They've had a lot of close, tough losses.They're good enough to beat you if you don't play a good game and we just did not play a good game from start to finish." 這趟客場之旅目前是2勝2敗, 下一場對尼克將是決定這次東岸之旅到底是成 功還是失敗。可以確定的是,小牛得找回他們的手感,包括Dirk、JET和Kidd 在內,他們今天不曾連續投進兩球過。我們的防守還不差, 76人投籃命中率 只有4成3,如果扣掉第3節的命中率,那這個數還會掉更多(76人第2節投籃命 中率5成2)。 http://tinyurl.com/ydzt9ny Recap http://tinyurl.com/yegnl6d Dallas News Postgame Quotes: (Why do you think the offense stalled tonight? :) "We had some good looks. We know we’re more of a jump shooting team, but it seemed like there was a lid on the basket. Especially for the third quarter where we actually got some stops in a row, but we couldn’t get the lead under ten because there were a bunch of possessions in a row where we couldn’t score. So, we never really cut the lead. Our defense wasn’t really bad in the third quarter, and we tried to make a push in the fourth quarter but, they kept making big plays." 我們有一些不錯的機會,我們知道我們是大量依靠跳投的球隊, 但今天籃框 看起來似乎是加了蓋,特別是第3節,我們真的阻擋下了他們,但我們無法將 差距縮小在10分內,但是我們也無法得分,所以我們真的無法縮小差距。 我 們在第3節的防守並不是真的很糟糕,我們在第4節嘗試製造攻勢, 但他們持 續投進重要的球。 http://tinyurl.com/yd54pjv -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
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