[比賽] at New York (2010/01/25)

看板D_Nowitzki作者 (Dallas Mavericks)時間15年前 (2010/01/25 18:46), 編輯推噓0(000)
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Dallas 128, New York 78 Field Goals Rebounds Player pos min fgm-a 3pm-a ftm-a +- off def tot ast pf st to bs ba pts D.Nowitzki F 30:22 6-12 1-2 7-7 +38 0 5 5 3 3 2 1 0 0 20 大屠殺......不過這次是輪到小牛屠殺對手,而且50分是創下隊史新高!!! 在少了蛋皮和Kidd兩個先發球員,還有這樣的表現真的很令人吃驚。 Dirk 也獲得了不少休息時間。 Recap: 沒有Kidd沒有Dampier,沒有問題。 小牛仍然以128:78懸殊的比數擊敗尼克, 這是小牛隊史上單場勝分最大的一 場比賽。 取代Kidd先發位置的J.J Barea得到11分並傳出4次助攻, 而且沒發生任何失 誤。另一個受惠的人就是Roddy Beaubois,他在今天上場了24分鐘, 得到了 13分,並且傳出5次助攻,還抓下6個籃板,外帶3次抄截。 小牛在第2節開始掌控大局,單節得分32比18, 打完上半場以59:43取得16分 的領先優勢,上半場小牛丟進了8顆3分球,只出手了13次, 命中率高達6成2 。第3節小牛更是打出38:13的比數,19投15中的高命中率。Dirk第3節在幾乎 沒什麼防守的壓迫下6投5,單節攻下13分。 尼克總教練說Mike D'Antoni說:他們打的非常好,他們今天比我們更活躍, 他們打的更認真,他們的投籃真的非常的棒, 你可以知道為什麼他們是西區 頂尖的球隊。 "They were very good," D'Antoni said. " "They were much more athletic than we were today. They played harder. They shot the ball extremely well. You see why they're one of the top teams in the West." http://tinyurl.com/ybz227l Postgame Quotes: (On today’s game:) "It all started defensively for us.They really live and die with the three point shot. We tried to take that out of the game, I think they only had one three [pointer] in the first half. We tried to take David Lee’s rolls away, the open layups he gets. Anytime you hold a team to 33 percent shooting in their own gym, you did a heck of a job. Offensively I think we moved the ball, we didn’t force anything, we got some good looks. Drew Gooden was phenomenal. A lot of guys got off to a good start. Jet [Jason Terry] was great all night. It was a solid effort on both ends off the court." 我們一切從防守開始,他們的生死真的完全依賴在3分線,我們嘗試把這帶離 比賽,我想他們上半場只進一記3分球而已, 我們嘗試讓David Lee不在狀況 內,他有些輕鬆的上籃。任何時候,你 把一支主場球隊的命中率壓制在3成3 的話,那表示你做得很棒。進攻方面,我想我們移動球, 我們並沒有受到任 何防守的壓力,我們有些很大的空檔。Drew Gooden今天非常地傑出,很多人 都有好的開始,JET整晚都很棒,這是大家在場上團結努力的結果。 (More on today’s game ) "We talked about it obviously, we came off a disappointing loss in Philly where we didn’t have anything going on either end of the floor. We wanted to make sure we played good D [Defense]and offense . So we stayed focused during the third quarter even though we had the lead. We played like it was a tight game. Our defense kept competing, we kept rebounding,and pushing the ball and making plays so it was fun to watch." 很明顯地,我們都會談到,我們脫離了一場在費城很沮喪的輸球, 我們在那 裏什麼都沒做,我們想要去確定我們有好的防守和進攻,所以我們在第3節保 持了專注力,即使我們領先。我們打得很像在打一場很緊繃的比賽, 我們的 防守保持在讓他們只能選擇其一進攻的狀況,我們不斷地抓籃板、 推進並且 投籃,所以這是很有趣去觀看的 (On the first half: ) "Like I said, they live with the three, so a 15-point lead is really nothing against them. If they hit a couple threes they’re right back in the game. You never know with this team. We wanted to make sure we played well defensively, got back in transition, and stayed with the shooters. We did a good job, I think our defense really won us the game tonight. Myself I didn't really have a lot of great looks there in the first half. But the team was great,we were still up fifteen so I didn’t want to force anything. So I just stayed aggressive during the second half and made some plays." 就像我說的,他們依賴著3分球,所以15分的領先真的不足以抵抗他們,如果 他們投進幾個3分球,就可以回到這場比賽了,你永遠不會了解這支球隊。我 們想確定我們在防守方面做得很好,進入下半場,我們還是盯住射手, 我們 做得很棒,我想今晚我們真的是靠防守贏得比賽的。 我在上半場真的沒有太 多好的機會,但是這支球隊真的很棒,我們仍然有15分以上的領先, 所以我 不需要勉強得做任何事, 所以我只是在下半場讓自己保持在有幹勁的狀態, 並且打出了一些好球。 http://tinyurl.com/yd54pjv -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: JoshHoward5 來自: (01/25 18:53)
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文章代碼(AID): #1BNNQDQx (D_Nowitzki)