[比賽] vs Indiana (20010/02/23)

看板D_Nowitzki作者 (Dallas Mavericks)時間15年前 (2010/02/27 21:52), 編輯推噓0(000)
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Indiana 82, Dallas 91 Field Goals Rebounds Player pos min fgm-a 3pm-a ftm-a +- off def tot ast pf st to bs ba pts D.Nowitzki F 31:49 7-14 0-1 9-9 +25 1 6 7 1 3 0 2 1 0 23 Recap: 小牛在明星賽前的8場比賽都至少丟掉100分,平均丟掉120.3分, 戰績只有3 8敗。而在交易之後,小牛單場失分不曾達到三位數, 包刮今天這場82:91擊 敗溜馬的比賽,小牛自從12月初以來首次4連勝,小牛也對溜馬5連勝 ,兩隊 近10次交手,小牛贏了其中9次,而溜馬上次在達拉斯贏球是在2004年1月。 Dirk得到全場最高的23分,他連續15場對溜馬的比賽得分至少都在20分,JET 從板凳貢獻了14分,Brendan Haywood本季第15次double-double, 得到13分 還抓下生涯新高的20籃板。 溜馬全場命中率只有3成7,3分球1成3的命中率(23投3中), 則是小牛本季對 手單場3分球進球數最少的一場。 溜馬在最後的垃圾時間打出一波14-2的攻勢,但在此之前, 他們可是落後多 達22分。 來到小牛的Brendan Haywood平均11.2分、11.0籃板和2.4個火鍋。 Dirk說: Haywood在禁區裡是頭野獸,他抓下每個籃板,並且改變別人投籃的節奏、姿 勢,他總是把禁區給賭起來,當我們完成交易時, 我們不知道蛋皮會受傷, 所以這真的很及時。 "Haywood is a beast in there," "He gets every rebound and alters shots. He is always in there clogging stuff up. When we made the trade, we didn't know Damp was going to be hurt, so that really is a life-saver now." 小牛投籃命中率只有3成9,而且禁區得分還以40:28輸給溜馬,但會讓比賽結 果有所不同的原因在於快攻得分,24:13,籃板也以53:46勝出。 http://www.nba.com/games/20100222/INDDAL/gameinfo.html#nbaGIboxscore Postgame Quotes: (On the four-game winning streak ) "We definitely have some work to do, but we'll take the four-game win streak especially this late in the season and we have a big one obviously coming up on Wednesday, a huge challenge with the Lakers. So, these guys really fit in well. I think Haywood really made this trade great and the sky is the limit of we keep working." 很明顯地我們有些工作得去做,但我們將會帶著4連勝,特別是在季末,接著 禮拜三對我們是很重要的晚上,一個和湖人對抗的嚴酷挑戰,我想Haywood真 的使得這個交易很棒,誰都無法限制我們繼續運作下去。 (On the team's defensive effort) "Well you know, I think we are a veteran team and I think sometime we have to bring more energy, but for the most part our defense was solid tonight. If you give up 36 percent shooting to the other team, that is pretty good. They had some open looks, but we definitely took advantage . Granger (Danny) obviously is their go-to guy and he always makes big shots, so we definitely caught a break that he was here and we made the best of it and got the win. We know we have to play better, especially on Wednesday. We have to step it up. That wasn't pretty for most of the night, but we will take the win." 恩,你知道的,我想我們是支有競爭力的球隊, 有時候我們得釋出更多的能 量,但是今晚大部分我們的防守是很堅固的,如果你讓對手投籃命中率只有3 成6,那是很棒的,他們有一些好的空檔,但是很明顯地我們要到了優勢, Granger是他們的王牌,他總是投進一些重要的球,很明顯地我們抓到了他不 在的優勢,並且贏得比賽,我們知道我們得打的更好, 特別是禮拜三對湖人 。我們必須加快腳步,今晚大部分做的不是很好,但我們將會帶著勝利。 http://tinyurl.com/yd54pjv -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
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文章代碼(AID): #1BYIEgb9 (D_Nowitzki)