[比賽] vs New Orleans (2010/03/01)

看板D_Nowitzki作者 (Dallas Mavericks)時間15年前 (2010/03/07 11:48), 編輯推噓0(000)
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New Orleans 100, Dallas 108 Field Goals Rebounds Player pos min fgm-a 3pm-a ftm-a +- off def tot ast pf st to bs ba pts D.Nowitzki F 38:49 14-25 0-0 8-9 +5 1 7 8 7 3 1 0 0 0 36 Recap: 在一個局面艱困的晚上,Dirk證明了他的價值,而黃蜂菜鳥Darren Collison 最終還是犯了菜鳥會犯的錯誤。 Dirk得到了全場最高的36分,而其中14分集中在最關鍵的第4節,最終小牛以 100:108擊敗黃蜂,拿下7連勝。Dirk全場25投14中拿下36分 ,這是Dirk自從 2008年2月以來首次連3場得分在30以上,他還抓下8個籃板, 送出7次助攻, Kidd則是13分、9籃板和5助攻,但也發生了本季新高的7次失誤。 小牛投籃命中率高達5成2,上半場則是6成7,快攻得分方面則是30:14勝過黃 蜂。Dirk說:我們在第3節有個好的領先優勢,我們鬆懈了,接著你知道的, 我們一直發生失誤,這讓他們開始動了起來並且又回到這場比賽。 "We had a nice lead in the third quarter," "We were rolling and the next thing you know, we throw the ball all over the place and that got their running game going and they started making shots to get back into the game." 小牛上次7連勝要追溯到2007年的12月30號到2008年1月13號, 小牛自從交易 過後戰績是7勝1敗。 http://www.nba.com/games/20100228/NOHDAL/gameinfo.html Postgame Quotes: (You ended with 36 points tonight. Where were you trying to get at on the floor?) "Well first of all we made this a lot harder than we should have. We had a nice lead in the 3rd quarter, we were rolling and the thing you know we throw the ball all over the place and that got their running game going and they started making shots and got back into the game. We got to look at some stuff and obviously execute better. For me I've been in a decent rhythm after the all-star break and I’ve been attacking whatever is there, sometimes in the post, sometimes off the dribble. My teammates have been doing a good job of finding me and I’ve been doing a good job of knocking down shots." 我們在第3節有個好的領先優勢,我們鬆懈了,接著你知道的,我們一直發生 失誤,這讓他們開始動了起來,他們開始投進一些球, 並且又回到這場比賽 。我們得專注在某些事情上,並且執行地好一點,對我而言, 在行星賽後我 一直都處在還不錯的節奏裡,而且我不斷地進攻不管是在低位, 或是運球切 入時。我的隊友在尋找我,把球給我的工作一直都做的很好, 而我也投籃這 方面做的相當不錯。 (Talk about your pose late in games under pressure?) "I actually missed two shots towards the end that I felt should have gone in, but I was able to make that last shot with 58 seconds so I’m happy about that. I just try to stay confident and we’re probably one of the deepest teams in the league right now. We love to be play together and hopefully we can continue to improve and be right there in the playoffs." 在比賽快結束時我錯失了兩次我覺得會進的球, 但我仍然可以在58秒時投進 這最後一球,所以我為此感到很開心,我只嘗試保持有信心, 而我們現在可 能是聯盟中最有深度的球隊之一,我們喜歡一起打球, 並且希望我們持續進 步,能在季後賽有好的成績。 http://tinyurl.com/yd54pjv -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
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文章代碼(AID): #1Bao7vtP (D_Nowitzki)