[比賽] at Minnesota (2010/03/09)
Dallas 125, Minnesota 112
Field Goals Rebounds
Player pos min fgm-a 3pm-a ftm-a +- off def tot ast pf st to bs ba pts
D.Nowitzki C 29:48 8-15 0-0 8-10 +14 1 5 6 3 4 1 0 1 0 24
Shawn Marion可是還沒忘記怎麼得分,他只是一直忙著做別的事而已。
小牛最終以125:112擊敗地主灰狼,拿下12連勝, 這12連勝追平了隊史第5長
連勝紀錄。 總教練Rick Carlisle說: Marion今年為了成為最好的防守者之
一、 為了抓籃板、為了幫助別人防守、幫別人掩護,他真的在他的比賽裡犧
牲了太多。 每個禮拜我都在告訴他,他對我們有多麼重要,我真的很感激、
欣賞他今年為我們所做的一切。 我真的很高興他打出一場很棒的比賽,這對
他而言真的很棒, 他是我們球隊裡做了最多調整的人,而這在我們的輸贏之
"He's really sacrificed so much of his game this year to be one of
the best defenders, to get rebounds, to be a help defender, to be
a screener,"
"Every week I tell him how important he is to us, how much, as a
coach, I appreciate what he's done for us this year."
"I'm really glad he had a big game,"
"It's good for him. He's the guy who has made the biggest adjustment
of any of our guys, and it's showing up in wins and losses."
唯一一件他還沒為小牛所做的就是進攻--直到小牛們需要他。 由於小牛缺少
了好幾位主力球員,再加上Dirk陷入犯規麻煩, 他重新點燃了他在鳳凰城擋
不下來的得分火力,這位11年的老手用本季新高的29分, 和全場最高的14籃
板,去忘掉先前最多只得到18分的情況。Marion說: 在這個聯盟的任何人都
可以把球投進去,我並不是在指我,我所做的一切就是要贏球, 我在這個聯
盟已經很多事了,但是我現在我想贏得總冠軍,我想留一些東西給後人, 而
"Anybody can get shots in this league.That's not what I'm about. All
I want to do is win,"
"I've done a lot of things in this league, but I want to win a
championship. I want to leave a legacy, and you've got to make
sacrifices to succeed. So that's what I'm willing to do."
事實上,這一連串的連勝,是小牛自從2006年以來最長的一波連勝, 但是特
別令人感到喜悅的是他們如何拓展這波連勝,看看Brendan Haywood背部酸痛
、Erick Dampier手指骨折、Jason Terry臉部開刀。蛋皮和Haywood的缺席迫
使小牛大部分時間得用很矮小的陣容去打球, 小牛大部分時間用區域防守去
面對敵人,希望可以去制止灰狼的得分機器Al Jefferson, 而這個戰術幾乎
我們傷害很大,但是區域防守卻讓我起了很大的作用, 我們現在陣容是多麼
地小,但是我們用區域防守擋住他們並且嘗試抓下籃板, 這是很值得去看的
,但是最終我們還是需要我們的大個兒回來防守的,長時間來看, 它不會一
"It hurts us now that our big guys are out, but the zone has been
effective for us. We're so small in there, but we can pack in the
zone and try to rebound out of it,"
"It's been fun to watch, but we definitely need our big guys back for
defense. In the long run, that's not going to cut it. Smallball is
just not going to win against the big boys."
Dirk連兩週拿下單週最佳球員。(其他就不多說了,上面文章有XD) 這是他生
http://tinyurl.com/ybgx82t Recap
Postgame Quotes:
(On the Mavericks' offense)
"Offensively I think we're a pretty good group. With the small
lineup, we're moving the ball, we're playing off each other."
進攻方面,我想我們是非常棒的一個團體,我們用矮小的陣容, 去移動這顆
(On passing in their offense)
"It's just a bunch of veteran players playing off of each other, so
it's been fun sharing the ball."
(On Shawm Marion)
"Obviously we all have to make sacrifices on a good team, we all know
he can get a lot bigger numbers than what he's scoring. Ultimately if
you want to win the championship the whole team has to make sacrifices."
很明顯的,我們在一支好的球隊都必須去做一些犧牲, 我們都知道他可以得
Our Way Our Will Our Win ╭╯Dallas Mavericks╭╯
 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ╰─────────╯
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