[比賽] vs Denver (2010/03/30)

看板D_Nowitzki作者 (Dallas Mavericks)時間15年前 (2010/03/30 20:40), 編輯推噓6(602)
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Denver 93, Dallas 109 Field Goals Rebounds Player pos min fgm-a 3pm-a ftm-a +- off def tot ast pf st to bs ba pts D. Nowitzki F 37:16 7-17 4-5 16-17 +20 3 7 10 10 3 0 2 1 0 34 生涯第2次大三元!!! Recap: 攻守表現均衡的小牛最終在主場以93:109擊敗金塊。 而Dirk34分、10籃板及 10助攻拿下生涯第2次大三元。小牛也贏得了今年和金塊例行賽的系列賽,這 也代表著本季不論何時兩隊戰績相同時,小牛都可以取得較高的順位。 Dirk說:很明顯的這是非常愉悅的一勝。我們分享球、 我們彼此帶著很多的 能量一起打球,而我們喜歡像這樣一起打球。 "This was definitely a fun win," "We share the ball, we play off each other with a lot of energy and we love to play together. JET在旁邊補充說:這就是Dirk阿,而這也正是我們。 "It was Dirk," "and it was everybody." 小牛目前戰績是49勝25敗,並且領先金塊有1.5場差,但是現在最靠近小牛的 是49勝26敗的爵士,只有半場場差。 賽前, 金塊代理教練Adrian Dantley認為這場比賽可以說是整季最重要的一 場比賽,但是除了攻下27分的J.R. Smith外, 其他人都沒有打出應有的水準 ,而陣中主力Carmelo Anthony甚至在Shawn Marion的看守下失常。 Dirk說:今晚最大功臣應該屬於Marion,他今天打的太棒了,Anthony是聯盟 中最棒的得分者之一,而Marion守他守的很棒,他是今晚的最佳球員。 "To me, the game ball really belongs to Marion. He was fantastic tonight. Carmelo is one of the best scorers in the league and he did a phenomenal job on him. [Marion] was the player of the game." 第4節後段,Dirk傳球給Jet, 而他的16呎跳投幫助了Dirk完成第10次助攻, 這也是小牛自從結束13連勝後後最理想的一場比賽。 Kenyon Martin缺席了過去15場比賽,而這對金塊在防守和精神上造成了很大 的影響。而小牛也利用了這個優勢,Dirk得到了34分,Kenyon Martin說:他 一直都是個難纏的對手,不僅是對我們而言, 我整晚唯一做的就是盡量的去 守住他。 "He's a tough matchup for everybody, not just us," "The only thing I do night in, night out is make it as difficult as I can." 所以說,小牛會期待在季後賽碰上金塊嗎?Dirk說:誰知道呢? 這在西區太瘋 狂了,排名可能會在球季的最後一天才會知道吧, 所以實在是很難去預測, 我只是想要去打好最後的8場比賽,而季後賽也快到了,像今天這樣的氣氛是 我們要去面對、去調整的。 "Who knows? In this West it's crazy," "I mean the seeding it's going to get all the way down to the last day of the season anyways again. So it's tough to predict what's going to happen nin this crazy West. I'm just going to play these last eight games left like the playoffs are already here. The atmosphere was almost like it and whoever we're going to face we're going to adjust to that." 不過Dirk知道金塊是很難纏的,特別是如果他們健康的話。 Dirk說:很明顯的他們有一個令人無法置信的得分球員 Carmelo [Anthony和 聯盟中最好的控衛之一Chauncey Billups,健康的他們是非常難纏的, 粗野 的季後賽籃球,而且他們在主場打的非常非常的好,一旦他們健康的話, 他 們會是聯盟中最好的球隊之一。 "Obviously they got an unbelievable scorer in Carmelo [Anthony] and Chauncey [Billups] is obviously one of the best point guards. He runs the show. When healthy they can play tough, physical playoff basketball and they're very, very good at home. Obviously one of the best home records in the league. They're definitely one of the best in our league once they're healthy." http://tinyurl.com/ykw8jkn Recap http://tinyurl.com/yfetpf4 Dallas News Postgame Quotes: (On his shooting tonight) "Felt like I missed some wide open shots believe it or not. I had some good looks there. My three-ball looked good, but my in-between game, I had a couple step backs and a couple of turnarounds that didn’t go down. So, that is something to work on, nobody is perfect.” 不論你是否相信,我感覺錯失了一些空檔的出手,我有一些空檔, 我的三分 球看起來很棒,除了三分線內的出手,我有點找回了步伐, 並且有些好轉, 並沒有完全不在狀況內,所以這就是一些東西會有效的原因, 但沒有人是完 美的。 (What does this win mean) "Definitely a big win. We are looking at the standings and Denver is right there with us, so we have been looking forward to this game for a long time. We felt like it was a great atmosphere, a playoff type atmosphere, physical basketball and the crowd was into it from the get go. This was definitely a fun win. We are at our best when we get some stops and run and get the ball into Jason Kidd’s hands and fill the lanes. We share the ball, we play off each other with a lot of energy and we love to play together. To me the game ball really belongs to (Shawn) Marion. He was fantastic tonight. To me Carmelo (Anthony) is one of the best scorers in the league and he did a phenomenal job on him, trying to stay down and make him take some tough shots. To me he was the player of the game." 很重要的一勝。我們看著西區排名,而金塊就在我們旁邊, 所以我們好長一 段時間一直在注意這場比賽,我們感覺到很棒的氣氛, 一個季後賽的氛圍, 激烈的籃球。很明顯的這是很愉悅的一勝,當我們可以擋下他們, 並且跑起 來,讓Kidd拿到球時,我們處於最棒的狀態。我們分享球、 我們彼此帶著很 多的能量一起打球,而我們喜歡像這樣一起打球。Anthony是聯盟中最棒的得 分者之一,而Marion守他守的很棒,嘗試讓他在狀況外, 並且迫使他很困難 地出手,對我而言,他是今晚的最佳球員。 (Talk about the development of Rodrigue Beaubois) "He is going to be great. He’s a work in progress still, we all know that, but I think the sky is the limit for him. He’s athletic, he’s long, he can shoot and penetrate and he’s quick off the dribble. So, he is going to really, really nice. His future is bright and he will be fun to watch for a long time. But, obviously he will have ups and downs in his rookie season, but as long as he keeps it moving and listens to J Kidd, one of the best point guards in the game, he has a great leader to look up to and could be great for a long, long time.” 他會越來越棒。他不斷在進步,我們都知道, 不過我想天空才能限制住他。 XD他非常的有用運動能力,他的手臂很長, 他可以投籃、滲透對手的防守, 而且他運球非常的快,所以他真的、真的非常的好。他的未來很光明, 看他 的比賽很有趣,但很明顯的在菜鳥球季會有起起伏伏, 到只要他保持進步和 接受Kidd的指導,Kidd是聯盟中最棒的空衛之一, 他身旁有一個很棒的領導 者可以去觀察,並且變得越來越棒。 http://tinyurl.com/yd54pjv -- Dirk大三元,讓我等不及先發這篇XD -- ╭─────────╮ Our Way Our Will Our Win ╭╯Dallas Mavericks╭╯  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ╰─────────╯ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

03/30 21:00, , 1F
03/30 21:00, 1F

03/30 22:18, , 2F
03/30 22:18, 2F

03/30 22:56, , 3F
03/30 22:56, 3F

03/31 00:08, , 4F
03/31 00:08, 4F

03/31 11:16, , 5F
03/31 11:16, 5F

03/31 13:34, , 6F
03/31 13:34, 6F

04/01 00:17, , 7F
補推 大三元!!喔耶!!!!!!!!
04/01 00:17, 7F

04/06 15:44, , 8F
04/06 15:44, 8F
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文章代碼(AID): #1BiV4WMG (D_Nowitzki)